Cant install eve in ubuntu

hi, im trying to install eve online on ubuntu (latest)… with limited knowledge in linux… i tried wine, i tried the eve wiki method…the farthest i got was with lutris but it stays frozen on this screen (see image)…

i also tried playonlinux,q4wine… nothing works

Did you followed the instructions here

This is my Linux version

Description: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
x86_64 GNU/Linux

Kernel: 4.15.0-142-generic

In a Lenovo and is running fine

Also alternatively if you are in the USA and you are OMEGA you can try stream the game
check here

yes as ive said ive tried the wiki method… and im not in usa, im in Canada

I use the normal windows Eve download with windows launcher in Ubuntu and wine. I don’t use the ancient CCP Linux install because it has ancient wine, ancient QT, etc and I use the latest wine available. I don’t use lutris.

They screwed up the launcher a while back so that it does what you describe.

My fix was to just overwrite the current launcher with an older version until an update to the launcher or wine makes whatever version of the future work again.

The disadvantage is that the launcher constantly wants to update itself. Luckily you have 30 seconds to cancel the launcher update. So every time I open the launcher I cancel the update and I’m good to go.

As for Eve anywhere I will never be using it.

Streaming gaming wastes too much bandwidth and is too laggy on my internet. Also there was some issue saving settings or whatever.

i downloaded wine64… same problem, it stops before it gets to the launcher

wine eve.exe
0064:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0064:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0064:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0064:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0034:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0034:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0034:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0034:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0064:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0034:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0064:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0034:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
005c:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
005c:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
005c:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
005c:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
005c:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
005c:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0084:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0084:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0084:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0084:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0084:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0084:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
002c:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
002c:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
002c:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
002c:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
002c:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
002c:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
00f4:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
00f4:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
00f4:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
00f4:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0024:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0024:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0024:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0024:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
00f4:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
00f4:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0024:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0024:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0024:fixme:nls:get_dummy_preferred_ui_language (0x8 0031F384 0031F2E4 0031F378) returning a dummy value (current locale)
00f8:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetThreadInitializationType FFFFFFFA, 02A7FEF8
0024:fixme:file:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
0104:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0104:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0104:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0104:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0104:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0104:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0104:fixme:file:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
0104:fixme:process:SetProcessShutdownParameters (00000100, 00000001): partial stub.
0024:fixme:nls:get_dummy_preferred_ui_language (0x8 0031F384 0031F2E4 0031F378) returning a dummy value (current locale)
0024:fixme:nls:get_dummy_preferred_ui_language (0x8 0031F384 0031F2E4 0031F378) returning a dummy value (current locale)
0024:fixme:font:freetype_set_outline_text_metrics failed to read full_nameW for font L"Ani"!
0024:fixme:font:get_nearest_charset TCI failing on 20000000
0024:fixme:font:get_nearest_charset returning DEFAULT_CHARSET face->fs.fsCsb[0] = 20000000 file = L"Z:\usr\share\fonts\truetype\fonts-gujr-extra\aakar-medium.ttf"
[433] installer | controlScript.qs | ctor | Start loading ControlScript
[448] installer | controlScript.qs | installer.valueChanged | key: ‘ShowDetailsN
ame’ | value: ‘&Show Details’
0138:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0138:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0138:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0138:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0138:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0138:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0144:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0144:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0144:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0144:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0144:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0144:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
[650] Critical: installer | controlScript.qs | getOsUuid | Failed to gather GUID
: TypeError: Cannot call method ‘split’ of undefined
[652] installer | controlScript.qs | installer.valueChanged | key: ‘uuid’ | valu
e: ‘Unknown’
[656] installer | controlScript.qs | installer.valueChanged | key: ‘sessionId’ |
value: ‘Unknown1623093407000’
[661] installer | controlScript.qs | installer.valueChanged | key: 'sendPageview
’ | value: ‘C:\users\chris\Temp/installer-resources/ga.bat C:\users\chris\Temp/i
nstaller-resources/curl.exe Windows 7sp1 Windows%207%20SP%201%20(6.1) 6.1.7601 6
4%20bit x86_64 Unknown Windows%7C7sp1%7CWindows%207%20SP%201%20(6.1)%7C6.1.7601%
7C64%20bit%7Cx86_64%7CUnknown Unknown1623093407000 installer 2.9.2’
[663] installer | controlScript.qs | installer.valueChanged | key: ‘sendEvent’ |
value: ‘C:\users\chris\Temp/installer-resources/gae.bat C:\users\chris\Temp/ins
taller-resources/curl.exe Windows 7sp1 Windows%207%20SP%201%20(6.1) 6.1.7601 64%
20bit x86_64 Unknown Windows%7C7sp1%7CWindows%207%20SP%201%20(6.1)%7C6.1.7601%7C
64%20bit%7Cx86_64%7CUnknown Unknown1623093407000 installer 2.9.2’
0150:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0150:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0150:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0150:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0150:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0150:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0158:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0158:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0158:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0158:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 29 not handled, platform 1.
0158:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0158:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0158:err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
0158:fixme:winsock:server_ioctl_sock Unsupported ioctl 4004747b (device=4004 access=1 func=d1e method=3)
0158:fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl unsupported WS_IOCTL cmd (SIO_IDEAL_SEND_BACKLOG_QUERY)
[1230] installer | controlScript.qs | ctor | Finish | Loading took 797 milliseco
X Error of failed request: GLXBadFBConfig
Major opcode of failed request: 149 (GLX)
Minor opcode of failed request: 0 ()
Serial number of failed request: 1831
Current serial number in output stream: 1831

the install file was renamed eve.exe for simplicity

You need to install all the dependencies (into the relevant prefix):
First install “winetricks” from the Ubuntu repository, then

winetricks corefonts d3dx9_36 vcrun2005 vcrun2008 vcrun2010
wine msiexec /i wine-gecko-2.47.1-x86_64.msi

You need to install a recent DXVK as well for using Directx11 (which works quite sweetly).

no change :confused:

Are you using the latest version of Wine (6.0) or the one from Ubuntu? - the current launcher won’t run on older versions of Wine. There are some long threads on that subject on these forums.

Having built a process for installing Eve a long time back then I’m beginning to reach the limits of my knowledge.

no, like i said i installed wine64

wine eve.exe
0016:err:ntoskrnl:ZwLoadDriver failed to create driver L"\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NDIS": 00000001
0021:err:ntoskrnl:ZwLoadDriver failed to create driver L"\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\wineusb": c0000142
[517] installer | controlScript.qs | ctor | Start loading ControlScript
[535] installer | controlScript.qs | installer.valueChanged | key: ‘ShowDetailsName’ | value: ‘&Show Details’
[835] Critical: installer | controlScript.qs | getOsUuid | Failed to gather GUID: TypeError: Cannot call method ‘split’ of undefined
[837] installer | controlScript.qs | installer.valueChanged | key: ‘uuid’ | value: ‘Unknown’
[841] installer | controlScript.qs | installer.valueChanged | key: ‘sessionId’ | value: ‘Unknown1623099936000’
[847] installer | controlScript.qs | installer.valueChanged | key: ‘sendPageview’ | value: ‘C:\users\chris\Temp/installer-resources/ga.bat curl Windows 10 Windows%2010%20(10.0) 10.0.17134 64%20bit x86_64 Unknown Windows%7C10%7CWindows%2010%20(10.0)%7C10.0.17134%7C64%20bit%7Cx86_64%7CUnknown Unknown1623099936000 installer 2.9.2’
[849] installer | controlScript.qs | installer.valueChanged | key: ‘sendEvent’ | value: ‘C:\users\chris\Temp/installer-resources/gae.bat curl Windows 10 Windows%2010%20(10.0) 10.0.17134 64%20bit x86_64 Unknown Windows%7C10%7CWindows%2010%20(10.0)%7C10.0.17134%7C64%20bit%7Cx86_64%7CUnknown Unknown1623099936000 installer 2.9.2’
[1016] Warning: Can’t recognise ‘curl -d “v=1&t=pageview&tid=UA-45583206-10&cid=Unknown&cd3=Windows&cd4=10&cd5=WindowsWindows010Windows0(10.0)&cd6=10.0.17134&cd7=64Windows0bit&cd8=x86_64&cd9=Unknown&cd10=Windowsx86_64C10x86_64CWindowsWindows010Windows0(10.0)x86_64C10.0.17134x86_64C64Windows0bitx86_64Cx86_64x86_64CUnknown&cd12=installer&cd13=2.9.2&cd14=1623099936000&cd15=Unknown1623099936000&dt=EVEx86_640Onlinex86_640Installer&dp=opened” “”’ as an internal or external command, or batch script.

[1020] installer | controlScript.qs | ctor | Finish | Loading took 504 milliseconds
X Error of failed request: GLXBadFBConfig
Major opcode of failed request: 149 (GLX)
Minor opcode of failed request: 0 ()
Serial number of failed request: 2086
Current serial number in output stream: 2086

but i think your right, something is wrong with wine, i cant install wow, star trek online or world of warships…

wine64 is the software.
Are you running version 6.0 of wine64?

dunno, how do i install it ?

wine --version
wine-5.6 (Ubuntu 5.6-2)

Follow the instructions on the Wine website.
Without the details of your system, and more importantly the time to work through what it is up to and what need to be fixed, I’m not sure there’s a lot more help I can give you.

i did… it didnr help:

pls give me the cmd line that i need
