You do realise the UI on Eve is complicated, worse than a spreadsheet, and you want to play that on 7" screen. It’s not just about “shake”.
You really want us to believe you can play Eve as it stands on the desktop, on a 7" screen? Laughable.
Let’s not forget there’s also no mouse or keyboard, just two nipplesticks and a couple of buttons.
Look how you play it now, then translate that verbitam to that configuration.
Eve would need a UI and input refresh to play on that and then you’re also competing with people with superior UI and input (with keyboard, large screen and mouse).
Oh it has touch screen, so do our screens on laptops and desktops, so what?
If you think you can play in that constrained configuration of UI and input, and with the desktop client as is, set up your desktop for that now and see how fun it is.
Go try play it with a game controller, tiny screen, nothing else. Good luck.
You WILL want to dock it up with the attached peripherals, not play it on the device as is.
You say you played it on mobile, did you win many combat fights? Show your kills whilst on the mobile? Probably just stayed docked and did non-gaming activities (that’s not really gaming). Go roam W and null and do activities with risk in populated systems on your mobile. Go to low and do things on your mobile. Not likely.
You may laugh as much as you want but I DID play EVE on a 5 inch phone screen via remote play. And you should consider, that I had also virtual joystick buttons on top of EVE UI to replace joystick inputs. And remote play is actually crap because it corrupts frames from time to time (about once every 5 minutes) on WiFi.
There is touchscreen AND two touch pads, that are controlling mouse. As for the keyboard. The joystcik is literally a controller made to have a lot of buttons. How many buttons of your keyboard do you use in your EVE playstyle? arrow keys + F1-F4 + some of qwerasdf + alt shift ctrl? There is enough buttons on the Deck to map your daily combat shortcuts (12 buttons + 2 sticks that can be converted into at least 4 buttons each + stick). Yes, chatting will require you to use the on-screen keyboard. Everything else works fine as is.
Been there. Done that. Works for me.
So is it just about being competitive in PvP now? I can play EVE without PvP encounters. Play it this way 99% of time on my desktop as well. And, yes, you got me. PvP might be a problem with a small screen. Although I will give it a try. Just so that you personally realize that PvP in EVE is not about screen size or frame rate. It is not CS:GO, you know.
No, I went out and killed some NPC ships. Could have done mining or hauling just as easily. That’s about the usual day in EVE for 80%+ of player base.
I’ll give it a try. You know - I did not spent that much time doing this because my Deck is not yet here, so it was kinda pointless to test. But hey. I bet it would make an interesting video for my channel. Actually, I think W-space might be the least penalizing to be in with small screen - no need to keep local chat on screen.
I really don’t understand your aggressive position here. People are different you know. What is not comfortable for you personally in your reality and for your needs might be working just fine for other people.
No, but when you’re undocked, you can face PvP anytime and not of a time of your choosing. That’s non-consentual. Doesn’t matter if you are doing PvP or not, it’s an open world, it’s not a PvE world, it’s an open world. Not sure I want to be handicapped with nipplesticks and a 7" screen in that situation.
Eve isn’t even on the certified/approved/verified Valve’s Proton list, nevermind Steam Deck’s verified list.
If you are careless or taking extreme risks - sure PvP will get you eventually. There are different strategies to deal with that. One is to make sure that your loss in PvP is not reducing your profitability too much. Another, more popular, is to avoid PvP as much as possible.
I personally between not being able to do anything and being able to do some things with a handicap will choose the latter.
This part is sort of irrelevant, because the problem there is not the game itself, but the launcher. And it can be fixed and there is even an alternative launcher and instructions in this forum on how to play the game on Linux/Steam OS. Both of these certifications apparently can also be achieved with minor effort from CCP and would really help the marketing part but that’s the only thing and players don’t benefit from that too much. If I were to choose between shortcuts for overview and camera control over launcher support in Proton I would prefer the shortcuts as they would actually improve the quality of existing gameplay.