Eve Online Astronomy Club

Here is another Reel that is interesting.

The question is, when the neurons fire, is the neuron’s firing relative to the distance from stars that we can see and barely see in the night sky?

Are the trillions of millimeter sized comets able to merge into a thin ring around the planet?

We travel to parallel universes every time we dream and remember the dream. Light has no mass, the images made of light in a dream are massless because the dream if made of light, but the fact that the images in the dream would have mass if they were outside of the dream does prove a parallel universe exists.

If light has no mass but objects in a dream require mass to exist, then how does light create the mass of a 120-pound female in a dream without any mass?

The Wahine Curve of Space-Time in a wave.

How does a female photon instantaneously communicate with a male photon, billions of light years away?

Venus, our closest planet, is swathed in thick white clouds that reflect 2.5 times more sunlight than Earth, thus making Venus brighter than Earth.

Does every photon communicate at the speed of instantaneous with all photons or is the speed of instantaneous depend upon the photon’s wavelength?

A 20 foot long Starcraft boat with a Johnson 55 on the back, travelling at 45 mph will actually cover more surface area of the water when the water is smooth compared to the same boat and engine traveling at 45 mph on increasingly turbulent waters where the wavelength of the swell and the waves cause increased water mass to pass through, while at the same time falling into the trough between swells. A swell is basically more water being present at the bow of the boat, that even though the boat is occupying less water, the water has been folded much the same way that Dr. Romilly explains the wormhole in Interstellar, more water mass, resistance, is present that slows the boat down considerably. If you have ever watched a surfboarder riding the tunnel that creates a sphere, with air in between the that surfer rides, the tunnel size should be relative to the circular motion of the current at the base of the swell when the swell is drawn as an ^ with the sphere tangent to the swell at both legs. At each of the bottom of the legs of the swell where tangency is achieved, a right angle to the center of the sphere is created. The larger the swell, the larger the swell sphere under the water. Intersecting the swell sphere at just the correct angle of interaction, will cause the surfer to accelerate to a point on the other side of the swell, faster than if the surfer was travelling on the same volume of water when the water is a flat-like surface comprised of the volume of water in the swell.

The same should hold true for how the varying velocities of photons travel through space. The instantaneous communication of photons would be the tallest vertical line on a horizontal scale with the decreasing speeds of photonic communication becoming smaller and smaller until tangency with the sphere and horizontal line create the sphere discussed in the wave swell.

Because space time is curved, the point on the horizontal line for the tallest vertical line of the instantaneous communication speed between like photons amounts to the same height of the slowest communication speed between like photons, while the slowest photonic speed of communication takes the same amount of time to reach another similar photon that is based on the length of the instantaneous communication is able to travel across space and time. Basically, a wormhole would have a ^ and an o. If the carrot and o are opened to a flat line, the lengths should be the same length, but since the circular motion of the o is much greater than the upward rise of the carrot. Travelling the circumference of the lower part of the o on Dr. Romilly’s folded paper would be much faster than the two holes he punched through the paper. Why? Because the circular direction of the lower part of the swell is more fluid and consistent compared to the mass encountered in the ^ that is losing its ability to resist gravity and would create additional downward force and pressure trying on an object trying to pass through the carrot of the wave. Space has three observation points, Einstein space and Primordial space, interacting with each other all the time and Higgs-Boson space, which as of right now, no one knows how the Higgs is created, therefore the Higgs-Boson must reside in it’s own space-time, that when the mother, space-time capable of creating and nurturing life and the father space, space outside of our own, begin to interact, mass is added to the mother that begins the process of life and the expansion of the Universe while the father remains the same mass as it had prior to interacting with mother space. This aspect should hold true based on the water swell where the o, representing our universe is much larger than the o inside the ^. Since Primordial Space cannot have mass added to it and light photons have no mass the point at which a photon achieves instant communication speed with a similar photon would exist in the massless tunnel of the wave, the tunnel that the surfer rides through, compared to the mass of lower part of the sphere of the swell that the surfer cannot ride through but can only travel along the circumference of the sphere.

Figuring out how to de-couple the Higgs-Boson from atoms around and object will allow the object to enter massless space while de-coupled Higgs-Bosons interacting with atoms of the object or starship in this case, should keep the atoms of the hull of the ship and everything inside of the ship, intact and with mass based on how fast the starship is travelling relative to the speed of decay of the Higgs-Boson. Basically, the idea above creates the infinite symbol. The question is, does the photon or surfer travel faster through the tunnel further up the leg of the curved ^ where gravity is pulling mass back down or does the light photon and surfer achieve faster speeds through the tunnel closer to the bottom of ^ where the tidal forces of the uprising water and the undercurrent of the sphere basically part the water in two different directions? Since forces in space affect how waves are formed, then space itself should be the same as a wave of water. Just like clouds rolling and tumbling in the sky are a visible interaction of the unseen primordial space and Einstein space, so should the waves of water be the same as the clouds.

The Tesseract is much like the dream, with subtle differences. In a dream our eyes are closed, and light creates the dream shapes and figures that are massless mass. Light doesn’t have mass, but a recent post I read about a new particle not having any mass until movement takes place caught my eye. We see the 4th dimension of the Tesseract with our eye open, therefore the dream world is much like the Tesseract, one is seen with open eyes and the other with closed eyes. Could the massless particle that has mass when moving be the particle inside the dream and Tesseract that allows mass to be observed but actually does not have mass even when the particle is moving?

The Antikythera Device Inside the Tesseract.

If the modern version of the Antikythera Device is placed in the exact center of the inner cube of the Tesseract and the Tesseract is allowed to ossicilate normally while the Antikythera Device is rotated around its center axis and laser light is directed at the exact center of the cube, with a mirror placed behind the laser, what images or angles of light created?

If each of the planets revolutions around its own axis is programmed into the AkD what are the results?

The Antikythera Device must be able to reflect the laser light shown on any surface of the AkD. Then add five more reflective surfaces and then plot the light points on the mirrors for each planetary model and place against the night sky.


If Dark Matter is thought to make up 73% of the Universe and Dark Energy makes up 23% of the Universe and planets make up 4% of the Universe, then how much Dark Matter and Dark Energy would make up each star in the Universe based on the size and density when compared to the amount of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe?

If a black hole is the opposite of a sun even though a black hole comes from a collapsed star, could Dark Matter and Dark Energy be necessary to ignite a star’s inner core? With a definite amount of both forms of Dark being consumed by a star, when the star finally dies out due to local Dark Matter and Dark Energy being consumed, could Earth feed artificially created Dark Matter and Dark Energy to allow the sun to continue providing light?

Should a star actually be called a Local Light Hole that takes in Dark Matter and Dark Energy to produce light? If you don’t have a negative and positive outlet to plug the light into, then where does the star gets its electrical current from to shine?

Is the combination of Dark Matter and Dark Energy the process known as fusion that fuses atoms together that eventually leads to fission?