EVE Installing

Have set WINEDUG too in my .bashrc but if you start evelauncher he read the enviroment and overwrite some variables later with them from eve.conf if there are the same occured, in this case WineDebug. Just grep after fixme or winedebug in a evelauncher logfile and i bet, you will found many fixme’s there.

Oh, i forgot i have set only fixme-all not -all because i want only see errors if they occured, nothing more.

Have updated evelauncher setup again to version 1533170 at this time. Three updates in three days was a fast update cycle. :smiley: Address have not changed, you can download the sources from AUR as always.

– fly safe o7

Today i have found a bug in my packages which have since launcher version 1539902 prevent the installation of a new EVE environment. The fixed version 1548102 are now available on AUR. Previous versions can be deinstalled before using this package and following directories should then be removed:

rm -rf $HOME/.cache/CCP
rm -rf $HOME/.config/CCP
rm -rf $HOME/.local/share/CCP
rm -rf $HOME/.local/lib/EVE

to create a new, clean environment. Before you do this, you can with evebackup save your usersettings to minimize the effort by reinitializing the EVE environment.

– fly safe o7

Im a little confused on how to get this working, I downloaded the AUR package and tried following the guide on the website.

Without more information about your setup (Linux Distribution for the start, KDE alone are not enough) and which step of the build- installation- or launchprocess are failed, i cannot help you. If there was an error, the scripts should give you a message, what was going wrong.

Sorry about that,

I am using arch Linux. I installed your AUR package and when I go to run the eve online launcher in KDE, it launches in my task bar and then disappears.

I guess I should ask, is there a step by step guide for this?

There are no better guides than this on the Arch Wiki about AUR: Arch User Repository which describes the whole process about this. On my website you have only the needed steps in a nutshell to build a AUR package from the sources (slightly outdated, because i have no more access to this site).

Please open a Konsole (Terminal) and start evelauncher.sh from there to see more messages from the launch process. Ignore the security errors, its inside stuff from CCP which not interfere with the launch process itself, but look for missing libraries, which maybe prevent the start from the launcher gui.

I guess, you have missing dependencies in your KDE setup which i not need on Manjaro, because if you see the systray symbol from evelauncher for a short time means, that my scripts have successfull launched the evelauncher binary itself and have done her job. It’s only a guess so far.

Please open a Konsole (Terminal) and start evelauncher.sh from there to see more messages from the launch process. Ignore the security errors, its inside stuff from CCP which not interfere with the launch process itself, but look for missing libraries, which maybe prevent the start from the launcher gui.

[blake@home evesetup]$ evelauncher.sh
printf: usage: printf [-v var] format [arguments]

This is the console output, is there a missing argument in the script maybe?

Do you have build and installed a package with makepkg -si (described in the Arch Wiki)? The evelauncher.sh script in the source directory are not functional without packaging and installing. I get the same error if i try to start evelauncher.sh here after made it executable:

[gharim@amd4k3 evesetup]$ chmod +x evelauncher.sh
[gharim@amd4k3 evesetup]$ ./evelauncher.sh 
printf: usage: printf [-v var] format [arguments]

Please make a package and install it, then try this again with the installed evelauncher.sh and use the full path to the script like




to be sure.

Updated today the evesetup scripts to revision 3. Thanks goes to @Garric_Shadowbane who leads me to a nasty bug, which only by the setup of a new eve environment appears. I should really always make a new setup if i change something on the scripts and not only update my existing eve environment.

– fly safe o7


The new update was able to launch and installing now :slight_smile:

After some updates on my scripts yesterday i have tested these again on a new installation of openSUSE Tumbleweed which i have done last year (described here). Things which have changed in the meantime:

  • openSUSE Tumbleweed 20190921

  • KDE Plasma 5.16.5

  • Wine

  • dxvk version 1.4.1 installed with evewinetricks

In addition to this you must install following packages: libQt5WebSockets5, libopenssl1_0_0 to get evelauncher working. Optional you can install libnotify-tools to get desktop messages from evesetup scripts.

For the last version from my scripts i have created a new tumbleweed patch:

gharim@amd4k3:~/Downloads> cat tumbleweed.patch

diff --git a/build_installer.sh b/build_installer.sh
index 9663c14..9529e63 100755
--- a/build_installer.sh
+++ b/build_installer.sh
@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ echo "done."
 printf "\nCopy needed files from AUR source..."
 for eia in ../eve-icons*.tar.gz ;do tar xf $eia -C evesetup/ ;done
-for eta in ../eve-transl5.11-??.tar.gz ;do cp $eta evesetup/ ;done
 for cmd in evelauncher.sh everegedit evewine evewinecfg evewinetricks evebackup ;do
     if [ -f ../$cmd ] ;then cp ../$cmd evesetup/ ;fi
     if [ ! "$cmd" = "evewine" ] ;then cp ../${cmd%.*}.desktop evesetup/ ;fi
 cp ../evesetup.shlib evesetup/evesetup.shlib
-cp ../evelauncher.sh.in evesetup/evelauncher.sh
+cp ../evelauncher.sh evesetup/
+cp ../evelauncher.sh.real evesetup/
 sed -i s,ELVER=\"\",ELVER=\"$version\", evesetup/evelauncher.sh
 cp ../setup.sh.in evesetup/setup.sh
 sed -i s,elver=\"\",elver=\"$version\", evesetup/setup.sh
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ if [ -f "../evelauncher-$version.tar.gz" ] ;then
-printf "\nBuild self-extractable archive evesetup-$version-$release-$arch.run\n\n"
-./makeself.sh --tar-quietly evesetup/ ../evesetup-$version-$release-$arch.run \
-    "EVE Online Launcher Setup $version-$release" ./setup.sh
+printf "\nBuild self-extractable archive evesetup-${version}s-$release-$arch.run\n\n"
+./makeself.sh --tar-quietly evesetup/ ../evesetup-${version}s-$release-$arch.run \
+    "EVE Online Launcher Setup ${version}s-$release" ./setup.sh
 cd ..
 printf "\nClean up build environment..."
 rm -rf src/
diff --git a/setup.sh.in b/setup.sh.in
index d16b6b7..6672e4e 100644
--- a/setup.sh.in
+++ b/setup.sh.in
@@ -8,12 +8,8 @@ bootstrap_install() {
     install -dv "$libdir"
     install -d "$prefix/bin/"
     install -d "$prefix/share/applications/"
-    for eta in ./eve-transl${qtver}-??.tar.gz ;do
-       install -m 0644 "$eta" "$libdir"
-    done
     install -m 0644 "./evesetup.shlib" "$libdir"
     install -m 0644 "./evelauncher-${elver}.tar.gz" "$libdir"
-    sed -i s,./eve-transl,$libdir/eve-transl, ./evelauncher.sh
     sed -i s,SETUPDIR=\"\",SETUPDIR=\"$destdir\", ./evelauncher.sh
     for cmd in evelauncher.sh evewine evewinetricks everegedit evewinecfg evebackup ;do
        if [ -f "./$cmd" ] ;then
@@ -77,27 +73,29 @@ build_lib() {
     echo "done."
     printf "\nClean up evelauncher directory..."
     cd evelauncher/
-    rm -f ./*.a ./*.la ./*.prl
+    rm -rf ./resources/ ./plugins/
+    rm -f ./*.a ./*.la ./*.prl ./*[Qq]t* ./libcrypto* ./libicu* ./libpng* ./libssl* ./libxcb*
+    cp -f ../evelauncher.sh.real ./evelauncher.sh
     chmod 0755 ./*
-    chmod 0644 ./*.qm ./*.conf ./errorpage/*
+    chmod 0644 ./*.qm ./errorpage/*
     echo "done."
     printf "\nReplace identical files with symbolic links..."
     ln -sf evelauncher.sh LogLite.sh
-    libb=/dev/zero
-    for lib in $(find ./ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name 'lib*' -printf '%s-%f\n'|sort -r)
-    do
-       liba=${lib#*-}
-       if [ "$(cmp -s $liba $libb; echo $?)" = "0" ] ;then
-           ln -sf $libb $liba
-       else
-           libb=$liba
-       fi
-    done
+    ln -sf libgpr.so.6.0.0 libgpr.so
+    ln -sf libgpr.so.6.0.0 libgpr.so.6
+    ln -sf libgrpc++.so.1.12.0 libgrpc++.so
+    ln -sf libgrpc++.so.1.12.0 libgrpc++.so.1
+    ln -sf libgrpc++.so.1.12.0 libgrpc++.so.6
+    ln -sf libgrpc.so.6.0.0 libgrpc.so
+    ln -sf libgrpc.so.6.0.0 libgrpc.so.6
+    ln -sf libprotobuf.so.16.0.0 libprotobuf.so
+    ln -sf libprotobuf.so.16.0.0 libprotobuf.so.16
     echo "done."
     printf "\nRemove unneeded symbols from files..."
     find ./ -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec strip -s {} 2>/dev/null \;
     echo "done."
     printf "\nRepack evelauncher-$elver.tar.gz..."
+    touch ./*
     cd ../
     rm evelauncher-$elver.tar.gz
     tar czf evelauncher-$elver.tar.gz evelauncher/
@@ -128,7 +126,6 @@ prefix="/usr"

which must be applied on the AUR sources with

patch -p1 -l -i ../tumbleweed.patch

in the source directory.

For evelauncher i use on KDE following kwin rules to suppres the windows decoration from KDE and center the evelauncher window on desktop with a size of 1280x720:

gharim@amd4k3:~/Downloads> cat evelauncher.kwinrule

[Rules for EVE Launcher]
Description=Rules for EVE Launcher
title=EVE Launcher - version
wmclass=evelauncher eve

– fly safe o7

Today i have updated my scripts to revision 5. If you use these scripts with the independed installer on non-arch based distributions have a look at the new build script build_small_installer.sh which create an installer without included dependencies. This can be used if you have the needed dependencies always on the target system installed (Qt-libs, icu-libs xcb-libs and more).

So do you not need to patch the sources (for example openSUSE Tumbleweed KDE Edition) anymore, just use the small installer, he will check the dependencies during the install process and give you advises if something are missing.

– fly safe o7

Update: Fixed the annoying wine refresh on every evelauncher.sh start (thanks goes to all wine packagers which uses her own prefixes and not the Linux FHS).

1 Like

So I’ve tried using the Eve Uni instructions to install the launcher, but I’ve encountered various issues trying to get the thing to launch from the terminal (Ubuntu 18.04). Is there a list of things I should/need to install to get the launcher to work from pretty much vanilla Ubuntu, or are there different steps?

First of all: welcome to the EVE forums! I may suggest my scripts here, but if you want the UniWiki way i need more information about wat goes wrong by trying this way.

In this thread you will find some links to an older website from me which i describe the installation process for my scripts and where you can download the sources to build an installer for yourself. It’s not hard if you have no problems to use an terminal-emulator. I have used the small installer yesterday on Ubuntu 19.04 with the result, that i must fix the wine search routine (works now).

If you want to stay on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS you can only use the big installer because the Qt-libs from Ubuntu 18.04 LTS are to old (version 5.09 and evelauncher need 5.11), just tested on Linux Mint 19.2 which is based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Standalone Installer section. I get the following error below in the Terminal. Is there a step in setup that i’m not seeing/doing past downloading the file from the link on the webpage? I tried the step after that after manually extracting the file to the same location, but encountered the same issue but with ‘chmod’ vs bzip2.

I appreciate any help you can give me, as I’m brand new to linux and looking to learn how to work with it going forward, but I got to get Eve working cause priorities lol.

bzip2 -d ./evesetup-1501045-0-x86_64.run.bz2
bzip2: Can’t open input file ./evesetup-1501045-0-x86_64.run.bz2: No such file or directory.

It cut off half of my previous post, I had mentioned that I tried going through different methods but keep getting stuck, where the error generally refers to not finding the file location or finding the correct dependancy (going through the EveUni way). I tried following the steps under the Standalone Installer section on your website, but got the errors mentioned in my post above.

The standalone installer from my site are quite outdated and should not be used anymore (see the Build Date). The number inside the filename represents the evelauncher version which i have used to build in this case was it version 1501045 but the last version are 1548102.

The only way to use my scripts now are using the sources to build an installer or a arch installer package from the actual evelauncher version because i have only access to the AUR sources at this time.

Today i have installed Ubuntu 18.04 in a virtual machine using this install media Ubuntu Desktop 18.04.3.iso to check my scripts again. Inside this VM i have used following steps:

  • Install winehq-stable using WineHQ install instructions for Ubuntu (You don’t need enable 32 bit architecture, it’s always enabled)

  • Download from AUR the evesetup sources (on the right side on AUR you see a box called ‘Package Actions’ use Download snapshot there, DON’T open it, save file)

  • On a terminal use then following commands:

gharim@ubuntu1804:~$ sudo apt install winetricks

gharim@ubuntu1804:~$ sudo apt install curl

gharim@ubuntu1804:~$ cd Downloads/

gharim@ubuntu1804:~/Downloads$ tar xvf evesetup.tar.gz

gharim@ubuntu1804:~/Downloads$ cd evesetup/

gharim@ubuntu1804:~/Downloads/evesetup$ ./build_installer.sh

gharim@ubuntu1804:~/Downloads/evesetup$ sudo ./evesetup-1548102-5-x86_64.run

That’s it and the result should looks like this (after you have launched evelauncher.sh ofc)

Beware, the first start of evelauncher take some time to initialize the environment and needs a lot of disk space later (up to 5Gb and more).

Hi Gharim,

I really appreciate all your support with me on this. I’ve appeared to gotten the launcher downloaded after spending an hour plus fixing Wine dependencies, however when I go to launch it I just get a spinning wheel for a bit before it stops attempting to launch. I got the message that Wine was initializing the first time I attempted to launch the launcher but after that it didn’t appear. How long should it take for the initialization?

butt@derpbook:~/Downloads/evesetup$ sudo ./evesetup-1548102-5-x86_64.run
[sudo] password for butt:
Verifying archive integrity… 100% All good.
Uncompressing EVE Online Launcher Setup 1548102-5 100%

Remove EVE Online Launcher Setup? (Y/n) n
removed ‘/usr/bin/evelauncher.sh’
removed ‘/usr/bin/everegedit’
removed ‘/usr/bin/evewine’
removed ‘/usr/bin/evewinecfg’
removed ‘/usr/bin/evewinetricks’
removed ‘/usr/bin/evebackup’
removed ‘/opt/evesetup/lib/eve-transl5.11-ja.tar.gz’
removed ‘/opt/evesetup/lib/eve-transl5.11-ru.tar.gz’
removed ‘/opt/evesetup/lib/eve-transl5.11-zh.tar.gz’
removed ‘/opt/evesetup/lib/eve-transl5.11-fr.tar.gz’
removed ‘/opt/evesetup/lib/evesetup.shlib’
removed ‘/opt/evesetup/lib/eve-transl5.11-de.tar.gz’
removed ‘/opt/evesetup/lib/eve-transl5.11-en.tar.gz’
removed ‘/opt/evesetup/lib/evelauncher-1548102.tar.gz’
removed directory ‘/opt/evesetup/lib’
removed ‘/opt/evesetup/bin/evewinetricks’
removed ‘/opt/evesetup/bin/evewinecfg’
removed ‘/opt/evesetup/bin/evelauncher.sh’
removed ‘/opt/evesetup/bin/everegedit’
removed ‘/opt/evesetup/bin/evebackup’
removed ‘/opt/evesetup/bin/evewine’
removed directory ‘/opt/evesetup/bin’
removed directory ‘/opt/evesetup’


butt@derpbook:~/Downloads/evesetup$ sudo ./evesetup-1548102-5-x86_64.run
Verifying archive integrity… 100% All good.
Uncompressing EVE Online Launcher Setup 1548102-5 100%

Install EVE Online Launcher Setup? (Y/n) y
Wine version wine-4.0.2 found.
Winetricks version 20180217 found.
Curl version 7.58.0 found.

Download evelauncher-1548102.tar.gz…

% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 137M 100 137M 0 0 10.7M 0 0:00:12 0:00:12 --:–:-- 10.3M

Extract evelauncher-1548102.tar.gz…done.

Clean up evelauncher directory…done.

Replace identical files with symbolic links…done.

Remove unneeded symbols from files…done.

Repack evelauncher-1548102.tar.gz…done.


install: creating directory ‘/opt/evesetup’
install: creating directory ‘/opt/evesetup/bin’
install: creating directory ‘/opt/evesetup/lib’

You can now start EVE Online Launcher and his Tools:

evebackup - Backup user settings
everegedit - Wine Registry Editor for EVE
evewinecfg - Wine Configuration for EVE
evewinetricks - Winetricks for EVE

evelauncher.sh - EVE Online Launcher


butt@derpbook:~/Downloads/evesetup$ evelauncher.sh
evelauncher.sh: Update EVE Launcher binaries
QObject::startTimer: Timers can only be used with threads started with QThread
/home/butt/.local/lib/EVE/Launcher/evelauncher: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGLX_mesa.so.0: undefined symbol: xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers

This is what I did when I tried re-running the last command. Let me know if I did something way off course.