EVE Portal - Mobile App Issues Discussion

This thread has been created in order for pilots to discuss any issues and bugs they may be experiencing with EVE Portal, the mobile app for EVE Online.

More information on the app and how you can download it is located on EVE Updates here.

Please remember to keep this thread civil and factual. Feel free to post screenshots of any issues you have in this thread for better diagnosis.

It is not available for Windows Phone 8 or as UWP app for Windows 10 Mobile. Biggest issue for me. :innocent:

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@CCP_Falcon The issue I mentioned about the inability to view eve-mail was mostly related to mailing lists, although I would sometimes get the same error for direct mail. (Connection error, even with no connection issues)

However, both of these now seem to work well, an update must have come in the last week or so. Thanks for making me a liar. :grin:

Basically the same feedback from me. I typically tried to read mail about once a week just to see if it was working again. About one in ten tries I could get it to load an email from the notification on my phone. The rest of the time was connection error. It is working reliably right now so I assume something was fixed on the backend since the app didn’t update AFAIK. That has been my experience is that the app, at times, just stops working with various connection issues or the inability to refresh.

Issue Version details for following: Android 6.0 - Kernel 3.18.19 - Build MRA58K - Baseband version MOLY.LR9.W1444.MD.LWTG.MP.V79.P2, 2016/10/10 14:58 - Device: BLU Vivo XL - AArch64 Processor rev4, Eight cores, 2GB RAM

Issue Description 1: EVE Portal reports a mail received from a mailing list, but mail does not display in inbox.
Issue Reprodution Steps 1: Create a test mailing list, add user to group, email group, check EVE Portal app for mail. Click mail notification. Mail does not display. Errors out.

Issue Description 2: EVE Portal unable to select recipients for new mails. Expected behaviour is, entering recipient name should initiate lookup. Lookup hook never runs.
Issue Reproduction Steps 2: Open EVE Portal, Enter name Jurius Doctor, wait. Nothing. Compose and attempt to send mail. Error - “Please complete all fields.”

Issue Description 3: EVE Portal unable to reply to messages to mailing list.
Issue Reproduction Steps 3: Open a mailing list email to which the user has reply-rights. Attempt to reply. Mail send process interrupts, returns to mailbox.

I hope the above help shed some light on outstanding issues.

Note: The issues were also apparent on my earlier device, a Motorola G Gen2, four cores, 1GB RAM, running Android 5.1

Jurius Doctor

Ok when i first used the app it was bad, but all in all seems to be working quite well now…

It’s just… so limited in scope when having API access could allow to do so much more. Monitoring PI, research and industry, tracking assets and transactions, ghost fitting, skill planning, etc. And there are already 3rd party apps that allow that. It almost feels like CCP should buy one of them and improve it instead of starting from this skeleton.

I don’t think it will ever be on Windows as it looks like it’s built with React Native.

http://www.reactnative.com/ -> https://github.com/Microsoft/react-native-windows

I may or may not interpret this wrong, but it looks like there are React coding possibilities for W10M/UWP.

This weakky app shows me that some one assigned me with a priv contract, is that such a difficult to shows me if one of my contract been accepted and tells me tell ref to contract short description?

so we will depend on the app to send and receive messages. will there be a web version?

If the character your sending mails to has mail charges on you cannot mail them from the app, just keeps showing ‘connection issues’.

Could not find app in Google Play Store on my Android tablet.

Went to Chrome browser on tablet, searched for eve online app .

Up came a list of pictures for apps, including one that matched the picture I see on page https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=is.ccp.tech.mobile in the Chrome browser on my desk machine.

Tapped on that picture. Up popped a “Complete action using” window that offered Browser, Chrome and Play Store options. Chose Play Store. Got to the EVE Online Portal entry in Play Store.

And it says … wait for it! …

“Your device isn’t compatible with this version.”


Be nice if it somewhere said what a device must have, to be compatible, eh?


Will there be a desktop version of Eve Portal for those of us with disabilities that make it difficult to use mobile devices?

not avaliable for android 4.4 !!

I can’t seem to send new evemails. It keeps telling me to fill in all the fields. Which I have, and even attempted different ways of doing so.
I can reply to previously received evemails just fine though.

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Would be nice if the app was actually useful. Seems like there is no point in maintaining a membership when you don’t have internet access. I run a corporation but lately all I am doing is nothing since I can’t even see what is going on unless I walk 2 miles to a library and look on the forum to get mail but due to the updates yall have made I can’t even do that anymore. So no way to check messages no way to help my corp no nothing.

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It would be cool if my skill queue showed descriptions for the skills I complete.

I get notifications at work. ____ Level V! Alright! … Wait what’s that do?

I’m experiencing an error with the app in regards to the mail feature. I can check my mail easy enough, but cannot respond without receiving a ‘not connected’ message. Every other feature seems connected and up to date with my information.

Don’t waste anymore resources on the mobile app, when you can integrate the very good iPhone app that has already adapted - nearly flawlessly - to your new API.