May 18 2021
Hovering your mouse of any row on the standings page will show the full non rounded standing returned from ESI
April 6 2021
Added GDPR Cookie disclaimer
March 25 2021
Cleared up some confusing with the skill points on the left bard. Show Allocated/Unallocated/Total
March 21 2021
Hide Not Injected
skills by default, you can trigger them with the filters
Oct 7 2020
Backend Security Updates
Aug 8 2020
Added in non-injected skills with an accompanying filter button at the top of the skillsheet.
- this caused a small miscalculation on Ships a pilot can fly based off skills, this has been corrected and will fix itself with a forced refresh of your Skillboard (reauth and hit create)
Aug 7 2020
- Sorted standings by Standing value, no more mixed up mess!
- Backend Upgrades, CMS and Associated 3rd party resources updated up to current supported versions
- XML Download - allows the download of an XML built file importable to Evemon & Pyfa
- Removed Extracted Value - with the market changes and the constant use of a guesstimate value, I found it safer to just show the # of injectors you can pull out for you to calculate on your own
- Edge case where a JC was in a unreachable station (didn’t exist anymore), don’t die on that
- Updated plex transfer description guide page
- Automated the pull of new skills (previously manual process)
- Refresh button
- No more nightly refreshes of all skillboards