Can’t say that I’m a fan of the buffer changes on Marauders. From what I gather, the bonus on battleships was in lieu of an XL plate being introduced. I think Marauders could be ‘fixed’ in other ways.
If it’s a pod full of soldiers then having marines in your hold should count as a countermeasure
If it’s a pod full of soldiers, then these soldiers are probably naked and fight with their bare hands. Because if they could carry equipment, they could simply blow up the ship from inside with some explosives, without all that damage-over-time-nonsense. It makes no sense whatsoever.
And get stuck there for 6 hours unless they want to go back the same way they came in. Granted, which is probably what most will do. Get in, get the BPCs, get out, gone. So much interaction and such a great experience.
Clearly there hasn’t been a lot of thought put into the idea
Can’t really do anything else in there.
It’s very boring
Sounds like someone accidentally or due to some “bright idea” used Frostpacker as DNA stock for the cloning process.
You. You’ve been an advocate of veterans sharing their loot tables with you so you are clearly for sharing loot too.
Time to develop new tricks.
Hey @Zaera_Keena can old Frostpuppies
learn new tricks?
So many trolls trying to derail the thread away from the topic.
I did forget the Rorquals and Exhumers because I couldn’t find the resist information.
So Hulk with or without shield Shield Extender, during protection time from Rorqual
Pod DPS: ~infinite (7 * ~infinite)
Each new ship type Popping 7 exhumers every 100 seconds, during their nearly unkillable defense time. (6 if shooting at the Rorqual too).
Pod vs Rorqual at 99% resists:
Pod DPS: 100000 (700000).
After which the pod will drop down around the 12000 DPS for a resistant capital ship with shield boost.
All from a medium sized ship, able to hot drop in with BLOPs.
“can fit Covert Ops Cloaking Device”
Oh, don’t think that. They have put a LOT of thought into the idea. Unfortunately they used the same system like with the Upwell Citadels: Hold a contest where everyone from Senior Dev over Room Cleaner to the Soda Guy can put weird ideas on the table, then select the absolute worst ones and build them into a “new and fancy concept”. Thats how they most likely did it when they designed the whole Citadel Mechanics.
Surely the DoT should break as soon as the ships separate beyond target range/die etc. Unbreakable high DPS DoT is broken imo.
Not sure I’m keen on them bypassing the ADC either. HAC’s last point of defense is suddenly rendered useless as is the whole T2 resist bonus.
If you are going to do that then surely the game needs a) a counter and b) a Heal over time?
No worries, thats already in the game. For just 500 PLEX a month you can get another free logi alt that completely counters the DOT!
Any source for this or this is just an assumption?
It seems this is the sci-fi equivalent of poison weapons in fantasy games, and once poisoned the effect will not go away because the person or creature injecting the poison is no longer within range or alive.
With that said it would indeed be more balanced if some kind of limitation or especially option for counter-play was present as you suggest.
Depends on how many billions of ISK they cost each.
Dock up or jump to the next system
No worries, nerfs incoming, sooner or later.
This is the story. A part of the twitch stream with the usual suspects caught my attention. Not because of the deep revelations, but because of history repeating itself. CCP Convict took a trip down memory lane, disguised as a “what if”. In this case a “what if stealth bombers had never existed in EvE Online, and were now introduced as a platform for an AoE weapon that does 6000 damage in a 30km radius…”. While meant as a counter to the initial reaction to the introduction of DoT, it will backfire badly - at least if they designed it “correctly” so that it actually works and kills ships.
dev stream at the relevant time mark
Well, the moderator in his enthusiasm fails to remember or mention a few important facts, like stealth bombers being glass cannons that one can easily take down with a set of light drones, that the AoE weapon shares application mechanics like signature radius vs. explosion radius - limiting the weapon’s usefulness, that a single bomb even at max skills will rarely kill anything bigger than a t1 frig (preferably with its MWD on) or a pod, that their secondary weapon system is quite limited in scope and most of all, that there has been a long history of nerfing stealth bombers after an even longer history of complaints because of the fact they were overpowered, even when flown correctly with proper fleets and not merely multiboxed (in the days when input broadcasting was still allowed).
My advice to you and to myself is simply this: get into one of these new ships, train them up, pump up the juice with some good music, and create as much havoc, destruction and tears as you (or I) can, block the gates, have an extra DoTter on the other side, and maybe throw some bubbles for good measure. Should be fun !! Just make sure you can find the wreck(s) to collect the loot. You can always re-use some of the sp after the nerfs (will) hit, lol. Or in other words, it will be a re-learning experience for CCP, of an old lesson.
P.S. What I especially like about it so far, is that there is no mentioning anywhere of the DoT system being restricted to non-empire space. Ha !
Well, the moderator fails to mention several things in this list. Like bombs being unguided, so it is very hard (skill wise) to actually hit a moving fleet with them. That they have a flight time of 12 seconds, which means the targets have a reaction time window, like shutting off MWDs to reduce sig or get out of the blast radius, overheating hardeners or even pre-broadcasting for reps if you are in a high-sig-low-hp ship that would likely be hurt a lot (Gnosis for example). You also don’t get killed if you have managed to win the engagement or at least being able to shake off tackle and get away.
As said before, they had the potential to make this a good weapon system. But they wasted it all by making the 100% wrong design decisions at all crucial points. And they could have simply avoided it by looking at other games that already have DoT effects and check how they deal with it. It’s such a shame. Thats probably the reason why I get a bit emotional about it. I love this game and to see such chances be wasted so unnessessary is almost hurting me physically.
Yup, all true. So let’s have some extra fun blowing stuff up “over time” and spread that reinvigoration wherever we can, by embracing the attackers’ side with very-hard-to-counter, universally applicable weapon systems combined on hard-to-fly, stealthy, nasty ships . Who cares if null, ls and wh mining comes to a grinding halt for a while (if prices for ships, skills and mods are “reasonable”) because of this. It will be for the history books, right ?
15km radius for the damage, not 30.
7250 damage with max skills, not 6000. but only IF applying fully. which is not happening on small fast targets who could be instant popped by the explosion, except if stated except possible for ones with MWD still on, however MWD cycle 10s and bomb flight time 12s, even if launched at the absolutely worst time, have 2 seconds to turn off MWD or 12 seconds to change course and not be in the explosion.
Only 93.5 DPS. IF applying fully.
For bombers to apply 12000 DPS to a Rorqual (which is parked and nice and big so not too hard to hit). Need 129 pilots flying 129 bombers, that somehow manages to coordinate their bomb runs to not kill their own bombs before they explode.
Noticed the quotation marks ? That’s what the moderator said, that’s what was quoted. So… his mistake, not mine
except that Rorquals are not taken down with bombs (bar focused void bombs to speed up the process) because that would indeed be a silly undertaking with a logistical twitch, but with torpedoes (t2 rage, preferably, faction for the lesser skilled). But you may attempt it with bombs if you like, of course, and solve the tactical/practical puzzle.
Anyway, your calculated number of stealth bombers is missing the mark. The task is not to reach “a” DPS (DPS with bombs ?!), but to kill the target with the correct weapon system. And you can and should do that with far fewer stealth bombers, like in this most recent example: rorqual served sunny side up . Or you could just use BLOPs that DO reach the necessary dps. That’s how you kill rorqs. Until now, thank you CCP …
So, fun times ahead with the new ships, especially in combination with BLOP conduit jumps. There will no longer be any need to PANIC in your Rorqual, muahahaha.
Pod Rot Express here we come, woot woot.
What?? I haven’t paid much attention for a while and I just finished reading the patch notes, but can anyone explain how or how much damage a breacher pod does and if that damage is permanent or can be repaired somehow.
The patch notes didn’t elaborate on how damage, if any, would damage the targeted ship. Call me confused.
Interesting choice, making them Caldari / matar.
@elitatwo You might want to read these threads, they may have the info you seek within them.