EvE could use some public transportation

Ooops, accidentally took a detour into lowsec…unmanned ships can be so unreliable.

Hope you don’t have any fancy implants.

Dear passengers we are entering harsh weather conditions please fasten your seat belts. :wink:


Some folks do expect Operation Magic School Bus to be that sort of thing.

It isn’t


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As I started to read this thread the old joke went through my mind:
I want to die in my sleep like Uncle Jim, not screaming like his passengers.

One thing I like about Eve is the scale of it: you can’t easily just jump on a bus, doze off and wake up the other side of the cluster - it takes effort and preparation. Jump clones require you to get yourself there first. Home clones are the limited get around - more like moving house than visiting: they require a commitment.

I don’t need New Eden made smaller.

ack, Uncle Jim surely agrees

Bonus points if it looks like a frog ejecting eggs from its back (full on trypophobia trigger).

From a mechanical standpoint, if you are transporting ‘live’ online pods there’d have to be an auto ejecting system if the pilot DCs. I think way way back possibly in early Eve Online Beta there was a way to scoop (kidnap) someone’s pod to your cargohold and log out with them trapped inside. It was very unfortunate.

In practicality this ‘clone’ transport system feels a lot more suited to courier transport of jumpclones. However that introduces a slew of considerations with players being able to ‘safe-log’ many backup bling clones (not jump capable clones) in wormholes if faced with potential evictions. Personally no strong feelings one way or the other, yet something to consider if you want a mass transit vehicle for pods or clones.

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Good idea

This is yet another unpleasant comment. Life in New Eden isn’t all about people harking down advantages for themselves - for many people it is about immersive realism, world building, freedoms, exploration. I kinda resent it when people always cynically assume the worst. I am myself highly in favor of making Eve significantly bigger in scope, by adding storyline and landscaping objects. I don’t care if they immediately have some kind of function. I don’t care super much about an almost OCD level of demands for “Geejm Belluns”.

Add these and similar features. Eve is currently desolate and barren of all things that should exist in anything approximating a realistic universe.

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