EVE On-Lego

Thanks :heart:

Are you able to model each Lego part and then 3D print the part out?

Technically you could. Though the quality of the parts will be a problem for sure !

One of the great strength of Lego (and even chinese rip-offs nowadays) is the quality and precision of the pieces.
A small 0.05 cm error and everything starts to stress and eventually either breaks or you can’t complete the build.

Two options :

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Yeah, I know. I own a DaVinci 3D printer from XYZ Printing. Prints pretty good. If you expert parts you have to buy the best printer out there.

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Well, feel free to try it out then :stuck_out_tongue:

I do not own any 3d files for all the various Lego parts sooo that’s going to be a tedious work for you ahah !
If you do try it out, I’m curious to know your findings :smiley:

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Ho do you make your Lego models. basic 3D modelling? Or do you create each piece individually and then put the pieces together?

Ideas-7 would be a great modelling program, if it wasn’t so expensive. I used Ideas-7 when I as a drafter in the engineering department at Gradall many years ago.

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That would be tedious as all hell tbh :stuck_out_tongue:

Fortunately for me, two tools already exist to design Lego MOCs !
LDD from Lego themselves, which isn’t great tbh.
And Stud.io, which is initially from fans (Lego bought the site that maintains the tool since then), it is way better from my own experience !

It does many great things for me (and other MOCers ahah) :

  • Constantly updated with new molds and re-colors
  • Snapping of Lego pieces
  • Renderings
  • Animations
  • Instructions
  • Stability checking of MOCs
  • and many, MANY other useful things !

On a side note, I had a sleepless night, so I tried my hands on my first Frigate !
Hound renderings Soon(TM) ~~

Hound - Covert Ops Frigate

"Specifically engineered to fire torpedoes, stealth bombers represent the next generation in covert ops craft. The bombers are designed for sneak attacks on large vessels with powerful missile guidance technology enabling the torpedoes to strike faster and from a longer distance.

Developer: Boundless Creation

Boundless Creation ships are based on the Brutor tribe’s philosophy of warfare: simply fit as much firepower onto your ship as humanly possible. On the other hand, defense systems and “cheap tricks” like electronic warfare have never been a high priority."
(Source : In Game Description)

The Hound is one of the 4 infamous cloaky bombers. Many a Rorqual, Carrier and other small spaceship died to its hands.
It brings hard hitting torpedoes from a more than sufficient range while being very agile. Tank on the other hand is not its strong point.
It is also one of the best bomb launcher thanks to its racial kinetic damage !

## Stats :

Scale : 1/1500
In Game Size : 261 m
Real Life Size : 19,4 x 3,7 x 5,1 cm
24,3 x 4,6 x 6,4 studs
Number of Bricks : 114
Average cost : ~20 €

## Important Info :
While it uses very little (and mostly cheap) parts, I advise you to try to source all of them from one or two vendors at most to limit shipping costs.

Since the in game model is so large (basically destroyer sized), I used the 1/1500 scale instead of the 1/500 for other frigates.

All my renders are available on Imgur in 4K ! :slight_smile:

Follow my Instagram for my next Builds and to see pictures of the real life results !
(I might not build all of them, but most for sure)

All feedback is more than welcome !
I’m at the start of my MOCing journey, so any and all advices/found errors/etc are more than welcome ! :slight_smile:

Thank you for looking at my creation ! :smiley:


I need one of these to be hanging from my bedroom ceiling so it can be the very first thing I look at when I open my eyes.


Next one already cooking ! :smiley:

Any guesses ? :wink:

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If you do want to build one and don’t really know how to (or you want a specific model ?), just ask ! :smiley:

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More progress !

I finally found a pretty elegant solution for that very troublesome blue angled piece, the rest should flow easily now :smiley:
(yes it’s a little too long right now, it’s normal, that’s a placeholder really :stuck_out_tongue:)

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Almost done !

I have the back with the thrusters and docking bay left to do, after that details here and there and we’re pretty much done ! :smiley:
So probably done in one or two days :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course give it an extra day for stand and instruction making at least, but yeah, Soon(TM).

It also appears that since this model is very thin, it’ll be alright in terms of piece number and therefor price !
It should sit nicely at around 1300/1500 parts so about 150/200 euros (much better than the 400 for the Orca :coffin: ).

Enjoy the screenshots and please feel free to leave comments and critics ! :smiley:

EDIT: One quick disclaimer, the belly is very very off in terms of colors and a little in shape, there are multiple reasons for this.
First, piece availability in Sand Green color isn’t the best (it is terrible in fact, sadly, gallente MOCs will suffer from this).
Then fact that the model is actually super thin (two plates thick actually, yeah.), which forced me to use the belly as my main support structure, thus I wasn’t able to properly place parts to do the colors.
Thinks might change after I build test it :slight_smile:


Thanatos - Carrier

“Sensing the need for a more moderately-priced version of the Nyx, Federation Navy authorities commissioned the design of the Thanatos. Designed to act primarily as a fighter carrier for small- to mid-scale engagements, its significant defensive capabilities and specially-fitted fighter bays make it ideal for its intended purpose.”
(Source : In Game Description)

One of the two best Carriers for ratting in EVE (PvE grinding Mob’s version of EVE) due to its racial damage boost to fighters.
As an armor and capital ship, it is anything but agile.
Since recent nerfs to capitals in general, it is not adivsed to try and rat in a carrier, thus the Thanatos has been recessed as a cheap entry for future Nyx pilots.

## Stats :

Scale : 1/5000
In Game Size : 2268 m
Real Life Size : 43,2 x 22,6 x 6,7 cm
54 x 28,2 x 8,4 studs
Number of Bricks : 910 (1174 with stand)
Average cost : ~110 (140) €

## Important Info :
None, Yet.

All my renders are available on Imgur in 4K ! :slight_smile:

Follow my Instagram for my next Builds and to see pictures of the real life results !
(I might not build all of them, but most for sure)

All feedback is more than welcome !
I’m at the start of my MOCing journey, so any and all advices/found errors/etc are more than welcome ! :slight_smile:

Thank you for looking at my creation ! :smiley:


Hey ! @ISD_Golem

I’ve been contacted by a chinese manufacturer of “fake” lego parts that wants to sell my MOCs !
I’m wondering if CCP would allow me to accept that deal or not, I’ve already tried via email (at info@ccpgames.com) but no response yet …
Could you help by any chance ? :confused:

Thanks !

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