[Excubitoris Chapter] Duty and Service to Amarr

The Minmatar learned many things from Amarr. Not all of them were wrong.

But, that said, a key difference is that we have treaties between Amarr Empire and Minmatar Tribes, we do not have similar agreements between Amarr and Clades. If the Empress should, in her divinely guided wisdom, decide to normalise relations with the Triglavians, we would, of course, respect that decision.

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I have voiced my disapproval several times to him, but he now sees no reason to give it any credence as there is no example to follow.

I am only in the alliance for the contracts, ping system, and to avoid having to compete yet more for some semblance of moral authority. Do not read too much into it; it’s all ■■■■■■ anyway, but at least I do not have to kiss the toes of someone who betrayed my family and I.

I think it might be more accurate to say that lesson is one we learned from each other.

Yes, yes, rationalize it however you want. You’re still willingly committing yourself to following the orders of a hypocrite. He sees no reason to give your objections any credence simply because he never wanted to. And you’re smart enough to know that, even if you rationalize that away, too.

You held more moral authority as a member of your wife’s corporation than you do licking those boots.

And like always, with you, it is always personal. Your honor, your pride, your feelings.

Your inability to set personal aside for higher duty has cost you more than you probably will ever understand.


I do plenty of that, but I have my limits.

If one pushes that limit, I will push back. Hard.

And, like I said, it has cost you more than you probably will ever understand.

Not that I should complain. Fate and Luck.

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Actions have consequences, and my Duty going forward lies in imposing them.

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Despite this, Triglavian forces continue to mount raids across New Eden, with EDENCOM Command and the core empires pursuing a policy of deadly force response, containment, and aggressive counter-raiding against Triglavian-held systems

It seems the Empires agree the war is not over and EDENCOM is far from defunct, and thus it is clear the Chapter’s duty to support in the raids must continue just as much as it is the Militia’s duty to continue its campaigns against the TLF


Indeed. And we can and will continue that duty.

Anyone loyal to one of the CONCORD signatories who is legitimately interested in aiding anti-Triglavian operations is welcome to contact me privately to see if cooperation with the Excubitoris Chapter of the Sacred Throne is possible.

I certainly will not be advertising our operations on this forum other than to say that we will not stand down from our cooperation with EDENCOM alligned forces until the fight is either won or the proper authorities inform us of a change in priorities.

The invaders must die. Those who collaborate with the invasion must also die. Remember Raravoss.


Curious. This was not PIE’s stance when I was removed for doing exactly that.

You really have gone full apostate.


Are you really trying to say working with a terrorist to launch a rogue virus attack against an Amarr household is equivalent to an Ardishapur heir endorsed coalition that defends Amarr against the Triglavians?

The issues with Chakaid happened after I was already gone, my lord. I’m talking about working with a terrorist to hunt Nauplius, and in the process saving the lives of a million slaves. That’s what I was removed from PIE for.


To be completely fair to the Chapter Master, I believe the concern was for the fraternization occuring beyond the cooperation that the event was indicative of. Personally I found the act commendable, but not what proved to be true surrounding it.

From my memory there was a little bit more to the story than your just working with a terrorist, but even if there weren’t it would still not be even close to the “exact same thing” as the current situation with anti-Triglavian cooperation.

The existence of EDENCOM changes a great deal.


How convenient that it suddenly became so very different when you lot started doing it.

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I think you got that the wrong way. They started doing it because it became different. No doubt they’ll stop as soon as the Edencom co-operation collapses, too.

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I somehow doubt it. They haven’t exactly been short on that level of hypocrisy before, turning blind eyes to co-operation with… let’s call them ‘undesirables’ when convenient, and condemning it when it isn’t. Anything from Angels through Blooders, long before Edencom was a thing. It’s not really anything unexpected or unprecedented of course, but it is always going to remain hypocritical.

They started doing it long before Samira even joined. The only thing that changed with Edencom is that they now have an excuse for it.

You are correct that we have decided some collaboration with undesirables in the past is neccessary. The primary other context for collaboration with undesireables has been the Militia. However, the decision to allow pirates and such to work for Amarr was made far above our rank, much like the decision to have Amarr join EDENCOM.

I don’t think working with the Republic against the Triglavians means abandoning plans to reconquer the rebel provinces at a later date when the Empire is in a position to do so.

I think it’s a misjudgment to think working with an enemy to fight another enemy makes them any less an enemy. It just means they’re an enemy you’ve chosen not to kill for today.