EveStructures - Monitor your stations out of game

Updates to reduce failures:

  1. New job/Command to update a characters corporation information, no longer trying to get info about corps a character are no longer in.
  2. Moved the fracture checks into its own command/job to reduce the amount of redos.
  3. Moved the token refresh to its own trait so it can be more easily used other places.
  4. 5 token refresh failures and we will no longer try to refresh characters until they reauth successfully (failures from a 4xx).

README has been updated with the new commands, they also run on a schedule. Make sure when you update you :

  1. php artisan migrate (you can add --pretend to check what it will do to be safe
    2.php artisan queue:restart

Updates for slack!

You can now use slack webhooks along with discord webhooks, mix and match as you please. Worked out to not have to add any new DB tables or anything major, just some logic on which type of notification to queue up based off the URL stored.

php artisan queue:restart to be safe once you pull down the changes



I did have to make a quick code change to fix the slack fracture notification, but now it works!

IF youā€™re using the slack notifications, make sure to pull down the latest master

Quick fix to apply date sorting to the daily extraction notification. Now they will be ordered by the chunk_arrival_time soonest to latest.

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Iā€™ve just pushed an update, simple changes to add in all the missing structure types (faction forts, flex structures), Any issues, lemme know!

just do a simple git pull && php artisan queue:restart

I was bad and missed updating the ESI url for all the API calls. This morning that old URL went down which is now resulting in 404 calls. Iā€™ve just pushed a quick update to variablize that URL for the future.

Do a quick git pull, or cherry pick this commit to your fork/diverged code

You now have the ability to add the @here ping to any of the notifications. Go to the Notification page and check the box for the webhook/notification type you wish to enable that feature on.

To add this functionality to your private hosted version:
git pull
php artisan migrate
php artisan queue:restart

And you will be good to go

Hello. Is there a way to also pull info on citadels for which the corp is not a owner, but manager?

The best you could pull is the system , name and market data. Iā€™ve never tried checking that and currently not built to allow imputing custom corps

EDIT: wouldnā€™t work , as all the corporation/structure endpoints look for roles in that specific corporation which you are not apart of

Fixed some if statements that might have resulted in some slack notifications not being sent.

git pull
php artisan queue:restart

Added in the structure name on the public page, had a couple requests for it.

git pull

Just a simple git pull should get it for ya, shouldnā€™t require restarting the queue

Also added in some colorful icons for the token status with a hover text

Also some security updates that github has notified me about have been updated:

There were 2 security warnings on dependency packages listed in the yarn.lock file that were filed 2 days ago (tar, jquery). Iā€™ve just pushed and updated yarn/package/composer file with the updates.

If you pull down those files and run composer install and yarn install it will clear those up for you

Another round of security updates reported by github.
composer install && yarn install

Also added in 1 retry when a 502 is encountered, as those still happen from time to time.