Then have them removed, nerfed, changed completely by CCP.
Ahh, now we’re talking - dedicate 10 years to the game to have enough isk to “dominate a market” - Join a large group to dominate an area of space, only to have a larger group stomp on you - Harass other people into submission, simply means get them to quit the game.
You can, WH, Pokven, Highsec, Lowsec, Nulsec, all have different PVE experiences. And in most cases, you will be engaged by others, whether you want to be or not.
The folks at CCP deserve a pat on the back and a round on the house just for having to wade through all this cringe entitlement.
Just for the record CCP, lots of us, even if we are interested in certain changes, or wish something was done a different way, love what you’re doing to the game overall.
A bazillion balance patches, an amazing story arc that physically altered the Universe, a masterful graphics update that is some how more mysterious AND more colorful, a great Minmatar event, some perspective on scarcity, and hot damn the AT is back!!!
You cannot. It’s all the same really. The only difference is between low/high and null sec are missions. Everything else is the same: the same anoms and exploration sites. What I envision are region specific PVE activities. If you live in Detorid or Deklein, you should have PVE content that you do not find anywhere else.
That’s what EVE is all about after all, and it is the mantra that everyone never tires to recite like a cult’s mantra: Build your own sandcastle and kick over other people’s sandcastles.
Balance patches that introduce inexplicable nerfes and leave other ships in an overpowered state for ages.
The story arc was anything but amazing thanks to the bazillions of bugs and errors, the intentional hampering of one faction, the screwing over of Serentity, and the outcome that players never had a chance of altering (see serenity) plus the incredible dickmove from CCP to completely negate the efforts of one side of the conflict and only cater to the other side.
The masterful graphics update that left nebulae pixelized and now turned lots of systems greener while they have yellow stars? That just added more contrast and not really more fidelity?
What perspective was given on scarcity? They said nothing new besides one line about that they reached their threshold. What that threshold is, how much material was and now is in the game, where or how it shrunk the most or the least, how it impacted the distribution… all things that would actually put things into perspective. But people like you rather brownnose CCP than wanting to see actual information.
But YAY, the AT is back. Bread and circuses, but without the bread. That’s all that is.
Not sure how you add special ice and gas holds to mining ships, without fundamental changes. I mine ore and ice with the same ships. Are we going to add second (and third) ore holds to every ship? The extra 180,000 ore holds on Orcas is going to look a little funny. You could create specialization by having each barge, exhumer, etc. dedicated to one type of material (ice, gas, ore) but that would not go down well. Finally you could have more holds on each ship and keep the same size(s) if you had on board compression.
Gosh sarge you don['t need to force my hand like that.
I too appreciate the work put into building the theatre sad faces like you caper about in. Makes me smile.
Ahhh I get it, you want CCP to do something that might actually improve game play for PVE… Good luck
It is indeed and for the majority of new/er players it will remain nothing more than a tired old mantra.
CCP’s short sighted poorly thought out development of the last 6 or so years (including the last 2 years) has led to a game of “have’s and have nots”. The have’s own the castles and everyone else either tries to kick them over or dedicates much of their time protecting them.
But yes AT is back.
Then who really cares about the rich elite facing off in multi billion isk ships in arena fights.
Only thing AT does is distract the masses from the “real” state of the game.
That’s how things used to be, about a decade ago. The Hulk was for ore mining and had the best tank, the Skiff was for mercoxit, and the Mackinaw was for ice. As for gas huffing, IIRC people used battleships, but I never got around to doing that so I don’t know much about how gas huffing worked pre-Venture.
I’m long over getting any joy out of CCP’s half ass ed attempts at “communication”.
I do however still get a laugh out of those who still believe CCP has a clue.
No, they’ve buffed mining a lot. They gave Procurers the tank of a battlecruiser and Skiffs the tank of a battleship. They gave us Ventures, Prospects, and Endurance. They added every single type of ice to WH space and they made mining super lucrative the past year.
Just… stop whining. Learn how to protect yourself from gankers. Gankers aren’t the problem, your incompetence is.
As a mostly high-sec player, I haven’t really noticed scarcity other than market prices going up. Ore and ice are all still readily available for me to mine in high-sec. I’m also enjoying that PI is worth more.
I also haven’t really noticed the lower player count. There’s still well over 100 people sitting in Jita at any given time with the other trade hubs not far behind. All the usual gate camps are still there. The same usual systems have plenty of ship/pod kills on Dotlan. Every time I go into low or null for exploration/gas somebody tries to kill me…every time. The game feels the same to me even with less players. shrug
Jesus CCP, can you for once acknowledge that you have well and truly fu*ked the players who got you to the 18 year mark? Months of thought out posts across the forums and other social media explaining to you in great detail why your changes smell sour and taste bitter. Everytime I think I have seen the depths of thoughtless “improvements” you grab a shovel and boldly announce “Hold my Beer!”. I’m curious to know is there someone who monitors the forums and summarizes the posts only on opposite day? How else can we get from “There are too many Super Capitals” to “Lets pull every raw material needed for all ships out of low/null”. DId it occur to anyone that;
A) Some people play the game to mine and NOT build Supers? or maybe
B) We could add a special part or raw material needed for Super production and make it extremely rare?
CCP how about making tailored changes to correct your poorly thought out additions like adding Supers in the first place?
I was thinking along these lines for the Indy Command ships (multiple small holds and compression) but then ran into issues with the mining ships.
For a ship like the Orca, you could have the 3 specific holds, each with a smaller volume. Then add a high slot module that cannot autorepeat that would compress a certain m3 of resources. This would help with the “AFK Problem” that the Orca has while keeping its fleet ability and active solo ability.
And instead of multiple holds on each ship, CCP could add more mining ships to the game may actually have a reduction in jack-of-all-trades ORE Ships.
And both Procurers and Skiffs are completely useless for, actually, mining! They just suck too hard at it. Nobody uses them!
Ventures were the same patch as barges rebalance. Needless to say, only gas huffers use those, because, guess what, they suck at mining.
Nobody uses Prospects and Endurances, other than ganktards, as a covert cyno platform.
To a system you can’t have structures in, and half of it to a system you can only get frig holes into. Mining any significant amount of ice in frigates and porpoises under constant gank threat is not possible anyway.
Gooby pls, they REMOVED mining. It can be only done in random lowsec systems atm. Nobody with any significant mining setup aint gonna chase those, mining is officially dead, where do you get those delusions of “super lucrative” from anyway? Where were mining “super lucrative” a year ago? Cuz it wasn’t.