EVE Installing

Ok, sometimes things going wrong. I have tested the build script from downloaded AUR snapshot on a shiny, new installed Ubuntu 18.10.
First, on a Ubuntu default installation are curl not included, because apt uses wget i suppose. On Arch-based distributions are curl used in the package manager.
Second, if you build AUR packages first and then use the build script after, the external sources are in place which are not the case, when you use the build script first.

In the end you must curl install with your package manager build_installer.sh need it, or change the lines in the script with the curl command to wget.

An new snapshot can you download here Evesetup snapshot 2018-10-20
AUR are now in sync with the last changes

By starting the EVE Launcher i get following error which i suppress with removing the libxcb* files from the launcher directory:

evelauncher: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGLX_mesa.so.0: undefined symbol: xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers