Eviction from NPC Station be added to EVE

I need to whale harder for the future then haha. Cheers.

I have a toon with -2.7 to Trigs. He can’t dock in Pochvenhell stations. Which is going to make it harder for him to survive when trying to fix that standing.


Station games used to be a thing.

I will help you, sister Destiny.
The Exalted Enlightened Matriarch (may she ever shine as stars) says; “Letting go of possessions gives us free minds, and a free mind is the only condition for fulfillment. If, in our heart, we still cling to possessions — we cannot be free.”
I will allow you to put your burden of PLEX and isk upon me thus freeing your mind.

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Couple of years ago, someone paid over a million plex for a limited edition ship.

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