The game should have the ability to save certain UI presets so the user doesn’t have to move a lot of stuff around depending on their activity. For example:
You create your ideal PvP workspace UI layout
Ideal industry layout
Chat window positions for certain activities etc…
User can create a button for different workspaces on their neocom to switch between them. Layout options include workplace specific transparency options and UI themes.
I could get behind this. Not sure what the technical challenges are but I suspect that, as usual, they’re way more significant than it would seem. In concept though? Sure.
Technical aspects are relatively moot; no new resources need to be loaded, you just need to move them.
Same type of impact, realistically, as importing a new overview pack. Just on a more broad scale. You’d probably need to have the client do a full UI refresh (that last stage when you log on, presently) but since the data, textures, resources, etc are all loaded up already, it’d be pretty fast.