Yes, and he did good work tracing out what looks very much like and RMT operation.
But that does not explain why CCP would tolerate RMT.
Yes, and he did good work tracing out what looks very much like and RMT operation.
But that does not explain why CCP would tolerate RMT.
All the graphs are accurate. Nothing wrong with his data gathering,
If I want to examine the causes of global warming, collecting the number of pirates named Blue Beard probably isn’t sound data gathering. Even if you want to plot the two values against each other. It just doesn’t matter if you get the numbers right
His graphs are the only part I have been concerned with.
And afaik, they are accurate.
You are misreading
The graphs are accurate, and all I’m concerned with
FYI: Process IS the graphs. Not his interpretation of them, or conclusions derived from them.
Why would CCP tolerate RMT?
CCP states that credit card fraud and account hacking are the biggest problems with RMT.
So watch a particular scene in Clear and Present Danger, the one where Cortez and Cutter meet.
If CCP has accepted that RMT will always be something they can’t completely stamp out, and if a certain group ran an RMT web site that was credit card fraud/ account hacking free, well, you do the math.
You are suggesting that CCP is complicit in a criminal organization/activity? Ooookay.
Whats going to be done about this?
(Aside from burying it behind gish and thread merging)
RMT is not a criminal activity in most countries. Credit card fraud is.
Is this a suggestion that these are legit companies that pay taxes?
Idk thats why I ask
And in most countries helping those who commit crimes is itself a crime.
This thread should be full of kms of botting fleets and heads on spikes.
If Dinsdale knows so much, why doesnt he ever do anything about it?
Teckos and Salvos between them have enough energy to evaporate carrier fleets alone!
MOBILISE people!
LOL, i said this earlier too. If bots were constantly identified and destroyed it would make it expensive to use one. But then i suppose If it is linked with RMT and plex then it is a question of how much one can afford.
It seems to me Devs are happy to waste time investigating bots when Bots shouldnt have had access to the game in the first place.
No player wants to kill a Bot, they want to analyse how the bot makes money and how it will affect the economy.
I don’t now where you are going with this. If someone set up a web site in one of many many countries where RMT is not illegal, did not engage in hacking or credit card fraud, strictly RMT, and they also registered as a company, and paid taxes, then there would be zero legal issues for said company.
Now imagine if that company was run by an ingame organization that had tons of botters inside their ingame corp, and they taxed them at say, 15%. The in-game corp would not even have to buy ISK, though of course they could, since they would have a massive ISK flow just from taxes.
That group would be very very reluctant to report botters. And if they had a clean record and understanding with CCP about no hacking/ no credit card fraud, CCP would be inclined to look the other way, especially if that ingame organization had a superior spy network which allowed them to identify botters in other organizations, which they could then feed to CCP.
See that is a much better narrative. In fact, it is not unlike the cops using snicthes/“confidential informants”. And look you didn’t need to invoke the possibility of CCP being involved with an actual criminal activity.
That does create a problem. Why would I or any other as a player willingly pay for a subscription if that wasn’t openly known? It was no where mentioned to be the case or advertised as such.
What is advertised is that Eve online is a sandbox created and driven by the players. Not a select group of players.
It wouldn’t matter if the contracted RMT company pays legit taxes. Though they personally wouldn’t have the consequence of burden. CCP and Eve online would.
It is often the case that corporations don’t know what each hand is doing. Just as true of their contractors and subsidiary’s. The mention of fraud can never be ruled out because it can’t in many cases be proven or disproven.
If the scenario you described has truth it can be construed as complicity and I dare say collusion. To manipulate markets and sway the direction and amount of revenue about a game derived on player creation. To be used as a source of revenue for a 3rd party might just be a crime.
Just the suggestion can be enough to have a company be prodded to change its practices.
Hopefully that isn’t the case. Many honest players involving hundreds of millions of dollars in subscriptions will have been misled into going forward based on the known advertising as true.
I scrolled up a ways, but did not see links to your kills. Can you repost?
Im a lover, not a fighter babes x
In all seriousness, when someone feels like coming up with a solid way to do it, Im in that queue. Thing is, Im not very good at this game, so my plans would suck.