I had to wander around in constellation to find one. Agency won’t help locate one, sadly. I’d recommend hitting F11 and checking the constilation map to see what systems are in your’s.
That’s me only or this look like a other case of no planification event and trash setup ?
@CCP just give me the Hurricane skin and all will be forgiven.
Oh, almost forgot. Seems the “examine the gate” objectives are FUBAR…not sure what you’re suppose to do to get those to tick off but approaching or activating them sure as ■■■■ doesn’t do diddly.
You’re supposed to ‘look at’ the gate. No idea why they couldn’t mention that somewhere, but yeah, it works.
Spent about 1.5h on this, killed tons of ships (battleships respawning is a mystery, but did kill like 5-6 of them), zero event loot (bpcs, skins), grinded the first event reward for 70 points. I’m done with this ■■■■, might as well did some VNI ratting…
to what I noticed, you can make two spawn at each part of the site.
Containers didnt respawn for a couple of hrs.
Yeah, better lay it off then.
I got 2 ticks of environmental damage on warp-in - is this intended? Also i warped to some wreck near an NPC and lost my ship to yet again environmental damage.
Event is too damn bright to the point of hurting eyes.
Hacking containers do not seem to “respawn” making hacking part of the event inaccessible.
Overall: event not worth the time doing for new/alpha accounts - you can kill frigs and cruisers but thats about it. There is literally nothing else to do.
Gracias. I facepalmed.
Guess what I just picked up from loot!
Edit, scratch that. Different SKIN.
here are the stats for the
mass (4) 1.01E7
hp (9) 1000.0
charge (18) 0.0
maxVelocity (37) 400.0
capacity (38) 235.0
rechargeRate (55) 333750.0
agility (70) 0.31725
maxTargetRange (76) 71875.0
volume (161) 101000.0
radius (162) 199.86
maxLockedTargets (192) 6.0
scanRadarStrength (208) 0.0
scanLadarStrength (209) 0.0
scanMagnetometricStrength (210) 0.0
scanGravimetricStrength (211) 19.2
missileDamageMultiplier (212) 5.5
gfxBoosterID (246) 395.0
entityLootCountMin (250) 0.0
shieldCapacity (263) 5000.0
shieldCharge (264) 0.0
armorHP (265) 1000.0
armorEmDamageResonance (267) 0.8
armorExplosiveDamageResonance (268) 0.5
armorKineticDamageResonance (269) 1.0
armorThermalDamageResonance (270) 0.4
shieldEmDamageResonance (271) 0.8
shieldExplosiveDamageResonance (272) 0.5
shieldKineticDamageResonance (273) 1.0
shieldThermalDamageResonance (274) 0.4
entityEquipmentMin (456) 0.0
entityEquipmentMax (457) 3.0
shieldRechargeRate (479) 937500.0
entityKillBounty (481) 0.0
capacitorCapacity (482) 1562.5
missileLaunchDuration (506) 2613.2114
entityMissileTypeID (507) 27407.0
signatureRadius (552) 197.20508
entityFactionLoss (562) 0.0
scanResolution (564) 337.5
missileEntityVelocityMultiplier (645) 2.499
missileEntityFlightTimeMultiplier (646) 1.666
entityBracketColour (798) 1.0
missileEntityAoeCloudSizeMultiplier (858) 0.652
missileEntityAoeVelocityMultiplier (859) 1.708
his missile is
dread guristas inferno heavy assult missile
mass (4) 1000.0
hp (9) 180.0
maxVelocity (37) 2250.0
capacity (38) 0.0
agility (70) 5.2201257
detonationRange (108) 35.0
kineticDamageResonance (109) 1.0
thermalDamageResonance (110) 0.8
explosiveDamageResonance (111) 1.0
emDamageResonance (113) 1.0
emDamage (114) 0.0
explosiveDamage (116) 0.0
kineticDamage (117) 0.0
thermalDamage (118) 120.0
launcherGroup (137) 771.0
volume (161) 0.015
radius (162) 300.0
requiredSkill1 (182) 25719.0
requiredSkill2 (183) 3319.0
requiredSkill1Level (277) 1.0
requiredSkill2Level (278) 1.0
explosionDelay (281) 4000.0
techLevel (422) 1.0
structureUniformity (525) 1.0
metaLevel (633) 3.0
aimedLaunch (644) 1.0
aoeVelocity (653) 101.0
aoeCloudSize (654) 125.0
aoeFalloff (655) 1500.0
aoeDamageReductionFactor (1353) 0.882
metaGroupID (1692) 4.0
120 dammage per missile ; rat mult is 5.5 and the missile delay is 2.6s so 120*5.5/2.613 = 252 thermal DPS per cruiser.
I am at the entry point, a stratios in the est gate ; dscan gives me its actual distance, while I can’t get him on overview.
Several issues…
1 beacon per const is awful but we can handle.
But the thing that is absolutely disgusting is the nodes that never respawn, Mining space without a single gas and missions for mining with character with 0 point on mining skils and PvE mission for Mining player. Eve is life choise and i cant even use my alt that i focus on one life to make the missions ‘-’.
Make we choose what Kind of mission PvE, Mining or Exploration ‘-’ and other thing that combat site is not for newbros, not even with fleet. I can handle with BS but newbros will die for a frig.
Hey guys,
Thanks for the feedback, we are trying a few new things and really appreciate your thoughts and opinions.
Just wanted to let you all know that the hacking containers not respawning is a bug, and will be fixed soon. They should re-lock and load regularly, not just at downtime.
Fly safe,
CCP Turtlepower
The blinding literally hurts my eyes. The backdrop of space is dark and so our vision has adjusted for that. Who thought this was a good idea to literally blind people and force them to squint?
So that thing doesn’t even move around the constellation? That’s great.
I make around 200m isk/hr. is this event worth doing, in your opinion?
There do not seem to be any gas sites through the gates, Am I being blind? stupid? or otherwise missing them? help please?
Honestly, my eyes are still adjusting after getting blinded too many times. There’s a lingering after-image that’s been burned right into my retinas. This is not cool.