However, my issue persists. I run two clients, one on a 1440p monitor (the primary monitor) and another on the secondary at 1080p. Every time I start a client on the secondary (regardless of which account I’m assigning to it) it scales the window as though it is on the 1440p monitor. So at 1080p it scales to the same window position as it would appear on the primary monitor. Sometimes I can - eventually - get it to behave properly by switching between window, fullscreen, and fixed window until it finally recognizes the monitor resolution and becomes a full screen fixed window at 1080p. Other times, it will simply not revert to correct behavior, and will even lock me out of the resolution selection dropdown.
Fullscreen mode is the only option that reliably works. Window and Fixed Window will both scale as though they are on the primary monitor.
My client profiles are configured in the launcher. Using a profile configured for primary or secondary will start on the correct monitor. No issues with any profile/account combo on the primary monitor. This only occurs on the second monitor. I am also setting the monitor to “Adapter 2” in the display options. This is becoming an extremely frustrating issue as it makes it next to impossible to read anything on the secondary monitor.
Does anyone have any advice on resolving this issue? Has anyone had this happen that hasn’t had it magically disappear? Thanks in advance to anyone that can offer insight or assistance.
Alright, I’ve done more testing and will share here what I’ve done. Problem still persists.
I’ve tried every variant of scaling related compatibility settings on the eve.exe properties. All but one failed to change anything - and the setting that fixed the 1080p display borked the 1440p display instead lol.
I’ve tried all of those settings with/without the “Disable fullscreen optimizations” box checked.
I’ve checked all of my settings in the Nvidia control panel.
I’ve disabled Windows automatic scaling feature, and retested all the above combinations with the automatic scaling enabled and disabled.
I’m at a complete loss. If it’s a windows setting, I don’t know where else to look. If it’s an EVE setting, I can’t find it.
I even tried to install a second installation of EVE assuming I would run one for the 1440p and one for the 1080p - I can’t have two versions of the launcher open at once. I’m desperate for a fix at this point, and I’ll send a months worth of Omega in PLEX to whoever can solve this issue.
I have the exact same issue! I use two 24" 1920x1080 monitors (left/right) and a 27" 2560x1440 in the middle. The graphics on the side monitors are blurry/bad to read and scaled up to the main monitor, just horrible. I really want to know what magically fixed the other guys problem, I have also not found a solution yet.
What made it a bit better though, was to set one of the 1920x1080p monitors as the main screen in windows, then make windows show the taskbar on all three screens. I then scaled the UI on the large monitor to 90% and it was easier to bear. Maybe try it out and hit me up ingame, maybe we can find a solution together.
I did end up finding the problem. It’s a Windows issue.
The secondary monitors are scaled relative to the scaling of the primary, from what I can tell. Under Control Panel → System → Display my 1440p monitor is set to 125% under the Scale and Layout → Change the size of text, apps… dropdown. My 1080p monitor is set to 100% because I don’t need things blown up on the lower res monitor. This was causing my Eve client on the secondary to be shrunk by that 25% difference.
Changing the Control Panel display scaling on the secondary monitor to match the primary while I’m playing Eve fixed the issue. Hope it fixes your problem too!