EVE Online – July Status Update

The spice must be kept flowing. W8ting for the changes in fw to get back in low sec

I’m playing this game since start of 2004 on and off, with long breaks in between. In the start this game crawled to a halt when we tried to have some 15 on 20 fight, but I didn’t quit on you then. And we all loved it. The first time I quit on you is when you decided that you’ll change ships up a bit. In a moment everything I trained for got useless. Then the next time I quit when you decided to make changes on capital ships and over night, after flying a chimera for one year, I couldn’t fly it anymore and I needed 1 or 2 more months of training. Then I quit on you again changed something I was training for 50 days. Now I’ve quit on you when you decided you’ll put half of my bounties into some silly bank in middle of the solar system with such a bad protection that it can be stolen in few minutes and I can’t build anything I was building anymore really.

Do you see the pattern? Long term planning is impossible in this game so in a long term it’s a waste of time.
Also you’re selling this as an open world sandbox and at same time you yourselves are acting like communists in space. You are presenting it as a free market, yet you’re controlling the market and economy. I lived in a socialist country with communist party as the only option and if I can’t stand something as economist is a state/you, thinking they know what is the best for the economy or they feel they can balance it better then people/nature can. And whatever arrogant fool feels he needs to control the amount of stuff we’ve got like a god, get off your high chair and stop living in the clouds. If we want to give our stuff away, we’ll donate it, if we want to risk our ships, we’ll risk them, if we want to fight, we’ll fight, but it’s our choice when we’ll do it. try to force us by rule changes or forcefully trying to take our stuff away or our hard earned money and well… you got 16.732 people logged in now. If you keep acting like gods looking at what your peasants bellow are doing and guiding us to what you want us to do, you’ll be soon out of peasants.

Do you have any idea how immersion breaking it is to take someone’s chimera after playing it for 1 year? My imagination is great, but I couldn’t find a plausible role playing scenario for that to stay immersed. Do you have any idea how immersion breaking it is to put some dumb ass ESS in the middle of the system with such a terrible protection a child can hack it? Do you really think that this is some plausible scenario in the future for human race or decision we will take? What is the excuse that half the money can end in wallet and half the money is held for ransom by who knows who and put at risk? What is the role playing scenario behind the all empires and pirate factions deciding over night: “uh oh, look, we’re making ships easy now, let’s complicate it all hugely, let’s completely change our production processes so that it’s complicated and a nightmare! Everyone for it? Hell yeah!” In what kind of crazy universe are we exactly? Are the leaders of this factions all crazy or are they on drugs?

You’re doing so many changes, the only thing you should have done was remove tether and stupid timers from structures and let the nature do the rest. Reinforced state lol… give me a break… if we bomb something let us destroy it, if someone can’t defend it, it’s their problem, they should organize better, have less structures or whatever. It’s none of your problems. Stop trying to baby sit everyone like communist party and try to make everyone happy because at the end, just like them, you make everyone equal in everyone being miserable.


If CCP removes mining drone bonus from Industrial Command ships, can we get a new line of ORE ships that mine primarily with drones, I was enjoying having a drone mining ship and will be sad to see them go.


“To have New Eden stand the test of time, and to set EVE up for a thriving third decade, it is vital that EVE Online can: 1. Help new people trying the game turn into experienced EVE pilots 2. Have an ecosystem that provides a fair and vibrant playground full of diverse and rewarding opportunities 3. Be built on a strong technical foundation for future sustainability and maneuverability.”

Vital according to who? Were we reaching some point of critical mass? Explain what necessitated these changes more and maybe folks would be more reasonable. As it stands, all this pain seems like nothing more the new collective vision of new devs clueless about what it means to live this experience. And why does the ecosystem need to be fair? Not a word usually associated with this game.

I can go with the flow for a lot of this but I’m not resubbing until kernite and omber return to hi-sec. And if that doesn’t happen? Well it was a fun 12 years and I got a bunch of character names on a monument.


Even a single item that is different can decouple it like the triglavian stuff is atm.
So if they want to make caps more expensive they can increase the lp cost of cap components in the tri lp store by 5x for example.

Previously all the cap components where only t1 mats processed deeper.

CCP, to be honest your announcement contains a lot of old and little new. Yet the game offers so much potential.
This also applies - but not only - to the binding of new players. The creation and possible sharing of the skill plan is hopefully only a very small step and many big ones will follow.

What also interests me:

  • Are there plans to work through all the bug reports? There are still plenty of them.
  • At past fan-fests it was said that this and that feature would be nice for EVE, but it can’t be implemented because of the chaotic code. Is there a plan to completely rewrite the code to open up development options and better prepare for the future? This is what the makers of Path of Exile did, for example.
  • What about next year’s Fan Fest?

Really? I thought it was pretty good. The author managed to get 15 minutes of my undivided attention and in the end, oh yeah you’re right - Nothing of value there.

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All i see is stuff for null blocs… what about the rest of the playerbase? or dont they matter…

You mean the larger part of the CSM have decided to finally push into 1DQ… couldn’t possibly guess why…

Let’s stop quoting eve offline during the summer vacation. It’s annoying to see people misread those numbers as if it’s some sort of proof of anything. numbers dip every summer and 2021 was expected to have a bigger dip than normal (first vacation after the pandemic, big war ended, afk cloaking alts nerf, etc).

We will see the numbers going back up as per usual later on.


Honestly? I hope that whatever ensues from these two sides fighting or trying to fight will physically damage the server. If not even activity spread out throughout 2 regions can prevent ridiculous levels of tidi in the majority of the systems, the entire machine is beyond saving or useful.

Too little too late. Not a single mention of the ridiculous pay to win style you’re forcing upon the game. Eve academy was a nice thought though everyone can see straight through it and recognises it as an advertisement for the pay to win play style.
I’m no industrialist but from what I hear an issue with the recent industry changes is not only the lack of stuff to build ships with, but also how long it takes to build larger ships. How can you expect people to field capitals etc if it takes an age to build a new one?

Zero consideration given to the fact that ships die too easily nowadays, fights are rare while feeds are common. There’s still alot for you guys to think about.

I’ll sit on the sidelines as an alpha before subscribing to what looks to me like a bunch of empty promises. It might work out, though I think it’s too little too late. We shall see!


I don’t agree at all, and I am not (yet) a ganker.
Ganking is part of Eve, it’s the part that keeps you paying attention. On top of that as has been stated an absurd number of times there are ways to counter it, if you don’t use them it’s simply foolish.
If you have your way a vast number of people will simply never leave highsec and there will be effectively be two versions of Eve. So no, highsec is where you learn that Eve is a violent place at times, it’s the filter that keeps the people who can’t handle violence doing something other than flying spaceships, and Eve, if you haven’t noticed, is a game of spaceships.

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I joined and brought 10 players into EVE from another game group this year - I’ve received almost exactly the same feedback and they have now ALL dropped EVE - in fact, they deleted it from their computers and I’m left with an empty corp…


so why are you still here?

You could land on planets in the past in a game called Dust. to fight there, not to live or do business there.

Capsuleer ships do not have a bridge. You sit in your capsule to be immortal and have a much greater command over your ship than you could have with a bridge. That is the entire point of EVE. If people don’t understand that, it’s not for them to begin with. If you wanted to command a ship with a bridge and bridge crew, you’d lose 80% of your ships capabilities and performance. Not sure if they would like that.

As for missing story: The lore and RP community would probably disagree. Maybe you should have joined your guys into those groups. Other than that, though, EVE’s selling point is that you create your own stories and reasons to play. If that is not after their liking, EVE is not for them to begin with.

As for goals: You set your own goals. Dominate a market segment, dominate an area of space, form groups to take out rival groups, harass other people into submission and so on and so forth. All these things are encoded into PVE missions in other singleplayer games. In EVE, you need to do these things yourself. You need to come up with a plan, scout the areas and involved parties, gather information, use the information to your advantage, act on the information. You yourself need to do that. If that is not after your liking, EVE is not the right game for you.

The problem with other games is that they are not multiplayer games. For instance, some other scifi games have fancy and convoluted UIs that hide more information than they present. This new UI in the ESS worries me because if this thing should replace the Overview and Locked Items functionalities with moving around, dynamic UI elements on ships or other objects in space, EVE would be much harder to play and to understand and it would be much harder to keep track of what is happening. That is also something you need to understand.

What I can agree with is that we need more things to do in one space and not in secluded, instanced PVE areas that are safe from interference. We need more PVE that is specific to regions and that makes these areas desirable and if not desirable than at least unique. You should be able to live in a region and experience unique PVE aspects that draw you into space where you can enjoy them and where you are available to be engaged with by other people. But that would require vision.


Eve 2 when

Here’s the thing though, what if they had stayed? Would they have advanced? And if they did would they do it on their own to some extent, of would they get bogged down in all the stuff they don’t like?
Maybe you would do better to get people into your corporation that already have made it past the learning cliff, people who already know they like it.

I seriously don’t understand why you want high-sec ganks to be banned. i lost a ton of ships to ganks and i just power through all of it. It’s a big part of the game and i really like the idea that you have to be careful every time you undock.

Without that tension it would make the game worse (not an opinion, just a simple fact)


This is exactly the point, in Eve you can lose everything and still bounce back, you will always have a Corvette in the very worst case scenario. Everyone (I assume) in Eve started with a Corvette, there’s nowhere to go but up.