EVE Installing

After finding a bug which not update the evelauncher locale files after an update from the evelauncher himself i have updated my installer packages so that she handle now this situation.

AUR Installer Package
AUR Source Package

Installer Package (Right Click “Save as…”)

Checksums for all Packages

After changes on the login process on server side, the login with the linux launcher versions

  • 1225328

  • 1243388 (called as Beta in the Settings Menu)

dont work anymore, only login with the developer version from the linux launcher works atm.

After you have updated the launcher to the developer version (which i not recommend, but its atm the only solution when you must use the linux eve launcher) he will hang after trying to restart himself. The only workaround so far is to kill the evelauncher process and restart the EVE Launcher from the Application Menu again, so it can restore the deleted links and files which the updater has cleaned up during the update process. Solved with the last update. Please see the next post and replace downloaded packages if she are earlier than 2018/09/14 created.

Please have a look at this post Not able to login with linux launcher

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