[EDIT: I’ve tried out the event on the test server, so this isn’t all blind speculation.]
Experimentation with new content and new tactics, both by players and by CPP, is great. Bringing together players is great. Healthy competition - in moderation - is good. Events are great. Rewards are great. Based on what I’ve seen on the test server, Permafrost represents an attempt for all of these.
I predict, with sadness, that it will fail spectacularly in its current form.
With only one site per constellation, there won’t be “enough to go around”. I firmly believe that the vast majority of event-runners choose to run events for rewards, not the sake of competition and risking that their stuff be yanked out from under them.
Are you ready for an outsanding data point? I couldn’t even complete a site on the test server. The TEST. SERVER. There were mostly yellow wrecks, already-hacked boxes, and two active players in the site. For those of you who don’t frequent the test server… there’s hardly anyone there, ever. It’s mostly empty (granted, with players clustered in a few areas - but I was in a generally desolute area test-server-wise.)
Yes, there will be PvP fans and carebear-haters who will call this post nothing more than whining. There will be people who cling to the theory “Well, a lot of people will come along, decide the format is awful, and then stop running the events all together, freeing up more room for the rest of folks.” I don’t think this will play out - I think there will be a constant imbalance of demand-vs-supply of event sites as more and more people log in for the first time post-event-launch to try things out - especially during the weekend. I predict an outcry.
Format of the site so far:
Warp in, there is a small group of Mord. ships, along with three gates within easy reach. One gate takes you to a bunch of cans guarded by a lot of frigates (webbing) and a few cruisers. Another gate takes you to, from what I could tell, the equivalent of a giant LVL4 mission pocket - lots of BS, lots of cruisers, lots of frigates. Nothing to screw around with unless you’re LVL4 combat prepared. (Again, hard to gauge exactly because of yellow wrecks and active players.) The third gate led to another big cluster of frigates and a few cruisers - but I couldn’t tell what this gate / pocket was offering. (Mining? Didn’t see any roids, but my overview might have been off.)
Here’s another problem with three pockets per site…
CCP, how are you going to decide when to de-spawn / re-spawn the site? On the test server, what I flew into was one giant disappointment - all cans hacked, yellow wrecks, a few NPCs still there to engage. Are you going to wait for all three pockets to be completed before re-spawning? Wouldn’t that leave a lot of “site cruft” sitting idle, preventing the spawn of new sites and creating a weird event-running backlog effect? That’s just going to multiply the negative effects of one site per constellation.
I love event sites, I love Eve, but I am one (of many) who does not love routinely running into competition for event sites. (Trust me, I am not alone.)
I will gladly stand on a podium after the first couple of days and proclaim “I was wrong!”, but without changes, I just don’t see that happening.
I think the event will need to be more than one-site-per-constellation. If not, I predict the end result will be far less participation than usual.
I hope I am wrong.
Thanks for listening.
I’m really concerned. From what we can tell on the test server, the set of 16 cans to hack (which contain the majority of the good loot) only respawn… at downtime??? So… there are 16 cans per constellation per downtime? That can’t be right.