Eve needs a change


Except he’s wrong. We own them, with our wallets, not the opposite.

To OP, sorry to break it to you but there is no going back for Eve at this point, it’s way passed its point of return ever since injectors.

You know a game is about done once they start to capitalize on milking real money for a quicker edge ingame, at the expense of long term game mechanics.

It reminds me of another game I used to play long ago that tried the exact thing, elaborating instant gratification changes at the expense of its core gameplay…

Star Wars Galaxies.

And where is that game today ? Gone.


Plex prices have been falling for a long time, and with CCP pushing this kind of thing, they’re only going to keep dropping.
Which is great for CCP because then people have to buy more plex to get isk.
And making ships more expensive also has the same effect.
It’s a win/win/win from a whale milking perspective.
What can go wrong?!

Lost your ship?
No problem!
Losing your first ship is just the beginning - it’s an initiation every pilot goes through.
Recover your loss & get revenge!
110 PLEX to exchange for millions of isk
Spend isk on ships, weapons & more
Come back stronger & better!

It is up to the player to change Eve as we remember that New Eden is unscripted.
There is a vod out there that suggests that we could help that pirate on the belt or just continue flying by!

I bet!

The people who say they will vote with their wallet probably never paid any real life cash to ccp for years already

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