Extended downtime

I suggest creating a module if you’re using PowerShell for doing things and putting your functions in there and it will autoload them.

PS> $env:PSModulePath

Will show the module path locations (you can use -split “delimiter” to output on individual lines for easier reading

For Linux / BSD

PS> $env:PSModulePath -split ":"

For Windows

PS> $env:PSModulePath -split ";"

Create a folder called something like “EveModule” under the “Modules” folder and create a text file called the same “EveModule.psm1” (psm1 is the module filetype extension) there.

In that file you can add functions such like

function Get-EveStatus(){
  Invoke-RestMethod https://esi.evetech.net/latest/status/?datasource=tranquility

You can also pipe that output to other cmdlets if you want more processing.