[Excubitoris Chapter] Duty and Service to Amarr

I’ll never understand the high that some folks get by barging into a conversation they have no business in and telling virtually all parties that they’re wrong.


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You may wish to reevaluate and reexamine your assertions.

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I’m good

Suit yourself being wholly wrong. I tried.


did you tho

I hardly believe this is what our Empress, let alone our people wants of us.

Squabbling, bickering?

Read scripture and submit to the glory of God, I beg of you, before you lose yourselves in your egos entirely! This is not a good look for the Empire.

“Surround yourself with the faithful, Stand together, for there is no strength like it under the heavens.”

  • The Scriptures, Book of Missions 71:21

Because it’s not like it’s a secret so you might as well.

(You won’t succeed.)

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You mean the Gradient , Electus Matari Astrahaus? I am not going into a history lesson about these groups.

You lie, I was never even there. The EM base was destroyed YC 123-11-23 01:10. My pod logs show me disconnecting YC 123.11.21 18:40 and not reconnecting until YC 123.11.24 16:38.

Neither I nor the Lord Consort, to my knowledge, have leveled such heavy accusations towards LUMEN. I vehemently disagree of their dealings with apostates and terrorists, that is plain to see, and that is the all of it.

I suggest you take your own advice, Lady Renaud - petition His Grace the Lord Sarum, it is your right as his vassal. Make your case on how I or the Lord Consort have betrayed him and present these supposed heresies we have committed. I will obediently accept whatever judgement His Grace passes upon me, or alternatively, I will simply look on as you make a mockery of yourself before the Court of House Sarum.


That I will do anything in my power to nullify future threats to the Empire is indeed a given.

But seriously, if it happened that I had a masterful plan to do so, then talking about such a plan here would be insane.

Though you are right that any such fantasy would fail regardless of whether I talked about it. Any plan that requires the opposition to play the part you assign them for it to suceed is delusional, at best.

And I would suggest to the rest of y’all that it would be great if you either ceased these endless displays of hostility and either stuck to responses to the topic (which is certainly not the actions of either House Newelle or LiP) or left well enough alone, but this is the IGS so that suggestion is probably hopeless.


My apologies. Aldy and CTRLV were the ones on grid. You’re still all traitors.

I don’t serve LUMEN anymore after seeing how the Directrix is content to let Gah’Matar run things however he pleases rather than actually, you know, leading.

Also, this is a Galnet forum, I can yell all I want while actually filing petitions with the appropriate parties since it seems words do not have consequences for anyone now. Words, words, woooooooooooooords.

My question still stands about what you hoped to accomplish in the first place. If I’d bet on the outcome of this thread before you posted it, I would have lost money because it’s still more civil, if only by a little bit, compared to how I expected it to go when I read it.

Maker, I needed some drama to stay the boredom on this move op. :popcorn: :tumbler_glass:
Thanks to all the pompous masturposters and salty warzone mercs who’ve made this possible!


Thank you lady Renaud for pointing out the attack on the EDENCOM structure, earlier in the tread. I wasn’t aware.

Well at least for some (like me) staying outside this conflict between faithful, lord Lok’ri’s essay clarifies why LUMEN would ever fleet up with rebel slaves and democracy-obsessed hedonists. It also tries to counter some accusations such as those of subordination. And I enjoyed the historical perspective!

Perhaps guidance can be found in the Pax e Kilizhi Do: those fighting the Triglavians and those fighting the Minmatar could try to consider each other as different Capsuleer Military Circuits? They each have their own focus and command their area of operation, while all serve God, the Empress and our glorious Empire.

My impression from reading these threads and talking to some of you is that this view would be acceptable to those fighting the Triglavians, but would be unpalatable for those focusing on the Minmatar as the major threat. Why is there this asymmetry?


Careful now. You’re being all reasonable and intelligent and non-frothing. This is the IGS, I dunno if that kind of attitude is allowed. :wink:

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This is your near-daily reminder that the astrahus was not an “EDENCOM fortification” (hey, “fortification” seems a little strong, “bastion,” anyone?) but rather an INDEPENDENT CAPSULEER UPWELL STRUCTURE.

You have as much power with EDENCOM as Diana Kim has court martial authority.

Gosh, look at all those supposedly “red” EM pilots marked blue to LUMEN.


And if that doesn’t get me banned from the IGS, the sorry state of my zkillboard will.


Now this is legitimately interesting indeed. Obviously, individual pilots can override corp/alliance standings on a personal level, but it’s at least indicative of diplomatic shenanigans.

Sort of like how Stringbeans never actually lost any structures in Pochven, right? It’s a convenient cover!

The unfortunate issue from our standpoint is that LUMEN’s cooperation with Electus Matari and Phoenix Naval Systems in other areas undermines our future position in the warzone. Inevitably when they take the same coalition (minus LUMEN), including the material and expertise gained from that cooperation, and use it to fight us instead of Triglavians or pirates, LUMEN will have at least indirectly contributed to a much more difficult fight for us.

Mikal may not complain about such a challenge but our objectives may suffer as a result, especially as they will combine with a renewed Ushra’khan. It is a gross lack of consideration and refusal to recognize the primary pitfall of helping your future enemies: making them stronger gives them strength to use against you. Or, in this case, making them stronger gives them strength to attack a different theater of war you have made clear signals of wishing to have nothing to do with, therefore pawning off the challenge of fighting off these newly enhanced enemies to others (us) you have no intention of helping. It is a bit upsetting when we want to weaken Electus Matari while they are standing in the way of it.

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Individual former pilots can indeed have had other standings.

This is the official standings for LUMEN.