Eve Online Astronomy Club

Could an array of lasers set around the Earth at the distance of the signal in the article be used to detect objects along with fluctuations in the space-time curvature of the Earth?

In this video, a simulated blackhole, one solar mass, travels through the Sol system.

Most of the planets and Earth survive. At the end the video, the Earth is ejected from the solar system.

How long would life on Earth last? Could humanity develop the means of surviving on Earth without sunlight?

Could make for an interesting movie with a whole new type of hero and villian.

“The initial effects would be subtle, almost imperceptible. Earth’s speed, about 29.78 kilometers per second, would remain constant, but its direction would change dramatically. Our planet would no longer follow its elliptical orbit around the sun, instead, it would embark on a journey into interstellar space.”

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How would the Earth’s core react?

I envision a containment sphere being built around the Earth; the shell would be built from all available steel. Without the need for militaries, weapons and ammo, anything steel based would be smelted in plants to provide the necessary steel for each panel or at least panels for shells that would be built around selected areas of great geothermal activity. The heat from the smelting plants would be released into the environment to keep the area warm, and livable.

There would be an infinite source of electricity available as all wood and paper products would be used to power electrical generation plants. The electricity that is generated would be used to power homes and Electric Vehicles as fossil fueled vehicles would not be able to be used due to the toxicity of the fumes. The W2E facilities would also be used to power day and night lights, attached to the interior of the shell that would be set on a 24-hour period. Using any type of fossil-based fuel would be punishable by death.

Along with the Waste-to-Energy facilities, sand would become a new fuel source that would be used to power homes and other electrical needs. The Arabian Peninsula has 85% of the worlds sand which would be traded for food and other necessities. Resource caravans traveling over frozen ice routes on oceans that freeze would have layover hubs at first powered by W2E and sand facilities. The frozen ocean hubs would be sites to drill down to the bottom of the frozen ocean looking for caches of schools of fish to eat and trade along with being used as fertilizer. Humanity would have ocean based food for at least a couple thousand years.

If the geothermal vents at the bottom of the ocean are still active, the heat could be used to grow crops and provide home heating. Expeditions to the Earth’s core would see excavated ocean bottom soil taken to the surface and used to build new foundations for new shells to be built on. The soil would also be used to create foundations in the frozen ice to grow food in while W2E and Sand facilities on the surface would provide electricity to the frozen ocean communities.

Thawed ocean water would be filtered of everything except H2O. Wouldn’t want anything from hundreds of millions of years ago finding a new niche to ruin what little of humanity remained. The water would be used for everything from drinking and hygiene to watering crops along with providing fisheries with water to grow and maintain fish in for food.

There would even be tunnels dedicated to generating electricity using melted water, basically, two-mile-tall waterfalls turning generators to create a third layer of electricity in case either of the other two electrical plants go off-line.

Oxygen and other atmospheric processing plants located in Deep Dive would create a normal and breathable atmosphere by processing environmental gases from thawed ocean water.

Each tunnel, hall or room under the frozen ocean would be made to contain all available heat while ensuring the ice around structure did not melt. Communities would even drill into the rock cliff facings under the frozen ice to build new communities in.

Electrical lines would allow drones that are able to recharge using powerlines would be the main workhorses. The movement of the rotor blades of the drones would create a ventilation system that would purge all tunnels and shafts of toxic fumes along with keeping the air moving and not stagnant.

The outside world would be completely dark, the utter most darkness imaginable. Smaller surface settlements along the caravan routes would receive their lighting power from the main shells. Drones would once again be used to transport cargo to and from one point to another. Electric Vehicles would be the only form of transportation allowed as fossil fuel plants would be too resource intensive to build and maintain above surface. But there would be factions that would try and succeed at turning on the old gas plants. The survivors operating gas plants and living in cities powered by gas plants would constantly have to wear cold weather suits while outdoors. Electric trains would eventually replace electric line drones. Electric Vehicles would still be needed to transport cargo between end of the line ET (electrical train) and electric cargo drones.

Travelling between cargo transport hubs on the frozen ocean surface in the pitch-dark night would have to be navigated by experts, because if you get lost in the night of the frozen ocean, there is no one coming to save you, except the possibility of raiders coming to take your resources.

But what is out there, in the darkness, past the last raider camps, so dark, where only the subconscious of the darkness can survive. Life in the darkness, preying on each other, life that has never been seen before, slowly making its way to the last raider camp, to feast on offerings, humans captured from other settlements and even their own, given to the darkness by the raiders.

The look above surface would be miles of nothing on the surface with small patches of lights dotting the land. Then there are the old lost cities, frozen in darkness and cold death. What is located in the old cities protecting vital resources? What did humanity pick up along the way, as Earth spiraled through the oblivion of space? Where there is no light, and expeditions end as fast as the night crawls.

Coming across an alien base frozen in time in the frozen ocean would save humanity.

(PDF) Generation of Electricity Using Sand | rama prasad - Academia.edu

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This is too far fetched, the goal would be survival as the atmosphere is being stripped away or frozen. So the first priority would be to find a way to create an artificial atmosphere and maintain that as long as possible for as many people as possible. Any available resource would go into creating this.

This is an extinction level event that nobody can do anything about. Without the current level of photosynthesis from the Sun we are finished.

The planet’s rotation and magnetic field would undergo a radical transformation. The magnetic field, generated by the Earth’s core, would weaken, exposing our atmosphere to harmful solar winds. The solar winds would strip away the atmosphere, making it difficult for life to thrive.

This is the point it would all be over, you need manpower/ energy to create an artificial environment, which simply wouldn’t be available, An environment would also be needed to grow food. The communications network wouldn’t even exist to support building survival environments.

The black hole/earth losing orbit scenario is definitely the end of days for us there is no real debate about that.

Also, the Axis of the earth is vital to our survival, any major disturbance to that and it is catastrophe unlike any ever experienced. Remember, the moon will also be lost so there may be insane tidal waves which could kill most of the populace, I dont think it would take long to see the effect of lossing the moon, most likely a few days.

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This is too far fetched.

Sounds like you’ve already given up and decided to die.

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It sounds like you would waste time/resource on things which are impossible, the tech doesn’t exist to build a dome around a planet.

I’m not sure if you understand that the moment the atmosphere starts getting stripped away by solar wind we are all dead, it’s not a question of anybody giving up.

It’s strange really, the process to create the atmosphere took millions of years with lots of different components, with this scenario the atmosphere could be stripped away in days/weeks

If you look at the scenario carefully you will see there would only be about a months survival from the moment the blackhole appeared, to build something on the magnitude you speak of could take centuries, it’s just unrealistic.

Never side with those who say something is impossible, they have already given up.

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I used to be all Galaxy Quest, but now that I’m old and weary I’m undecided on wether the

is an acceptable way to deal with these big things out of our control that cause us to worry.

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That’s an “everybody dies” scenario. The whole energy used by mankind in a year equals to roughly 1/10,000th of the energy we receive from the Sun (averages at about 1 kw/m2). Without the Sun, our only source of energy would be heat from the inner core, which is about 1/3,000th of the input from the Sun (0,037 w/m2 exactly).

We could also try and develop fusion energy, but even if it worked maybe it would increase our energy budget by a factor of two or three (and nevermind the energy we would need to do that while somehow keeping some people alive). Say that we managed to multiply our energy production by a whole tenfold… that still would be 1/1000th of the energy we would no longer get from the Sun. Nevermind the death of everything alive and the desaparition of the byproducts of life such as oxygen. Or the race between anoxic life turning dead life into poison and said anoxic life freezing to death.

Just… too many things going too wrong too fast.

PS: I considered answering Dryson B’s message… but I just lost all hope of getting through halfway between “sand as energy source” and “water falling from two miles high without an elevation system to bring it up there”. I already know the type, once I met a guy who claimed we should invest all money in the world to lift into orbit as much of mankind as possible to escape a disaster bound to happen before the year 2000. He worked a night shift alone on his own and obviously had too much time to think…


[you can also add that such a huge gravitational disturbance would produce tidal effects on the earth’s mantle that could trigger telluric and volcanic phenomena at a paroxysmal level]

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Yes. The Earth leaving it’s orbit is ciao banbino and there wouldn’t be enough time to do any of the things Dryson mentioned even with the die hard attitude.
There are basic requirements for human life and one of them isn’t being on a run-away planet.
And I have to admit that I didn’t understand much of his post, that’s why I didn’t reply.

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:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush: :popcorn:

The Deep Dive idea would work on Europa though.

If there was a black hole that Earth came across, however, astronomers would definitely locate the black hole long before it reached Earth.

I’m on the side of logic.

Another Reason to go to the Moon

Dinosaur Fossils on the Moon.

With the Dino-killer roid tossing lots of material into the air and even possibly out of LEO, would there be a chance of Earthen remains, even life and possibly early human life that rode the volcano chariot, came to rest on the Moon?

What about LEO? Are there traces of pre-historic history waiting to be found?

What are the chances that Earthen material made it to Europa? What would happen on Europa if Earthen material ejected from Earth during the Dino-Killer roid made it to Europa?

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No the moon came long before the dinosaurs.


Dino killer happened on earth and not blown away out to land on the moon.

Wake me when it’s over!


From Twitter:

Next time a conspiracy theorist tries to tell you ‘what really happened’, present a more outlandish theory and accuse them of covering up the truth


It’s sad what will eventually happen to the universe.

Yes, the Moon was around before the dinosaurs. Because without the Moon, the dinosaurs and life on Earth would be different from life on Earth in 2024. Life might not even have existed without the Moon.

Others believe as I do.

The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs is buried in the Chicxulub crater, which is located off the coast of Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula.

Chicxulub still hold clues about humanities existence.