Trade Hub Blockades

Hey. We were talking in chat about the trade hubs and i started thinking about driving traffic to the smaller hubs in New Eden.

Maybe add blockade events that would last a week or two in one trade hub at a time and the surrounding area so players would be required to transport resources and modules to fill NPC contracts that would pay some 2-5% more ISK then Jita prices.

Could add NPC freighters for group events that drop large amounts of low tier ores as well to utilize capsuleer freighters in ways other then regular hauling.

Might be an interesting mechanic all around.

Just my two cents.

If you want this you need to do it.

Would be fun but i dont have a corp or alliance :smiley:

Burn Jita comes to mind and it did not stop trade at all. Have fun.

I can tell you what’s more effective than that, though: Seeding smaller hubs with ALL the things that are available in Jita at reasonable prices (ie. no ridiculous markups).

Build one

Thats true but now im thinking this from a perspective of getting more PvE content into high sec aswell. Something that doesnt need fleeting up but people can just join in on the action with other players.

Maybe NPC freighters could have shared bounty and drop loot in lots of smaller cans for individuals to pick up.