I don’t know about the M1-M3 chipset, but the latest patch (3-18-25) has completely destroyed performance on the M4. I went from 60fps+ across 3 clients (3200x1800, 2@ 1440x810) on a base MacMini M4 with full graphics set to high to between 25-35fps across all 3 clients (having to turn off anti-aliasing and change other settings to low).
It was still even over 60fps+ until Tranquility went down and they onlined the new 1.08GB patch. If I downgrade the graphics settings and just run a single client - I can barely get 45fps when just warping between systems.
At the very least - things were supposed to stay the same (with the potential upside of between a 20-45% FPS increase).
What’s worth noting is that there’s exactly zero difference between running with or without hardware acceleration (at least on the M4) - which leads me to think that on the Mac side the CPU has been tasked with 100% of the workload and the GPUs are just idling (which might explain the increased CPU load and chip temperature a few of us have been seeing).
The Upscaling Settings also seem bugged, since while you can select “AMD FSR 1.0” there’s no Upscaling Setting option and when you close the window it reverts back to Off.
To give a report, so far I don’t see any performance issues on M1 Max. [Caveat: I only run single client, no multiboxing.]
FPS is pretty solid at 55-60, and if anything, it seems CPU usage is down quite a bit. EVE is about the only app that ever makes the fan spin up on my Mac Studio, and thus far, I have not heard it today. Activity Monitor is showing about 20% CPU load, so it seems the GPU offloading is doing its thing.
I’m running an M1 Max and I’m seeing pink/blue/green “stripes” outside stations and gates. No idea whether GPU/CPU utilization is up/down/sideways, but it’s extremely annoying. There’s no way I could continue to play if this somehow goes into permanent extistence.
M1 Max. See the attached screenshots from above a gate. Note the white line is where a CONCORD billboard is normally displayed. In some of the shots you can see partial billboard text as it transitions.
For me this problem still happens when I toggle each to low, test, repeat. 2560x1440 UI 100%, V-sync On, Upscaling Off, everything on High (tested with Low). M1 Max on a Mac Studio w/ Studio Display.
Yes, Sequoia 15.3.2. With graphic settings of High/Ultra, with a single client (3200x1800, windowed) I can achieve a fps of 55-62fps when de-synced. This drops by about 4-8fps when synced (go figure).
Both CPU load and temperature are noticeably higher. This makes no sense as literally right after downtime (pre-Evolve patch) I was seeing 60fps+ on 3 clients.
I should be seeing a 0-20%+ increase in performance - not a 40-50%+ decrease.
Im unable to turn on FSR 1.0 also on a new M4 MacBook Air. Spent hours troubleshooting, rebuilt the Mac, redownloaded full client etc.
Same situation as you, can’t select a quality type from the drop down below once toggling FSR 1.0 on. If I come out of the graphics menu and go back in, FSR 1.0 is toggled back off. Frustrating.
I’m also very disappointed with game performance this week, even with sound and graphics completely disabled (ctrl-shift-F9) on all but one of my clients. Sorry I made a new thread, I should have commented on yours.
By the way, are you also noticing anything funny with your in-game map when you drag it around? Mine isn’t working so well. And this is persisting when closing and reopening the map.
I am having the same graphics issues as shown in this post, and have since the Evolved update. I haven’t had the map glitches though with all the green lines.
I doubt this is an Apple Silicon problem as much as just a Metal problem, I say this because I, erm, play on my 2013 27" iMac, 10.15.7 Catalina, 3.5GHz quad-core intel core i7, 32 GB 1600 Mhz DDR3 RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4GB. The performance wasn’t amazing before the update, but not the lowest settings by any means, and getting a playable 30-35FPS
After the update I can sometimes get that FPS in a station, it’s more around 20-25FPS in Space, and possibly epilepsy as well.
For me the map issue appears to be associated with the Shader Quality setting, which I usually keep to Low. When I set Shader Quality to Medium the map is fine. When it’s on Low the map problem persists even when I restart the client lol. (All my other graphics settings are on Disabled/Low except Texture Quality on Medium.)