I get right to it: Jita once was the solution, now it’s the problem.
As for once we had 4 hubs with Jita being at the top,
now we got just Jita and the rest being a relic of the past.
You can fly to 4-4 and get about anything for the longest time now and that is in itself not a bad thing…
and while the other hubs did not have the ‘bazzam’, you did at the very least got most of the things there too, if for a higher price or not as quick when it came to selling, but the markets were alive.
This changed within the past 5~years little by little and then very quickly.
Stand in front of the station in Rens and you won’t find lively traffic.
Go to Dodixie and try to make a quick trade and you find yourself in a void.
Amarr too, seems like a bazzar rather than a marketplace…
Today i stood in the ladder and wanted to buy a Cap Recharger Tech I.(to be clear: Tech ONE) by simply using the fitting manager and when I saw the price of 5million ISK i thought i spit my lunch out!
It wasn’t a case of scaling or scamming or anything, **the system worked perfectly fine and picked the lowest price on the station! Only 2 jumps out someone dropped reasonable pricing.
That’s all the offers you get. 2 Jumps out one person is reasonable, and that’s that.
Amarrs main offers are now at 8~24.5mil a piece… eesh.
Eve is claimed to be a case of “players will find the profit and move accordingly” but quite frankly thats not true. Why would anyone bother to fly to a dead system and sell items and wait weeks for their returns when they can just dump it at 4-4 and have a good sum in their pocket before the day is over.
Players gravitate to the most effective method. ALWAYS.
If bunny hopping makes you move faster that’s all people will do to get from A to B.
Jita is this bunny hop. The game is 20 years old and the optimization of players has become laughable in-depth at this point. If there is an exploit the Eve pilots found it and made it ‘culture’ and doing anything else gets you laughed at. I dare argue that they know more about the game than some devs. They had plenty of time to stick heads together and figure out how to make the tiniest gears turn in their favor.
And this is where CCP (or to keep it ‘canon/ingame’) the states come into play.
(now bear with me for a second)
Eve is said to have 4 equally strong nations with each holding 25% of the (Hs/LS) systems.
All of them use, for whatever reason, the same taxes and tax systems.
Now my question is:
…why would Nations B, C, and D, just stand there and look like idiots while Nation A is grabbing all the profits?!
Wouldn’t Nations B,C,D do try to incentivize a revival of their given markets?!
Wouldn’t Nation A try to fill their pockets by taking a cut for themselves?? (especially greedy Caldari…)
Honest, this is where the canon falls apart, and where I gotta say CCP failed us big time.
There is no system in place to regulate those markets and spread out the players even a little.
Give the game another 5 years and the other hubs might as well vanish from market-tracking sites since it’s just not worth bothering with double (or single)-digit sales in the millions.
Google: the first site popping up: https://www.adam4eve.eu/market_hubs.php
Nicely shows the volume traded on the respecting hubs.
Jita is 5.7x times bigger in buy and 6.2x in sell value than Amarr
6 times better than 2# place… - that’s nuts! Or at least it would been, but place 3 to X are FAR worse!
We are dropping from TRILLIONS into the BILLIONS in volume.
Many individual players could easily eat up those markets all alone with change to spare.
And… apparently, that’s what some do while the rest celebrate in Jita, drunk on their profits.
The Eve economy is on Life-Support in Room 4-4.
Even the smallest adjustment in taxes (in the affected areas) could help greatly to bring back the economy.
Give Rens/Hek 1%, Dodixie 0.75%, and Amarr 0.5% (sales) tax reduction or something like it and just let it play out for a while (months, year(s?)). Just to name a number. Either that or CCP has to find another way…
Right now Jita has the ‘Monopol of Convenience’.
This makes this system stand out above any other in a market where others might as well are the same.
Just keep in mind: This isn’t a thing you can fix overnight.
This sad economic stems from our Eve culture or rather the culture has become a doctrine.
When it once was a tip to ‘hey, go to jita, its better’ it’s now ‘do not go anywhere else!!’
I very much wish to bring back traffic into those other systems. Make them lively again!
Unless you all want to fly another 24~50 jumps to get any freaking Tech 1 module for <5mil…
ps. The suggested tax reduction should be implemented flexibly so that weaker places do get it and those frequented more regularly slowly lose it. 0-sec already does have (mechanically) similar systems in place. Based on player combat (in the system) the PVE bonus goes up -and down over time.
Depending on trade volume those taxes could adjust within ~1% range.
Of course, those are my 2 cents on ‘how to easily fix it’. I am certain eve/economy-experts can be more insightful than I am. Then again I think I do represent the average Joe, and the ‘masses’ are made up out of a lot of Joes if you look close enough… shrug … I welcome change either way. Stagnation is death.