Even with a massive alliance move we hit really low player count numbers

Even though the player count is boosted with the big move once one time zone logs off you get to see the true power of what ccp has done to the players as nesrly every day were hitting lower and lower numbers to the point ive been seeing 12-13k on in alot of timezones , its worrying and It makes me think eve is not doing as good as we think

Not to throw shade towards any group but its it’s fairly easy to go roam around ls-Ns during peak time zone and see nothing but bots and multiboxers which imo ccp is keeping around due to them helping the numbers but at some point something has to give as us as the players are not just paying more to play but also die in game and to replace the stuff oh well thats almost like getting kicked in the balls as most activities pay dog water

Imo eve is in one of the worst states irs ever been in and were all getting lied too by ccp , without any good content coming out any time soon I don’t see eve lasting another 10 yeses if this keeps up


Currently subs cost more and get you less of the total game. Ofc fewer people are going to stick around for that alone.

That said ls is still plenty active so long as you go to any of the content points. Far from just bots.


On top of that, CCP never tires to introduce ever more busy-work and frustration potential into the game.


Yet another EVE-Is-Dying thread, this time combined with Ganking-Killing-The-Game bit.

@Isarzay_Audier I was in Lowsec yesterday and the system had 52 players with a game overall players of 32,000 players so that fiction of EVE dying is tiresome and none original.

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How is this post about ganking?

And 32k peak is pretty low compared to where eve used to be. Eve isn’t dying but it’s not in a good spot. It’s been floundering since before riot poached some of the best minds at ccp

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It will come up, it always does with these kinds of threads.

I understand it used to be at over 60,000 users so of course it will be “low” until it reaches that number again. Doesn’t mean it’s dying.

The “good old days” may be over but there is no reason to have them back. We just have to get rid of the whiners and naysayers.

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I mean a better game is a better game.

All ccp would really need to do is stop locking itself into cycles far to short to complete projects.

They’ve had this problem since apocrypha was released and it just keeps getting worse. The game is now full of half complete systems grinding against each other because they had to move on to the next thing before they finished and they book themselves out well over a year at a time with no really time dedicated to finishing what’s been started.


@Lugh_Crow-Slave Yes, there seems to be quite a few things that need to be finished before CCP moves on to other ones but we, the players, are not privvy to what their long-term plans are so it is kind of hard to be objective as to their handling of the game presently. Nothing guarantees us they will not come back to all those things and finish them when time or opportunity allow. It looks to me that they’ve entered a “work in progress” period and I’m glad that they’re moving forward. There will be plenty of time to go back and straighten things up in the future.
They are working hard. No need to scorn them!

They have been working hard in the last 10 years to ruin EVE with whatever they touched. Structures, Capitals, Rorquals, poor ship balance, poor PVE, poor events, poor Industry rework, abysmal UI rework, poor communication about their plans, poor sever modernization efforts, poor feature quality overall, more busywork and whack-a-mole-games rather than enjoyable content, predetermined event outcomes instead of their much lauded and oft-repeated player agency, more hoops and loops to keep people ingame but not to keep them engaged.

Besides CCP karkur’s efforts to introduce Little Things suggestions to make the game actually better, everyone else at CCP has nothing better to do than to make the game worse.


We have well over a decade to pull from for a pattern. Not to mention an archive of keynotes, blogs, and forum posts showing the original goals of all these projects.

WH, Dimond rats, fw,pi,POS, citadels, abyss, trig, precursors the list goes on.

The most important parts that almost never get implemented with their projects is their connection to the rest of the game. They are generally introduced in a way to deliberately lesson their impact on the rest of the game to prevent unseen complications. Especially in the last 8 years or so.

They are supposed to connect once all the kinks are worked out but well we never get to that. In many other games or if there weren’t so many it wouldn’t be that big of an issue. But do to eves real economy things have started to buckle. Faucets and sinks are all out of whack. Content has been left abandoned because it’s rewards are no longer useful or can be achieved easier someplace else. Players have become increasingly isolated into insulated communities as there are fewer flash points between systems.

This is what’s ultimately at the heart of the games decay.

They need to not just slow down but stop adding in new shiny things and start reinforcing what’s already in the game.


@Lugh_Crow-Slave I think they know what they’re doing and where they want to go. If some players want to point to the past and be all negative then so be it. I choose to remain positive and trust them to know what they ultimately want.
By the way, I’ve been playing for about three months and I haven’t seen player numbers at 12-13K so I don’t know what time zone O.P is at but that’s not what I’m seeing. If anything, player numbers are increasing.

They definitely know where they want to go. But I’m not here pointing to the past, I’m pointing at the here and now. Rather than a solid structure the game looks like a late stage jenga tower. And this isn’t a stable or sustainable way to go about things.

Look at faction warfare. The overhaul fixed many major issues and greatly improved quality of life. However time ran out and a lot of issues the new systems introduced were never really fixed. And rather than it feeling like a part of the greater universe. It’s still a largely isolated themepark that now occasionally inconveniences other players with the corruption mechanic.

They added in no real way for outside players to combat corruption directly and the lp stores gutted rewards for completely separate gameplay loops with no real replacement.

This isn’t because ccp didn’t have ideas or a solid plan to better assimilate the FW changes or because they aren’t aware of the remaining or newly generated issues with the system. It’s because they ran out of their allocated time and their schedule is inflexible. So they needed to shift gears onto the next project.

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@Lugh_Crow-Slave I think they’re doing a fantastic job and I can only reiterate what I wrote in my last few posts, which I won’t.

18,183 players at 09:05 in Western Europe time zone on a Tuesday, work day, right after a holiday. Not bad at all and rather good considering.

Your looking at that number as if each one is a real person , simply most people have alts and more are getting them each year.
According to ccp themselfs its about 1.4 accounts per person so math that out and were looking at about 12k real people, considering more alts each year and that we don’t gain players its easy to do the math that we are in fact not gaining any players at all. ( not using the peak time zone here that would be closer to 15k to 20k real players )

Also the big 30k+ boost is only going to last so long that was just because of one alliance, it will go down to its average of 20-23k at peak times in a few months

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We all have alts, we all have 3 characters per account. I have two characters and one account.

What you’re talking about is multiboxing players. I believe there aren’t that many players who multibox.
You have data to show then let’s see it.

Those are not alts. Alts are separate accounts that you use at the same time with other of your accounts.

This number does not reflect players. It shows the character count ingame.

It clearly shows that you are (good at pretending to be) a new player with very little understanding of EVE and CCP.


It’s a thread about ‘low player count’. One commenter wrote (somewhere in one of those ‘nerf ganking’ threads) that he personally knew of ‘hundreds’ of players who had left the game because of ganking in Highsec. If true, and replicated among other players, that might account for some of the desertion.

I didn’t believe him, of course.

I couldn’t care less about player numbers. As long as I’m able to log in and be entertained, it’s all fine. If the lights go out, well, that’s fine too!


Heya, I got an Idea.

How about I kick down your door and tell you how hard you worked the last 10 years to be an unlikeable douchebag with no friends, and we’ll see if that motivates you to change.

With friendly regards
-James Fuchs


Hullo James, were you replying to my post or to the thread generally?

I guess I’m the party who has caused you to threaten me and to make wholly untrue assertions about me - in addition to terming me a ‘douchebag’.

What can have gotten you so riled? I was writing from my own point of view. I really, honestly don’t care if EVE goes down the pan. I have plenty of other things to be doing. While it is still available, I’ll engage with it - profitably, I assure you. I like the game.

I’m not sure what you mean by ‘how hard you worked the last 10 years’. If it isn’t too much trouble, could you explain that to me?