Event sites and looters

All of this is just a cleverly-roundabout way of saying that you’ll shoot first, and then come up with a justification after the fact. I get that this is a game, and you’re entitled to do this if you want to, but let’s call a spade a spade, lmao.

No, you won’t. Barring a few kills where you gang-bang someone random in low-sec when you have the numbers, your “enforcement” is contingent upon your targets already being condemned to death within the next few seconds. You don’t proactively go after criminals or their supporters, because you aren’t willing to gank them, don’t know how to bait them, and are war-ineligible so that you can’t legally attack them. That leaves you with pretty much just a single option for going after players who aren’t already in the process of dying to CONCORD: putting out a can, and politely asking your targets to take from it so that they become eligible to be attacked.

This is laughable from a “policing” perspective. You really should just do your thing quietly and privately, because flaunting this play style openly will lead to ridicule from pretty much everyone who isn’t your supporter on principle.

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