EVE Needs a better Alpha program

Got a citation? Can’t find it via the first 3 google searches, including in the high level budget stuff after translation.

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characters, not players


Okay… a screenshot is evidence but not a citation. Do you have the source for that document?

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Probably pandemic grants / furlough assistance, not long term funding.


And its only $5 mil

Brief history lesson for you mate.
PLEX was initially introduced as an anti RMT measure.
There have always been people prepared to just buy ingame currency or items rather than grind it out. This problem isn’t just an EVE problem, it’s pretty widespread in mmorpgs with ingame economies and trading.
So long as people were prepared to pay $$$ for ISK, there would be people prepared to meet that demand, usually by botting.
PLEX was a way that players could turn cash into isk without needing the black market. CCP got a new revenue stream and people with more $$$ than time could get their isk without the risks of getting banned.
PLEX as a currency for micro transactions (skins etc) is a more recent development.
As an anti rmt measure, PLEX is a pretty spectacular success.


Yes, because they come into the forum and whine about how gimped they are.

No T2 large guns. Not in any T2 ship. Faction data/relic analysers. No cloaks. SP count does not go up in SeAT/AA. Spies the lot of them.

And grossly devalued the years of effort players had put into the game actually investing in their characters in the process.

It is CCP railroading people into thinking that they too can be a big name industrialist mining dirt in high security space. Its only like 90 hours of mining in a venture to PLEX your account anyway.

Except now there are rules in the large blocks that force people to use the non residue generating modules. Its overcompensating for scarcity in. way that is just causing the economy to worsen.

Plex îs bought from CCP with money. Alpha time comes out of… magic pixie dust?


Yes, lets ignore that for years PLEX was available in other regions for way less than what is cost in $USD equivalent. It was not that too long ago CCP jacked up the prices in one particular region who’s currency was worth 1/4 of what it had been when prices were originally set. It is a near certainty that people were VPN in to leverage this, otherwise valve would not have locked down the Brazilian market.

Paying for PLEX with $ to become omega is the least efficient means outside of the extremely discounted sales.

It is when it creates more activity out in space.

CCP makes plenty of wicked mistakes. T20, blackout. Industry ships for $$$. All we can do is point it out.

Absolutely, anything that makes Omega distinctly better.

If shoe fits…

If EVE was nothing but alphas, who is actually spending $$$ to keep the lights on? Same is not true if everyone was Omega.

People would be less impressed if it were 10k. There is a certain FPS game that is pulling 500k of late, doubt they will be getting any handouts.

BUT, it would drive up demand for PLEX. CCP gets $$, Alphas benefit.

No it wouldnt be a good thing

Knew that, and entirely irrelevant as no one was whining about plexing for Omega; I was simply pointing out that the individuals who practise it are playing for free, as far as they as specific individuals are concerned, just like Alphas who do not also have an Omega subscription. Moral equivalency, that is all.

No one is suggesting that. But the existence of Alphas was a commercial decision by CCP, so why do you keep whining about them? Not your decision, and CCP not interested in your opinion…

Well maybe if everyone playing Omega was not subsidising the server for Alpha CCP would not have bumped up the cost of a sub last year…

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I think ccp made more money off plexxed omegas than subbed omegas

This is still bouncing back and forth like a ping-pong tournament. While I have not paid one dime to CCP as an alpha, I am probably a link as to why you are still here playing. I spend a lot of money on the game Black Desert, as some of you may know is owned by Pearl Abyss, and they in turn own CCP. A great deal of bail out funds comes from my grand daughter and I spending real cash on silly virtual doll house furniture and fancy clothes. I know my husband would have kittens, if he saw my bank account transactions for intangible items.

Where CCP gets their money wasn’t the point of this thread. Let’s remember the OP (Solus) wanted to “better” the alpha program, so new players would “stick around to enjoy the game”. As I have already stated above, I am still here after 8 to 9 months. I am just busy with the 8th anniversary of Black Desert.

I was invited here by a friend who hasn’t been playing for sometime now. But he is been occupied elsewhere, he didn’t quit. Why do I enjoy Black Desert more than Eve? I played table top D&D back in the mid 80’s and I met my husband during a session at his house. I wrote a lot of fantasy adventure, some science fiction too. Those Star Trek neck beards want real scientific facts instead of just telling them it works and try not to think about it. One of my favorite games early on was “The Sims” and Black Desert has the very best version of it with cooking and combat.

What do I like about Eve and why do I continue to play here? I like building, character development, and creating new stories. Eve is a little weak on these but it does exist. Unlike a lot of the Eve players, I actually took time to read up on the factions, lore, and came in with some idea of what I needed to do. I watched YouTube videos, I studied the Uniwiki and did my research. After a few months of mining, I built a space station open to everyone to use. I was told a solo alpha player couldn’t do such a thing, it wouldn’t last a week. But I did it and it stayed there for 45 days while I fed the furnace fuel cubes. I think the space station is the closest thing to renting the mansion in Black Desert less the decor. Character creation is nice here, but it falls short when there really isn’t anything special to do with the 3D model except make a 2D avatar. I dug through the wardrobe here and nothing pops out as being very different. I do enjoy the space given for the biographies, Black Desert fails on bios giving us barely room to write a tweet. The space sim is very nice, but I think everyone comes in thinking they will fly will WASD keys. Even the video advertisements elude to more interaction than what is actually available. While I can enjoy my time spent on Eve, I don’t see myself spending any money here, nor do I desire to Plex to omega. My choice shouldn’t be an issue to how others play this game.

As for this Plex/cash debate, I read all this eons ago, when I played Neverwinter. They have a special exchange where you request game currency for diamonds. The big difference is a hard cap on the maximum bid and this causes an inordinate amount of backlog in the system. When I left that game people were waiting in queue up to a full 8 or 9 months for orders.

At this point, I would like to know why it would affect anyone’s game here, if alphas got access to better ships? For example; Even if I was able to own a mining barge, why would I spend 60 million to get it blasted seconds after it leaves dock? Ventures are just fine in my opinion. If I were an Omega ganker, I would push for alphas to own better ships, so I would get more ISK for blowing them up. I guess the thought never occurred to people who want to nerf alphas.

Have fun!

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Outpost construction is an omega skill. An alpha cannot build this, therefore YOU did not do build this and the people who told you that you cannot do this were right.

It devalues Omega.

Having a ship blown up is not entirely related to clone status. Sure, omega has a bit more EHP at a higher skill, but gankers are going to to their math off Omega EHP. The real crux of the problem is that a mining barge has a much higher yield than a venture, that greater earning potential SHOULD be gated behind Omega status.

A marauder with no modules or cargo ganked earns the same ISK as a t1 hauler with no modules or cargo ganked. If Alpha’s were forced to use faction to get t2 equivalent stats they become far more valuable contributors to the non-consensual PvP dynamic.

Because that thought is wholly incorrect.

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Really? This how did I manage to build this station the Banana Tigers blew up last January?

Only, if you feel there is any value to owning Omega. Items given freely have no value.

See you hit the nail on the head before you burnt any brain cells to finish the thought. This is what cargo scanners are used for, also it is why most of my ships make it to market full and end up getting ganked when empty. Players fail to use them.

You seem to believe I am in favor of getting the “better” Omega ships. I clearly said, I would not waste my time on them, if they were available. As I clearly stated, I would rather lose 100 ventures than buy some 60 million ISK barge.

Back on this topic, instead of trying to find ways to make alpha players worse or feel bad about playing, I would like to hear positive ideas on how to make omega subbing better and attractive. I haven’t read one word in this whole thread on that subject.

Have fun!

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Which is why alpha devalues everything it can do.

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I believe there may be a miscommunication here.

@Princess_Rose_Ivory did you buy the raitaru from the market and anchor it? Or did you buy the various components and manufacture the raitaru in a station and upon completion then anchor the raitaru in space?

Eloken Toralen is correct when he states Outpost Construction as a skill is listed as Omega locked.

If you were able to built the raitaru in a station, from it’s various parts, then…there is a hiccup/bug.