The launcher stopped working for my ubuntu too, and I found out it was because of wine 4.18 (both devel and staging versions). I installed winehq-stable, and the launcher started working again.
Same effect here under Debian Testing. I guess its a regression from wine-devel 4.18, version 4.17 works so far. The error was:
0009:err:module:import_dll Library blue.dll (which is needed by L\"
C:\\\\tq\\\\bin\\\\exefile.exe\") not found
Have wine 4.0.2 from Debian Testing installed, works too. Only DXVK 1.4.3 doesn’t like the wine version, it recommends 4.5 minimum now but works here with 4.0.2.
You have on your system the libxcb* files always installed and these are not compatible with the xcb-libs from the launcher. Delete these libraries in your launcher directory with
rm -v ~/.local/lib/EVE/Launcher/libxcb*
and try again to start
I reported the wine 4.18 issue here. It may help to confirm it there.
Thanks again for the assistance! Now I just need to figure out how to update the binaries. Every time I attempt to launch it, I keep getting that error message, and I can’t seem to figure out why or how because the set of binaries appears to be up to date. I apologize for being bad at this sort of thing, but still want to learn how things like these work!
Today i have on Debian Testing wine updated to version wine-devel 4.17 with the command:
root@amd4k3:~# apt install --install-recommends wine-devel-amd64=4.17~buster wine-devel-i386=4.17~buster wine-devel=4.17~buster winehq-devel=4.17~buster
After start and updating the used wineprefix from eve all works again as expected.
Now i have wine updated again to wine-devel 4.18~buster with
root@amd4k3:~# apt update
root@amd4k3:~# apt upgrade
Then started, wine updated his prefix and then i have the same error like yesterday and eve does not start. With wine-devel 4.18 from WineHQ i created a new wineprefix and installed there the windows version from evelauncher (version 1586592), run this installation and all works here after a long startup time (evelauncher and eve itself). The question is now, is it a regression in wine 4.18 or a bug in the linux evelauncher (version 1548102).
@Rhyme_Bittern you can try to downgrade wine to version 4.17~eoan like i have done with the debian version but i dont know, if winehq have this version in their repo for eoan. If not try the repo from 19.04 aka disco and set this version then with apt on hold.
It’s not an error, it’s a limitation of my scripts. On startup compare the build time from the evelauncher binary with the build time from the evelauncher archive. By a difference greater than 1 minute it updates the binaries again. With
touch ~/.local/lib/EVE/Launcher/evelauncher
should this be solved.
It seems that the wine problem is already solved on wine’s git, so I’ll just wait for its next release
Whilst I don’t need to use your code myself, I’d like to say a heartfelt ‘Thank You’ for all the time and effort you spend making this game playable for a lot of people who’d otherwise be unable to participate. Well done !
See also, how does one update the binaries?
It’s a bit offtopic, but by writing the library build routine in the setup script i thought 1 minute was enough on modern pc’s to perform this task. So if you start the setup on 10:59:50 and it ends on 11:00:10 then you have this ominous one minute difference which updates later on every start the eve launcher binaries.
I am on Arch Linux and was able to downgrade to wine 4.17 through the pacman cache with the following command.
#pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/wine-4.17-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
I will hangout here till 4.19 releases and hopefully its fixed. Sounds like the testing is already fixed according to @Rhyme_Bittern
Was there an update to 4.18 on Arch? Manjaro are atm on 4.17. (Hmmpff forgot that here are a forum not a chat, so nevermind )
Yes wine-staging is currently 4.18-1
Maybe Manjaro hasn’t updated yet?
Yes maybe you should start a discord for eve linux people @Gharim_Turen
Another update and hopefully the last for this year but before Christmas for sure. Download sources are on AUR as always (have there a look on evesetup). As long previous versions work for you, there is no need to update to revision 6. Happy holidays and…
– fly safe o7
When I had to buy a new laptop it came with W10, and Linux was the natural antivirus system to adopt. Over a decade of solely using Windows has limited my technical skills (To HTML and basic JS), so I am currently only able to do Linux stuff if I can name and google it.
Which was why I was delighted that Eve Uni has a guide!
However, after getting through the guide I found two issues. First, Terminal seems to encounter an error when installing (Though as you can see, I followed the EveU guide without noticing at first) and when I wanted to check whether the installer worked at all, I realised that the launcher opens fine, but when I try to launch the game itself, it doesn’t work.
Is this a common issue with a guide to solve? What steps can I do to troubleshoot, and what would you fine people need to know to assist?
Hi, Alphea. Nice to meet you here. It seems, you are on a Ubuntu distribution to install the evelauncher using the guide from UniWiki but this guide is quite outdated. IDK in which evelaucher version CCP has changed the qtwebengine. The sql errors comes from incompatibility to newer ones. To solve this error remove the CCP directory in your ~/.local/share with
rm -rfv ~/.local/share/CCP
Please download the latest evelauncher binary from here:
to try the UniWiki way again and please, use NOT the build-in wine version from the launcher, use a custom wine like the wiki has this described. So you can use then DXVK, which is a great perfomance boost for EVE but only with a custom wine. DXVK can be installed with winetricks (which is also recommended) like so:
env WINEPREFIX=~/.eve/wineenv winetricks dxvk
Check your input lines twice, in your last line on the 2nd screenshot you have a typo, sudo and edit are two commands.
Ups just seen, the typo are in the wiki, but changes nothing, should be sudo edit
PS. On Ubuntu distributions you have maybe difficulties launch the game itself because of incompatibilities of installed xcb libraries. In this case just remove the xcb-libraries in the evelauncher directory like so:
rm -v /Path/To/evelauncher/libxcb*
You can find me on TiS discord
It’s time for another update. The highlight of revision 8 of my evesetup package are a reworked evebackup script which produces now portable client setting archives in users Documents/EVE directory.
These archives hold all client settings for all known servers (which i know atm), including fittings, overlay settings and so on and can be used on different EVE setups as long the used hardware are the same (or better ) which was used during the backup process.
It doesn’t matter if you use wine from your distribution or from WineHQ or use a proton version via Steam, the only thing you must know, where your eve profile folder are located, in most cases are this
$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$EVEUSER/Local Settings/Application Data/CCP/EVE
If you use only my package then does everestore this for you (after you have the archives from a external storage into your Documents/EVE folder copied). For more explanations have a look at this thread: how-to-never-lose-your-ship-fittings-and-eve-settings
The sources can you find on AUR under evesetup as always.
– fly safe o7
Thank you for all the work you did!
Nice update!
having issues with latest update:
tar: ./eve-transl5.11-??.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now