The velocity of a piece of ejecta is inversely proportional to its mass. Anything larger than a spec of dust failed to reach escape velocity and anything larger than a grain of sand didn’t even make to orbital velocity.
Evidence of dinosaur-killing asteroid impact found on the moon
Evidence of dinosaur-killing asteroid impact found on the moon | Space
With Chixculub most likely having caused the Earth’s magnetic core to align differently that allowed new life to be born on Earth, the core of Mars might be able to be reshaped in the same manner.
I envision circular ships capturing large asteroids from the Rings of Jupiter, rotating the asteroid along the x,y, and z axis so that at the moment of impact the axial rotation and speed would send shockwaves through Mars that might wake up the cores of Mars.
Now we won’t be here, but we will forever be remembered as giving life to another planet in our solar system.
No, it was the ocean became acidic and was not caused by the asteroid.
/ look it was due to too much dino dung just like right now there is too much cow dung.
One day our oceans will turn to acid again and that is why the dinosaurs died.
(From the news piece)
…obtained the results by studying microscopic glass beads…
(emphasis mine)
As I said, the velocity of ejecta is inversely proportional to its mass. Smaller mass, higher velocity. Larger mass, smaller velocity.
So, no dino bones on the Moon. Not even dust motes from Earth. Just microscopic glass beads from molten rock ejected from the point of impact.
Glass Beads Reveal That Lunar Impacts Echo a History of Catastrophes Here on Earth.
Glass Beads Reveal That Lunar Impacts Echo a History of Catastrophes Here on Earth : ScienceAlert
Since China found the glass-beads, I’m certain China would withhold any knowledge of any biological material being found in the glass beads.
This is the last active character of Ishtanchuk Fazmarai, who won EVE Online on March 2016. Yiole is mostly a sh¡tposter at LAGL thread but occasionally may ramble…
Says it all.
I read the article you posted link for.
There’s a lot of “could” “might” and “if” in there, which tells me they don’t really know anything with any precision.
The article reads like big guesswork.
Why would China withhold scientific information from the rest of the world?
Biological matherial embedded in glass beads? That would be quite a thing, since organic matherial will just disintegrate into its atoms at the temperatures of molten glass, and the few mineral structures of biological origin tend to have the same melting point as the rock that was vaporized, ejected into space and eventually landed on the Moon as microscopic glass beads.
Really tough guess, and even then it would be quite a coincidence that a mineral structure from bacteria in the Cretacic era could be identified as such… I’m not even sure if that’s a thing at all, do bacteria fossils even exist…?
China withheld data relating to the Covid-19 outbreak.
But that lab was operated by several other nations including France. And it isn’t 100% certain that the lab was at fault and isn’t 100% certain that COVID even came from that lab.
So China would withhold scientific discoveries from the Moon because COVID-19… Sounds more like a conspiracy theory than a thought-out reason.
But maybe you’re 100% correct. I’m not so bright after all.
But, is there a chance that some of the glass beads could have solidified fast enough to contain atoms and molecules of a biological nature? Not certain.
Some bacteria secrete iron-coated sheaths that sometimes fossilize . Others may bore into shells or rocks and form microscopic canals within the shell; such bacteria are referred to as endolithic, and their borings can be recognized all through the Phanerozoic.
If a bacteria is able to secrete an iron sheath, just image if a lifeform that split away from iron-sheath bacteria actually evolved into a sentient being, capable of secreting an iron-skin and would have the same or a vastly superior intellect than humans on Earth do.
My guess was that mainland blocked outgoing calls and locked the staff away as they didn’t know what was happening or how far the leak would spread.
Many poor families lost loved ones around the globe and it happened, so our future leaders know that good things also come from outbreaks.
Technology has to improve and funding is only given based on priority.
If it actually came from that lab.
What good things ?
I would hope so. We shouldn’t fund just any crackpot’s ideas.
Importantly, what we perceive as empty space is simply regions where these vacuum fluctuations remain in a decoherent state. There is no true emptiness - rather, it is the lack of coherence that gives the appearance of vacuum.
Therefore, we can also determine that regions of space that are void of life or has life but is different from humanity, could have been created differently based on the coherent state and decoherent state of primordial elements. There has to be a link between life and the states of coherency and decoherency of the vacuum.
Time Travel Possible Using a Black Hole.
I found something interesting while watching a video about the Earth being close to a blackhole but never falling into the blackhole. There is a point of interaction between the Earth and blackhole that a year would pass in the blink of an eye. But since blinking is random, there is some delay of around a few seconds when a human blinks, so the blink of the blackhole would not reach infinity. But just a little closer, where the blink takes place without zero distance between each blink is when a rate of infinity would be reached, basically the human eye would be open and closed at the same time, occupying darkness and light, at the exact same moment. A human reaching blink zero would actually be occupying the age of infinity which could be used to time travel. As light passes by a blackhole, the history of each ray of light would be connected to the history of the solar system that the light was emitted from. To enter the timeline based on the light bending around the blackhole that would represent the history of the local galaxy, first access the blink zero zone and then simply move backwards to a point where the blink zero zone has distance in the blink. Moving away from the blink zero zone to a point where normal blinking takes place would be relative to Earth’s one year rotation. Based on how long you were in the blink zero zone would determine how far into the future you traveled. Could 100 years or a 100 trillion years.
Hit ya with the blink…hit ya with the blink.
The Earth is close to a Black Hole?!?
Einstein’s equations collide with the mysteries of the Universe - Why is the expansion of our Universe accelerating?
Einstein’s equations collide with the mysteries of the Universe | ScienceDaily
Why is our Univers expanding? In order for any Universe to expand, there must be nutrients available. Just like a human that reaches for food in order to consume and grow, our Universe must do the same. Therefore, on the outside of our Universe, there must be matter that is converted at the leading edge of the Universe that creates a gas / matter build-up inside of our Universe that causes our Universe to expand.
Take a balloon and blow it up at various speeds. Fill the balloon to full and it explodes, fill the balloon and it flops around the Universe, but if the intake of matter on the outside of the Universe is regulated precisely, the balloon fills up, over time, until the balloon is stretched to the point of exploding. There could be matter or alien forces outside of the Universe that when consumed causes an increased expansion rate or the aliens on the outside are introducing very exotic material into Universe that causes the Universe to expand rapidly and one day, rupture, that would allow the aliens from the Void to consume our entire Universe of energy and matter.
A new thought on FTL drive. If the Higgs-Boson is responsible for adding mass to atoms, then by removing the Higgs-Boson from heavier metallic atoms that add mass to a vessel traveling at FTL speeds would allow the vessel to experience primordial space-time influences. Once the vessel has left Einstein space-time and entered Primordial space-time, the gravitational influences on the vessel would lessen to the point of gravitational influences that existed prior to the Big Bang. Such influences that held primordial particles together should keep the ship held together due to the same gravitational influences contained in Einstein space-time atoms also being found in Primordial space-time particles. After all, Einstein based atoms do have their roots in Primordial space-time particles.
NASA faces additional delays for future moon missions.
Heat shields are the issue and they stated that they can not rely of aluminium foil to protect its astronaut when landing on the Actual Moon Surface.
A spokesman mentioned that it is not the same as the moon landing 59 years ago due to quality of todays foil is thinner due to shrinkflation.
The Black Beauty rock is not nearly as old as Earth. With water being found in the rock, water formed on Mars and most likely Earth, at a young point in the planets development.