[Excubitoris Chapter] Duty and Service to Amarr

Fighting on children of god, sweetened or otherwise, seems like an unstable arena. I think we should give building it a shot, for the added challenge and entertainment of whimpering and yowling from underfoot. I expect your next party to have a brand new and interesting arena, Dread Elkin.

The Empire did fail God’s test then, and the Throne became Vacant.

The petition keeps coming up because you and LUMEN keep misrepresenting it. There was no questioning to it save for asking the Throne to intervene.

Having these disagreements with you is not something I enjoy, Lord Lok’ri, I truly do not. I continue to hold you in high regard. That said, your continued drawing of comparisons to the EoM traitor are wholly unfounded and becoming unpalatable. I pray you would reconsider before doing it again.

Speaking of the Khanid Equilibrium of Mankind traitor, would our critizisms of their choice of a Blooder captain have been misplaced had the heretic won, but was then disgarded by King Khanid? A useful tool that is acceptable until the objective is complete?

If Bloody Omir or Kuvakei and their ilk were to participate in EDENCOM would you have no objections to working along side of them?

Where do you draw the line, Lord Lok’ri? Do you even draw one?

Thank you for pointing out the Battlemonk, a system oversight that I will see to remedying.


Like Sesli Ashok from the Seykal Headhunters, affiliated with the Thukker minmatar tribe, to whom various Amarr loyalists paid, through the efforts of your husband and House Newelle, 200 billion isk to obtain the prisoner who was ultimately delivered to Lord Sarum?

I don’t regret contributing to the fund your husband marshaled, I hope it led in some small way to the ultimate downfall of Lord Alar Chaikaid and the collapse of the EoM’s plot to destabilize the cluster.

At this point, given the double standards being applied, part of me I feels like I want a refund of my 80 billion isk (the product of years of work) that I gave your husband to help, as well as other efforts I’ve (and SFRIM and LUMEN) made over the years to advance both of your agendas which seem, very forgotten.

I’d rather, however, that the faithful stop sniping at each other on these Boards and realize we each are in good faith trying to serve the Empire in our capacities and spheres of operations, and carry on for the glory of God and the Faith.


If the correctly appointed Empress and the Privy Council command, then I would obey, period. It is not my place to make these decisions. Pure Thought is the Instigator of Sin, Free Thought is the Begetter of Disorder, and Uniform Thought is the Way of Life.

Fortunately, I trust that they will never command anything like working with Omir or Kuvakei.

There is also a rather large difference between allowing an open heretic into a holy rite with the intent to corrupt said rite, and in that case make the Empty Throne Heretic’s nonsense a reality, and issues such as the open door policy towards pirates maintained by the Militia or the ongoing Amarr decision to work with the CONCORD Empires. And those members of the Praetoria who expanded their criticism past the EoM Traitor and targeted the Khanid Heir himself did in fact err badly.

An endeavor I thought was foolish. We can speculate on what the results, if any, of it were. I doubt we will ever know for certain.

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May you never learn the depth of horror contained in your words, Lok’ri.
I don’t think you could survive it without going stark raving mad.

Yeah, you’re definitely gonna have to tap wig boy if you expect to see any of that siller again as all sales are final when it comes to me and the crew.

I dunno if he’s got two pseudo-unique proxy assets to rub together though. What with all that greaser’s shine wax and cheap gilt thread he goes in for. Maybe the wife’s the one to go cap in hand to, eh?

Ayup, you could always ask some o’yer mates on Huola VI about that.

Oh, wait, maybe not.





You know I just now realized he wasn’t saying ‘The Baguette of Disorder’… that makes so much more sense. I think I should go get breakfast.

Cuz if they wardec’d you, they’d blow up your Tanoo fort w/out much trouble?

I was out ten posts ago.

I suspect you vastly under-estimate the trouble they’d find there. Khimi Harar have grown to be a vastly tougher nut to crack than AmarrBloc has wielded in the past, and with much better allies.

Not a single Amarr has covered themselves in glory here. Has the ancient art of letter writing become lost among capsuleers?

This thread is completely unnecessary. Though, bring honest before God, most threads on this forum are unnecessary.

-Lady Erin Savonarola, the Contessa della Solfete


This is, as some have been rumored to say, a bad look.

Lady Newelle and Lord-Consort Newelle are traitors who were on grid as Pandemic Horde and Stribog Clade engaged an EDENCOM fortification, as was Mikal and CTRLV, and did so because they were invited by Stribog Clade. To what extent, I don’t know, but it’s pretty clear from what Aldrith decided was totally cool to say in the Summit comms channel.

But I can yell about that all day. Aldy and Mitara and Mikal and whoever can yell back. Because this is an open forum.

I’m not sure I want to know what LUMEN hoped to accomplish by posting here besides looking as much like children as everyone else. Petition the throne and the relevant royal heirs. Make reports to the appropriate agencies. Let the traitors answer for their actions in a setting that doesn’t involve screaming the loudest to pretend like it makes your actions any less heretical.

FFS, if you’re going to declare them traitors, shoot them or shut the ■■■■ up and let the grown ups handle it, because there are clearly none present here.

-Lady Abigail Renaud

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As the Chapter Master clearly states, there is no shame in using one enemy against another.

Unless, of course, there is, in which case we seem to be in a bit of a conundrum as far as treason goes.

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That would imply you were the ones calling them in. If you turned up when they called, then you’re the ones being used, not Stribog.

The point is moot since we only did damage to the Strigbog fleet before leaving in disgust at seeing the Eagle flock. If there was sin in it, obscene incompetence with said “allies” and haughty distaste at nullsec’er overkill redeems it.

I have also voiced strong disapproval to Vektor for not just clearing the field of whatever we could before the Pandemic Horde fleet was none the wiser, and have advised against cooperating with Stribog in the future, just as I advised against cooperating with Minmatar against Snuffed Out when they were in the warzone. For my part in that fleet, I came to fire upon enemies of the Empire, especially the monster you made out of the empty skin of my friend and sister.

In the end, I do not believe Amarr loyalists should dabble in this nonsense at all unless the circumstances are so dire and immediate pride must be swallowed, as I did in Arshat or when dealing with the lovely Sesli Ashok and her headhunters. I am able to be flexible as well, believe me. However, the casualness of the relationship under Lux Invicta is a bit beyond the pale.


I’ll never understand the high that some folks get by barging into a conversation they have no business in and telling virtually all parties that they’re wrong. I mean come now…

You’re in…

*checks notes

Brave? And you’ve got…


37 kills to your name (most of which are customs offices)? Please tell us more about how you yearn for combat as opposed to empty words

Who even are you? Are you lost, dear child?


Really, Lady Renaud?

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…Yes, really.