похоже, бесполезно повторяться по вторжениям саньши, респ которой ждёшь уже 2 дня
it seems useless to repeat the intrusion HS Sansha Incursion, generated where you have been waiting for 2 days
Not really it matches player trig ships.
Never mind… fixed itself.
The Invasion seems to have about the right for balance for highsec/new players.
I am particularly pleased in the reduction of high-sec incursions which have always been high income ISK farming for experienced players with No risk of PVP - Content with this level of income should be moved out of the high-sec safe zone.
Or maybe throw some opportunity for PVP by having concord dock up during incursions & invasions
Edit - Should have put this under general feedback
Where are the triglavian mission agents?
Does shooting capsuleers give you Triglavian LP?
Does repping a triglavian ship give you LP?
Why is there no Reactions filter option in the Structure Browser and why does the Structure Browser not show Reaction services in the Services column?
Unsure if this is reported before
Upon undocking from station i got “are you sure to undock” message because of trig invasion i pushed enter to acknowledge and proceed with undock but while text window went away screen remained black out like message is still there.
After undock black out screen remained and no controls were available to me i couldn’t redock shoot at trigs or anything else tried login off couldn’t mouse clicks don’t work,
After promptly shitting mu self i finally killed eve client thru task manager and re enter the game to dock and save my ship and i must say this
These dumb pop out text that kills your control of a game is dumb as all outfuck and dated as ■■■■ please thefuck remove them from game thanks.
after undocking from a citadell i just got a grayed out screen, i.e. i could see space etc. but could not use any ui elements - like there was a modal dialog (but there was not). esc didn’t solve the issue. had to relog
this was in a trig infested system, so maybe the ■■■■■■■ modal message regarding them screwed up
I’ve seen something similar, I found hitting Esc twice to go into and back out of Preferences seemed to ‘clear the log-jam’ - might be worth trying.
Issues detected: no discernable reward and local doesn’t seem to be working properly. Also annoyed AF you ran a content update that actually has lack of communication at its core - big capital WTF there. Anyway - whoever thought of this expansion should pack their bags, or I guess I should - Blackout or logout?
Who thought it is a good idea to prevent item stack splittting in Fleet Hangars while the ship is cloaked?
this Bug exists since April, but it still hasn‘t been fixed at all…
The Abyssal PVP gate only spawns for 1-2h per day(from DT till 13:00 Eve time), making it inaccessible to us, au and east asian players.
Not that surprised to hear that. Add it to the ever-growing list of “really only possible to do in late AUTZ/early EUTZ time zones” content in EVE, alas.
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