Eve Online News and Weather March 9 2025

Comments, as always, are welcome



@CCP_Burger also just announced some new PI and fleet QoL changes (on Instagram) with the upcoming Revenant update.

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That was CCP Burgur

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Thanks (wasn’t near my phone).

Hello Mike, thank you very much for posting this Eve News update…

I agree 100%, CCP Devs should be posting here instead of ignoring their Official Eve Online Forums… They’ve been doing that for a very long time now, they seriously need to start being active members of this Community once again…

Nice jab at them doing an Eve OnlyFans… :rofl:




I wouldn’t know wth is going on without your updates here. I’ve never seen such a convoluted way of communicating with the player base then what CCP is doing. I can only guess it has something to do with the CSM and their intsta followers.


3:40 you asked about Eve ads, my youngest son never played Eve, and says he is getting sick of the game ads he has no interest about. He watches more YouTube than I do. We don’t live in the same house or the same country. He will be returning home this week from Germany on the 13th. Just in time to see him for his birthday on the 15th!

I don’t have instagram but I play on Facebook there are Eve online ads there too. I agree the devs should take more active role in these forums. We are old farts who don’t stray too far from home. I don’t Tick Tock, I don’t Instagram, and I just found out what Only Fans was due to my grand daughter. I thought it was another Fan Duel gambling site… boy was I ever wrong.

The original Guild Wars, Gaile Gray was Support Liaison ( 2008-2014 ) and very active in the game until they made the gawd awful sequel and ruined the franchise. Take a look here, she actually played the game and had a user page with the rest of us. She was greatly missed by the community when she moved on. This one person working for a company with millions of players, hundreds of thousand online at any time, made us a family. After the sequel launch, we ended up in the thousands online and it no longer feels like a family to this day. We used the wiki to talk, as the forums. Back then there was no official GW forums, we all owned “Talk Pages”.

Imagine, if CCP cared enough to pay a charismatic employee to play along side the players. To take concerns and issues directly to the devs for immediate results. That is what she did every day in those years. It can be done, because it has been done already over a decade ago.

Have fun!