EVE Museum updates ⭐ Dividends: 1.2 %

So, fixed monthly dividends have been paid out as usual:
320K per share (0.8 %). 3000 shares out, total payout is 0.96 bn, accumulated payout is 75.4 bn

Now to the new business I have transferred into the museum. I won’t go into too much detail here in the forum, but the Museum api is still public. The trade concerns a number of limited edition items.
In the second half of the month. the museum sold 26 Leopards, 12 Mining Foreman implants, 70 Quafe Zero, 3 Victorieux Yacht and 41 Zor implants.

The combined profit of these sales was 1.8 bn ISK, or almost 0.5% profit if ditsributed to all 10,000 shares. (for just half the month)

This is of course extremely promising, and I will continue this experiment in December. If the trade can reasonably reach profits around 1 %, I will hold a fourth Museum share sale for you.

Hello all, I have great news!

The experiment with letting the museum sell certain limited edition items is working very well indeed, and already this month surpassed the usual profit of 0.8% to the shareholders.

I won’t go into too much detail, but the following was sold: 36 of the various Genolution implants, 25 Mining F implants, 3 Leopards, 4 Praxis, 19 Vic Yachts, and 80 Zor implants.*)

The dividends paid out this month:

448K per share (1.2 %). 3000 shares out, total payout is 1.34 bn, accumulated payout is 76.7 bn

I don’t think that the profits will necessary exceed 1% every month, but I am willing to continue and even expand this trade routine. Therefore I will announce a new share sale tomorrow, with a guaranteed minimum dividend of 1% each month.

*) Be aware that the calculated profits are not mathematically precise. I am much too lazy for that, so only the sell prices will be calculated precisely. The museum buys all items from Cista2 at an estimated fair market price for each, and profits are calculated from that price. Also I don’t take into account any of the broker fees, instead a roundabout “fee” of 5% is subtracted from the overall profit before the dividend is paid out. These calculations will not be public, although the sales themselves can be confirmed with the public api.

Ops, and I had to remind myself that the share sale can only commence after explicit approval by the current shareholders, according to theRules of Governance of the museum.

Therefore I have instigated a shareholder vote on the matter, please consult your shares/corp tab, the vote will run for 4 days.

It should be a formality, I recommend approval, and I myself have voted with 1 share now, in case nobody else sees the vote.

NB! The vote went through (100%) and the share sale IS HERE.

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