Slowly but surely I’ll hopefully add more as time goes on, always open to Region suggestions. For any questions feel free to post here, in game or hop on my Discord
I was looking for a highly traveled system with a decent amount of connections. Manarq matched that pretty well, its borders about 5 other regions within 1-3 jumps. Genesis is also a decent region, I looked over stats on a4e and it looked like there was an opportunity.
Manarq is a bit further from the giant LS pockets in Genesis, but hopefully can still help those occupants with some items/orders.
Manarq is also a single jump back to Jita LS entrances, and from Jita its a 2 midpoint route. Pretty easy logistics for JF. For cloaky haulers in 8 jumps through Tama, and HS freighters I think its 14
Well this was mostly an announcement/info thread of a new trade hub and a rolling post for future hubs that I put up. So people know something like this is available in the specific regions.
Sales have actually been better than I though for the odds and ends that I had shipped down from jita.
Traders and region traders are more than welcome to start importing.
I have secured an approved status from Red Frog Freight to deliver to my citadels. Still working up rep with haulers channel and Push
So far I’m having success with charges, cyno related items, and mining items. There is an ice belt a few jumps away that seems to draw people in for those mods.
There isn’t much stock of anything in genesis from the items I checked at least, and its right in the middle of a 5 regions high way, so anyone passing by could be looking for most anything.
A good choice for a trade hub is also a system at a dead end. Only 1 entry/exit gate. That way when your corp/alliance is war declared and attacked there is only one gate for your hired mercs to trap their fleets.