Even with a massive alliance move we hit really low player count numbers

Should just lock it at this point , this is just a cesspool of nothing important :skull:


Everyone’s idea of ‘better’ will be different, and will often make life worse for others. There really isn’t often a happy medium, as most things people want for ‘better’ can’t be half done…they are either integral steps or complete removals.

That is why the best improvements are those that affect one side without affecting the other. I long ago suggested an optional ‘play pen’ area for noobs under 60 days. They can voluntarily leave when they want, but get booted out into ‘Eve proper’ after 60 days. This would have very little impact on most ganking…sure, people under 60 days do get ganked but its a small percentage…and would give noobs more time to learn the ropes.

This is far and away the reason EVE is broken. When you set impossible bars for people to talk about their own and others’ experiences, it is simply because you are scared that they may actually be right.

EVE is complex and balancing the needs of older and newer players is difficult, but saying that people are not entitled to be considered as acting in good faith if they do not gank, or have not recently ganked, or haven’t played much, or started too long ago, or any other completely arbitrary reason that you have decided, is a terrible argument that is why most people choose to walk away.

Ultimately you can pretend that the other people have been listened to and that has ‘ruined the game’, yet the ‘carebears’ remain largely uncatered to in terms of the dynamic between veteran and new players. What is it you feel that carebears have been given in the last decade specifically to stop ganking?

Actually, no. Because players who read forums make up about 5% of the player base of games. And forumites generally don’t do it until after they start playing, and they’re generally more likely to stick with a game. And CCP doesn’t pay much attention to the forums anyway.

Yes, Gloria only wants an echo chamber where only people who’ve effectively proven they share the same viewpoint in the game have valid opinions. But that’s effectively irrelevant to EVE’s success or lack thereof.

You and Gloria actually share a problem, you both tend to think that your own personal experience is “the core of what drives the game”, for good or bad. Even though you’re both outliers on the curve. And in Gloria’s case, even though their viewpoint shifts every time they try something different in the game.

EVE has 25,000 accounts online right now. Maybe 200 of those are in the forum. Your story and circumstances are very important to you (or Gloria). But they’re only one story in hundreds of thousands of players.

“Far and away the reason EVE is broken” is because it has some structurally bad mismatches between what players expect from EVE and what EVE delivers. Because CCP doesn’t really appear to understand the connection between the way they design the game and the things that actually motivate players.

And so it’s always only appealed to a very niche audience, and that niche audience is getting smaller over time.

No…I’m talking about the large number of cases where people aren’t talking about their own experience, which is more than welcome, but are theorycrafting and generalising the experience of others. It’s where people extrapolate their experience, or that of a friend or acquaintance, or even something they have vaguely heard of, and somehow work out that everyone has that experience.

This vicarious ‘caring’ is the problem, not because the people doing it may not actually be caring, but because they really don’t have the widespread information to be able to speak on behalf of all players.

I wouldn’t make recommendations to CCP about wormholes as I have rarely ever been in a wormhole. So how is it OK for people who have never done any PvP to make recommendations to CCP about PvP ? We get so many ‘XYZ is ruining Eve’ threads from people who have never done or experienced XYZ.

No…I’ve never said anything of the sort. My whole point has been that people recommending to CCP what they should do about some ‘issue’ ought to actually have had direct experience of that issue.

That I do comment just on my personal experience is the whole point ! I’m not telling CCP what they should do about wormholes, when I’ve rarely been in one.

Because there’s likely a fairly broad definition of PVP that means most players have engaged with it in some way. Saying people have to have been gankers to dislike the current ganking mechanics is reductive.

Your source of information for this is ?

See, this is precisely my point. People throw about ‘most players’ like confetti…based on assumptions and not actual data.

My source is the experience of myself and 20 other players I joined with.

You think most players have not engaged in a form of PVP? I would say that is a bolder statement.

And you and 20 others are ‘most players’ ? That’s odd…I thought there were 28,000 people playing.

Fair enough, being obtuse is one way of doing it. Do you have any evidence that ‘most players’ don’t engage with PVP?

I don’t have any evidence either way…which is precisely why I wouldn’t say what ‘most players’ do.

The whole point about personal experience is not that it is generic for everyone…quite the reverse. It is that it provides precisely the ability to refute ‘most players’ type arguments or ’ XYZ is making noobs leave’ type arguments.

Thus when people say ‘ganking makes people leave’…I can at least say, well it didn’t make me leave, and that at least counts as a data point against the argument. So its not a case of arguing that one’s experience is global…rather it is the ability to argue against global arguments.

I joined with 20 players, and they absolutely had the same experience - in fact, we tried to work through it as a group.

But like I said, this is just being obtuse and gatekeeping the argument. If you think that the majority of players haven’t experienced PVP in some form, and are therefore unequipped to talk about it, I think it’s because you’re afraid of what they would say about it.

Gosh…lucky you. Yet somehow none of your 20 colleagues would defend your wormhole while you were away for a few days ? Hmm.

Did you miss the part where that was 8 years prior and they all left within a few months? or are you just doing your roundabout thing again? Ignore the substance, focus on something glib. Like I said, gatekeeping an argument you know you’d be afraid of hearing unfiltered.

Political debate globally since around 2006 or so.

Always the same wing.

You know what wing :wink:

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Who else was there in Jita when we all rioted to protest against CCP? (Tbh I forget what we were protesting at the moment :rofl: it’s been a while)

Oh god. The game is decades old. Can someone tell me if CCP still have any of the original devs working on the game? What do you expect at this point? It’s not even just Eve, it’s everything these days - look what happened to Star Wars and Halo, these games get ran into the ground eventually when they get sold to corporations who operate strictly based on revenue. They’re only going to go for statistically what brings in the most bucks.

And then of course you have all of the dumb carebears from other MMOs who want to bring other MMO game mechanics into Eve, where of course it doesn’t belong because Eve has never been about that life. Which is why it’s so unique even to this day. Eve is truly one of a kind.

Can we fix it? Yes we can! Vote for Ares to Make Eve Great again!

No, I think it’s more likely I simply ceased to care…