You need to think a bit to make that connection. It can be hard, but it is doable. Stormbringers can currently only run T4 reliably (aka using a fit that has 100% success rate if the user doesn’t ■■■■ up). The Stormbringer generates roughly +50% profit in all environments it can run, over all other ships. What currently simply only is T4 in the long run. However, the only thing that stops the Stormbringer from doing the same in T5 and T6 is that you simply lack the single-target damage to survive 3 overmind spawns in a row because you run into the 20minute timer. If that limitation falls, we can safely assume that the Stormbringer will boost T5 and T6 profits by the same 50% because it will be able to run 6 filaments per hour instead of 4 like the other ships can.
Can’t see your point. I am not makeing money in Nullsec and barely make money in WHs from running sites there. When doing PvE it’s HighTier Abyssalrunning and I am doing that on an alt in HighSec. Which is the reason I know it is completely overpowered in terms of profit.
Name three of them where just a specific ship cannot enter while other ships from the same branch can. Shouldn’t be a problem if there are “plenty”.
I am open for changes that especially hurt Stormbringers or Gilas, like NPC spawns that intentionally starburst and keep more distances from each other.
You can’t tie it on the ship used, because that would be bad game design for a sandbox by giving one certain ship an arbitrary punishment in a specific content. You also cannot tie it to previous performance of the user, because that would actively punish those making good decisions when fitting and flying. Which would be an even worse game design.
Just no. They will have a price and no matter how high that price is, a professional HighTier Abyssalrunner will use them.
That doesn’t matter at all. First, the Ikitursa is known to be a pretty bad Abyssalrunner, even with Faction Radiation Sinks and since even those are abyssal-rolled with mutaplasmids, you simply can’t see it on Killmails if the ones used were rolled T2s or rolled Veles’ ones. I can guarantee if I would use an Ikitursa, I would use abyssal rolled Veles’ Radiation Sinks on it. I just don’t because the ship still can’t run T6 reliably.
Please watch your language if you want to have a constructive discussion. I see I have hurt your feelings, probably because you are afraid that I might be right and I might hurt your source of ISK with my opinion, but that doesn’t mean you have to become more and more aggressive. It really doesn’t matter if its 600M or 700M you could then make with a Stormbringer in T6, it is way too much. The amount of profit you can make already in non-stormbringers is already too much for an HighSec activity.