This bot is now deprecated and has a successor! Please read EVE Auth - Discord Bot for details.
UPDATE: Using this bot is free for now. It’ll stay free until the new bot is out of beta.
This is a public hosted auth-bot for authenticating your discord users against their ingame characters, nothing else. It can assign roles based on group membership (in Corporation, Alliance, Coalition, Faction, etc.), standings and corporation roles (Director, Accountant, etc.). If you want, it will also create hoist roles based on the name of the Corporation, Alliance or Coalition the characters are in. It can also change the discord nicknames of your users to their ingame character names.
This bot is meant for smaller corporations and alliances who do not have the infrastructure to host the various other bots that are out there or don’t want to have a complicated setup. In exchange for the hosting, the bot has a monthly fee of 10 PLEX’s worth. With the current PLEX price that will be around 28m – 29m ISK per month, which should be cheap enough. There are no size restrictions and you won’t have to pay more for bigger servers.
For now I have added a free month that will start as soon as the Bot joins your server. Enough time to play around and see if this lives up to your expectations. Suggestions and feature requests are of course welcome.
The configuration page will give you a lot of freedom with how you can manage your stuff. If you have any questions, join me on the development server and ask away. I will be glad to help.
How do I make this bot join my discord server?
You have to be the owner of the server. Just click the following link, log in to your discord account and select the server you want the bot to join.
See: EVE Auth - Discord Bot
What permissions does the bot need?
The bot does need a role with the Administrator privilege. Make sure the role you give the bot is positioned higher than the roles you want it to manage. The bot can not assign roles to your members that are higher than its own highest role.
How do people authenticate themselves on my server?
Enter !auth in any channel on your discord server. The Bot will send you a private message with a link. Follow the link, log in and choose your character.
How can I configure the bot?
Enter !config in a chat channel on your discord server. You will receive a private message with the configuration link. This link is for one-time use and will expire after you configured the bot for security reasons. You need to request a new link every time you want to change the configuration.
How can I check my payment status?
Enter !credit in a chat channel on your discord server. You will receive details on how long the bot will keep running with your current credit, what the current PLEX price is and where you need to direct the payment towards and with what reason.
Why should I trust you?
If you don’t, then don’t use this bot. If operational security is of utmost importance to you, your corporation or alliance will use its own bot anyway. This bot was made for people that do not or can not host stuff on their own servers or do not want to follow a complicated setup routine. I have no use for your standings and corporation roles and I do not read your discord messages.
— Bot-Commands —
Authenticate your discord user with your ingame character.
Can be used by: Everyone
Check the current credit of your server, how long the bot will still run and how to pay for more time. It can take up to 1 hour for new payments to be acknowledged.
Can be used by: Everyone
Configure the bot.
Can be used by: Owner, Bot Operators
Shortcut to activate the bot.
Can be used by: Owner, Bot Operators
Shortcut to deactivate the bot.
Can be used by: Owner, Bot Operators