You’re completely oblivious to the real problem with RMT. RMT is not just botting, RMT crime organizations also steal credit card info to pay for subs and skill extractors (and the disputes for those cases cost a lot of money to companies) and also hacked accounts. So someone steals a CC info, buys N$ worth of stuff, and when the owner finds out CCP is up to spending anywhere between 3x and 10x N$ to clean up the mess with the bank, the credit card company, the card holder, et cetera. And that without even the potentiak to lose the customer. Then account hacking comes with its own downsides; cleaning the mess costs CCP a lot of GM resources to try to figure what was stolen, where did it end, how much could cost to recoup, et cetera, plus also the downsides of people finding out that their character is now an empty husk and needing free sP injectors to recover it.
RMTrs are stealing CCP’s property, causing them legal and financial trouble, causing lots of customer support work and are killing the income source of the company as legit players go away.
Every game that allows players to trade stuff with other players is a potential target for RMT. Adn the main reason why RMT happens, is because there is demand for it. People want to buy “gold” and trinkets at a cheaper price than the legitimate owner determines. And why in the name of the seven wisdoms would a company let someone sell their stuff for a lower price than them without even buying it first?
When a botter or a RMTer sells CCP’s property in the form of ISK, PLEX, spacehsisp or another digital product, CCP is losing the money they would have earned if a player had acquired them in the legitimate way. There is a ratio in which sub time become ingame assets, and botters just maximize that ratio. If a player must pay x sub months to get his first Titan, the botter will do it in 1/3 or 1/5 of the time just by playing 23.5/7. So CCP effectivley losses all those extra motnhs the real player would need -and that if the RMTr didn’t just use a stolen cc so CCP losses the sub money plus must face all the expenses of credit card fraud.
TL;DR: RMT costs a lot more of money than CCP could earn by tolerating it. From fraud cost to human resources workload to missing revenue as botters get a lot more bang fort heir buck than real players.
No company allows cirminals to steal them of their money. None.