EVE-SRP - New ship replacement program web app

EVE-SRP is a new web application written in PHP for corporations or alliances to manage a ship replacement program.

It was developed to replace our (Brave Collective) installation of paxswill/evesrp app, which means there is a migration path available, at least for MySQL - but the app also supports PostgreSQL.

Features include:

  • Multiple divisions with permissions based on groups.
  • Custom providers for groups and alternative characters.
  • SRP requests with comments and base payout with modifiers.
  • Workflow with multiple status.
  • Various lists and search function.
  • Admin UI to manage divisions and their permissions.
  • Customizable texts and logo.

Source: https://github.com/tkhamez/eve-srp
Demo: https://eve-srp.tian-space.net

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