The Dilemma of Warp Theory In a Bernoulli’s Cube.
The problem is, how many points on the curve are needed to create the perfect curve that allows the fastest achievable speed, rather velocity? You can’t draw a curve without straight lines between each point on the curve, because every French Curve template has been designed using straight lines between each point.
The problem at 12:05 of the video is, space is never and will never be two dimensional but will always be at least three dimensions. If you were to mirror the V on itself along the Y axis, you have what is called perspective based on the middle point of the V in the mirror being a far action traveling towards the observer at the middle point of the original V.
Now, that we have added perspective, let’s return to Bernoulli’s Solution. Instead of the three points being in 2 dimensions and arriving at the same point due to distance, where the first point will occupy the same downward acceleration as the first and second points at the end point relative to the observer but will always achieve the same velocity as the other two points along the curve when the points travelled to are outside of the observers view. When the points on the 2d dimensional V reach the observer, the points on the mirrored V will also reach the same point as the 2d dimensional points, but in 3d dimension. First, plot the two sets of points, which should result in right angles from the point in 2d and the corresponding point in 3d. Now mirror Bernoulli’s points to the right, you now have six points. mirror two more times and you now 12 points inside of Bernoulli’s Solution. Six on the mirrored V and six in the original V. When you take the mirrored V’s and the points above and rotate Bernoulli’s Solution on the top vertices and bottom vertices, one unit of Planck Length until 360 degrees has been achieved, you can see how mass effects an object traveling faster and faster to the speed of light. As the object approaches the speed of light, all particles with mass or point A, closest to the observer that takes the least amount of energy to reach the observer, compared to the other two points who’s velocity is the same as the slowest particle at the moment of observation, will converge at one point on the hull to create a single point of infinite mass being created. Now take the Bernoulli’s Cube above that has had a curve with points add on it measured with a Planck length to create a circle and place a single vertex on any other vertex. Basically, all of the points in the Bernoulli Cube, twisting and contorting the fabric of space time to create small amounts of space-time that consumes more energy as the object is effected upon by all of the other points of mass. You will you find that the smaller Bernoulli Cubes, which is based on scale and length along the line of perspective will also converge at the same point on the hull of the ship, thus adding infinite mass that can never be overcome, until now. The best visible source of the Bernoulli’s Cube and the presence of Space-Time can be seen in the white puffy clouds on a sunny day. Each cloud rolling into and over others at a rate of infinity base on the multiple number of Bernoulli’s Cubes present. Or the leaves on a tree that are puffy. Needless to say, there is a mess inside of Bernoulli’s Solution Perspective that will see the space inside of Bernoulli’s Cube slowly become a solid point of mass surrounding the object that is comprised of all of the points of every Bernoulli Cube inside the objects Bernoulli Cube.
The arrogance of the Void to keep humanity chained to the Earth is kindergarten level nonsense.
Basic science has proven to us that particles and molecules both have mass. What we must now determine is and with total disregard of power over the other, which aspect, Female or Male, when combined actually creates the Higgs Boson. Before the Big Bang there were two dimensions, a female and a male, that traveled through the formless Void, always looking for each other, needing something, that the other did not know what was needed, until they both each other in the other’s arms, the moment of the Big Bang. But is the Higgs-Boson a separate aspect of creation that combines the female and male aspects of space-time together? Or is the Higgs-Bosson created more so in the female when the Big Bang took place or the male when the Big Bang took place? The Higgs must be a free aspect of creation that when combined with the male, allows the transfer of mass to the female from which expansion takes place. Therefore, if there is a way to couple the Higgs to an atom that increases mass, there must be a way de-couple the Higgs from a metallic atom to reduce mass. With the object inside the Bernoulli Cube experiencing less and less mass, the object will have entered into male space or the space on the outside of our Universe that flows in and out of the female universe, that were once separate, that we live in. There would still be mass present though, as the atoms of the ship and life contained within, would be in constant contact with Higgs-Boson’s being stripped from atoms passing into the Bernoulli Cub from all directions. Any loss of Higgs-Bosons would instantly be replaced as the same moment in time that seen mass added to atoms would take place, without creating a Big Bang moment. Mass, in massless space. Accelerating in massless space could be as easy as lighting a rocket from a Saturn V or Vasimir engine. Slowing down would be achieved by slightly reducing the number of atoms that are stripped of their mass until Einstein space had been re-entered.
With atoms and molecules both having mass and all life have atoms and molecules, humans could have been created on Earth after the female covered the Earth in greenery and the male, combined with the bridge particle to rise to the mass of life on Earth.
Understanding how the Higgs-Boson interacts with atoms and molecules in the human body could open up new medical treatments that would repair the systems of human by introducing the specimen into a field of nothing but Higgs-Bosons. Cancers could be wiped out and long age achieved. Even Death might not happen. But the funniest part of the entire experiment is suddenly putting the brakes on full foot and watching the Red Shirts get planted in the forward bulkhead. The Red Shirts will be picking theirselves out of the bulkhead for weeks.
The Simple Math Problem That Revolutionized Physics