EVE-O Preview v5.1.0 "Able Actor" (multi-client preview / switcher) [ 2021-05-08 ] + limited Linux support

Awesome thank you!

Cant seem to find on this or old forum but I’ve lost the “snap” ability of the thumbnails. Is there a way to reactivate it. I’m probably missing something obvious.


What you mean by


When you have multiple thumbnails and you place them near each other, they self orient to be aligned to each other.

It is hard to activate a feature that has never been implemented in the first place.

I believe it had to be a feature with an another program. It got fixed with a restart.

Anyway, This is a great piece of software and valuable to make life easier in eve. Thank you for putting in the time and effort into this project. I really appreciate your work and other 3rd party creators out there :slight_smile:

When trying to use this my primary windows are being resized to 3/4 of the screen and are near unusual, any idea what causes this?


Well, I’ve see this from time to time even when EOP is not running at all. Yet in my case this is caused by 2 displays with different DPI and scaling.

Still could you send me via eve-mail a screenshot of this + your config file?



Sorry for the delay. I was seriously distracted by some RL stuff: https://i.imgur.com/6DFP01Z.jpg

Will take a look over this weeked

Hey thats not the mouse.

Yep. Someone did trow tis little girl to a trash can. Found her at the moment the garbage truck was pulling the can. So now I have one more cat (other cats weren’t happy with that)

There will be a minor EOP update this weekend. Seems there are issues with client location tracking + HighDPI displays

not sure if i’m doing something wrong or i’m missing a setting or something but I can’t seem to get it working.

i’ve got eve-o open, as well as my clients, but besides the eve-o settings window nothing else seems to be different, no thumbnails, no overlay nothing at all different that I can see (i’ve even tried minimizing other windows just in case something was getting hidden somehow)

when I try and adjust the thumbnail width or height settings it crashes.

Assuming you run it on Win7+ with Aero enabled:

  1. Please check that you use the latest version available
  2. On crash it should create a file named EVE-O Preview.log next to the .exe file - please send it to me via eve-mail.
  3. Also please send me the .json file located next to the .exe file
  4. Please do not run the app from a folder like C:\Program Files or similar (ie one that requres elevated prvileges to write to)


Love the Client. Absolutely fantastic work.

Was wondering if you could code a “lock” of some sort into the app, so that when I position the preview windows, I can lock or pin them in place. They tend to like to move from time to time and it gets a bit frustrating when all of a sudden one of the previews is on my other screen in front of things.

I removed some off-topic posts that were beginning to derail the thread. Please read the second post in this thread for more information.

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dose this allow a pass through ?

this right here was my issue, I had my windows theme set to xp because it reduces ram, didn’t notice the requirement at first glance.

Cant fix my .Json right I need alot of help i wanna use 1-9 on the numpad to switch all nine of my char’s.

I tryed this and it didnt work

“MinimizeToTray”: true,
“ThumbnailRefreshPeriod”: 500,
“ThumbnailsOpacity”: 1.0,
“EnableClientLayoutTracking”: true,
“HideActiveClientThumbnail”: false,
“ShowThumbnailsAlwaysOnTop”: true,
“HideThumbnailsOnLostFocus”: true,
“EnablePerClientThumbnailLayouts”: false,
“ThumbnailSize”: “528, 330”,
“ThumbnailMaximumSize”: “640, 400”,
“ThumbnailMinimumSize”: “100, 80”,
“EnableThumbnailZoom”: false,
“ThumbnailZoomFactor”: 2,
“ThumbnailZoomAnchor”: 3,
“ShowThumbnailOverlays”: false,
“ShowThumbnailFrames”: false,
“EnableActiveClientHighlight”: false,
“ActiveClientHighlightColor”: “0, 64, 0”,
“ActiveClientHighlightThickness”: 3,
“PerClientLayout”: {},
“FlatLayout”: {},
“ClientLayout”: {
“EVE”: {
“X”: 0,
“Y”: 0,
“Width”: 1680,
“Height”: 1050
“ClientHotkey”: {
“EVE - 1”: “NumPad0”

First: Very handy tool. :wink:

But ive some wierd problems.

Im using 3 Chars and made some thumbnails for each client.

If im position my thumbs - and switch to another char, by clicking his thumnail, all the positions of the other thumbnails are wierd.

Then im pick them up, putting them to my place, where i want - switch again to another client - and all thumbs are on another wierd position.

So the position, that i want (from the thumbnail) is not that,what i want, after switching clients.