[Excubitoris Chapter] Duty and Service to Amarr

Y-eeees, and so if you are Amarrian, you can definitely place the Triglavian Collective higher on the threat list . . . so long as you:

  1. take the word of the entity with the strongest vested interest in perpetuating that belief;

  2. firmly and completely ignore all reports of said empires engaging in diplomatic discussions with the Collective;

  3. stick your head very deep in the sand about the fact that the Drifters publicly executed our previous Empress; AND

  4. completely disregard the fact that there is ALSO an ongoing declared war against the Drifters right this very minute that you SHOULD be addressing instead.

But by all means, LUMENeers, ignore all of that so that Arsia Elkin’s betrayal of the Empire doesn’t interfere with your ability socialize with her at the next capsuleer soiree.

If you can’t put the Empress’ murder together with the flight of the Triglavian Collective from the Abyss to figure out that the Drifters are the single most dire threat to the cluster, it’s because your overprivileged noble brains are too stupid to do the math.