EVE Installing

Hi, Alphea. Nice to meet you here. :slight_smile: It seems, you are on a Ubuntu distribution to install the evelauncher using the guide from UniWiki but this guide is quite outdated. IDK in which evelaucher version CCP has changed the qtwebengine. The sql errors comes from incompatibility to newer ones. To solve this error remove the CCP directory in your ~/.local/share with

rm -rfv ~/.local/share/CCP

Please download the latest evelauncher binary from here:


to try the UniWiki way again and please, use NOT the build-in wine version from the launcher, use a custom wine like the wiki has this described. So you can use then DXVK, which is a great perfomance boost for EVE but only with a custom wine. DXVK can be installed with winetricks (which is also recommended) like so:

env WINEPREFIX=~/.eve/wineenv winetricks dxvk

Check your input lines twice, in your last line on the 2nd screenshot you have a typo, sudo and edit are two commands.

HTH :slight_smile:

Ups just seen, the typo are in the wiki, but changes nothing, should be sudo edit

PS. On Ubuntu distributions you have maybe difficulties launch the game itself because of incompatibilities of installed xcb libraries. In this case just remove the xcb-libraries in the evelauncher directory like so:

rm -v /Path/To/evelauncher/libxcb*