[COMPLETED] Extended Downtime Notification - 4 May 2022


There will be an extended downtime today to perform routine maintenance to our online services. We expect Tranquility to resume accepting connections by 11:40 UTC at the latest. Players won’t be able to access the EVE Online website, EVE store, and account management page during that time.

Thank you for your understanding and sorry for any inconvenience caused by announcing this on such short notice.




Tranquility is back online accepting connections. Have fun out there o7


May the 4th be with the hamsters.


Can we access the ESI API?

The ESI is on AWS and depending on the endpoint, the data is cached. You can just go check it yourself:


That should be available.

Usual Jedi stuff

MAY the 4th be with you !!! (think about it)


Oh no an extended down time ?!

May the 4th be with us all ! :frowning:

Nice short notice. Let’s hope that this “maintenance” wasn’t prepared in the same fashion.



Hopefully they have realized that rising the Sub price is a BAD Idea! :slight_smile:

that leaves time to drink a little coffee or two…


Colourful status

PS> Get-EveEsiStatus | ft | egrep -i "red|yellow"
esi-planets-protobuf          get    /characters/{character_id}/planets/                             yellow {Planetary Interaction}
esi-planets-protobuf          get    /characters/{character_id}/planets/{planet_id}/                 yellow {Planetary Interaction}
esi-planets-protobuf          get    /corporations/{corporation_id}/customs_offices/                 red    {Planetary Interaction}
esi-dogma                     get    /dogma/dynamic/items/{type_id}/{item_id}/                       yellow {Dogma}
esi-location-protobuf         get    /characters/{character_id}/online/                              yellow {Location}
esi-location-protobuf         get    /characters/{character_id}/ship/                                red    {Location}
esi-status-protobuf           get    /status/                                                        yellow {Status}
esi-markets                   get    /characters/{character_id}/orders/                              yellow {Market}
esi-markets                   get    /characters/{character_id}/orders/history/                      yellow {Market}
esi-markets                   get    /corporations/{corporation_id}/orders/history/                  yellow {Market}
esi-markets                   get    /markets/structures/{structure_id}/                             yellow {Market}
esi-skills-protobuf           get    /characters/{character_id}/attributes/                          yellow {Skills}
esi-skills-protobuf           get    /characters/{character_id}/skillqueue/                          yellow {Skills}
esi-skills-protobuf           get    /characters/{character_id}/skills/                              yellow {Skills}
esi-bookmarks                 get    /corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/                       yellow {Bookmarks}
esi-fittings                  get    /characters/{character_id}/fittings/                            red    {Fittings}
esi-universe-json             post   /universe/names/                                                yellow {Universe}
esi-universe-json             get    /universe/structures/{structure_id}/                            yellow {Universe}
esi-universe-json             get    /universe/types/                                                red    {Universe}
esi-mail                      get    /characters/{character_id}/mail/                                yellow {Mail}
esi-mail                      get    /characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/                         yellow {Mail}
esi-mail                      get    /characters/{character_id}/mail/lists/                          yellow {Mail}
esi-wallet-json               get    /characters/{character_id}/wallet/                              yellow {Wallet}
esi-wallet-json               get    /characters/{character_id}/wallet/journal/                      yellow {Wallet}
esi-wallet-json               get    /characters/{character_id}/wallet/transactions/                 yellow {Wallet}
esi-wallet-json               get    /corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/{division}/journal/      yellow {Wallet}
esi-contacts                  get    /characters/{character_id}/contacts/                            red    {Contacts}
esi-contacts                  get    /characters/{character_id}/contacts/labels/                     yellow {Contacts}
esi-contacts                  get    /corporations/{corporation_id}/contacts/                        yellow {Contacts}
esi-contacts                  get    /corporations/{corporation_id}/contacts/labels/                 yellow {Contacts}
esi-contracts                 get    /characters/{character_id}/contracts/                           yellow {Contracts}
esi-contracts                 get    /contracts/public/bids/{contract_id}/                           yellow {Contracts}
esi-contracts                 get    /contracts/public/items/{contract_id}/                          yellow {Contracts}
esi-contracts                 get    /contracts/public/{region_id}/                                  yellow {Contracts}
esi-contracts                 get    /corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/                       yellow {Contracts}
esi-calendar-protobuf         get    /characters/{character_id}/calendar/                            red    {Calendar}
esi-calendar-protobuf         get    /characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/                 red    {Calendar}
esi-fleets                    get    /characters/{character_id}/fleet/                               red    {Fleets}
esi-killmails                 get    /characters/{character_id}/killmails/recent/                    red    {Killmails}
esi-killmails                 get    /corporations/{corporation_id}/killmails/recent/                yellow {Killmails}
esi-killmails                 get    /killmails/{killmail_id}/{killmail_hash}/                       red    {Killmails}
esi-clones-protobuf           get    /characters/{character_id}/clones/                              yellow {Clones}
esi-clones-protobuf           get    /characters/{character_id}/implants/                            yellow {Clones}
esi-corporations-protobuf     get    /corporations/{corporation_id}/                                 yellow {Corporation}
esi-corporations-protobuf     get    /corporations/{corporation_id}/alliancehistory/                 yellow {Corporation}
esi-corporations-protobuf     get    /corporations/{corporation_id}/divisions/                       yellow {Corporation}
esi-corporations-protobuf     get    /corporations/{corporation_id}/facilities/                      yellow {Corporation}
esi-corporations-protobuf     get    /corporations/{corporation_id}/medals/                          yellow {Corporation}
esi-corporations-protobuf     get    /corporations/{corporation_id}/members/                         yellow {Corporation}
esi-corporations-protobuf     get    /corporations/{corporation_id}/roles/                           yellow {Corporation}
esi-corporations-protobuf     get    /corporations/{corporation_id}/roles/history/                   yellow {Corporation}
esi-corporations-protobuf     get    /corporations/{corporation_id}/starbases/                       yellow {Corporation}
esi-corporations-protobuf     get    /corporations/{corporation_id}/structures/                      yellow {Corporation}
esi-search                    get    /search/                                                        yellow {Search}
esi-sovereignty               get    /sovereignty/campaigns/                                         yellow {Sovereignty}
esi-sovereignty               get    /sovereignty/structures/                                        red    {Sovereignty}
esi-loyalty                   get    /characters/{character_id}/loyalty/points/                      red    {Loyalty}
esi-industry-json             get    /characters/{character_id}/industry/jobs/                       yellow {Industry}
esi-industry-json             get    /characters/{character_id}/mining/                              yellow {Industry}
esi-industry-json             get    /corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/extractions/               yellow {Industry}
esi-industry-json             get    /corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/{observer_id}/   yellow {Industry}
esi-industry-json             get    /corporations/{corporation_id}/industry/jobs/                   yellow {Industry}
esi-alliances-protobuf        get    /alliances/{alliance_id}/                                       yellow {Alliance}
esi-characters-protobuf       post   /characters/affiliation/                                        red    {Character}
esi-characters-protobuf       get    /characters/{character_id}/agents_research/                     yellow {Character}
esi-characters-protobuf       get    /characters/{character_id}/blueprints/                          yellow {Character}
esi-characters-protobuf       get    /characters/{character_id}/corporationhistory/                  yellow {Character}
esi-characters-protobuf       get    /characters/{character_id}/fatigue/                             yellow {Character}
esi-characters-protobuf       get    /characters/{character_id}/medals/                              yellow {Character}
esi-characters-protobuf       get    /characters/{character_id}/notifications/                       red    {Character}
esi-characters-protobuf       get    /characters/{character_id}/roles/                               yellow {Character}
esi-characters-protobuf       get    /characters/{character_id}/standings/                           yellow {Character}
esi-characters-protobuf       get    /characters/{character_id}/titles/                              yellow {Character}
esi-assets                    get    /characters/{character_id}/assets/                              yellow {Assets}
esi-assets                    get    /corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/                          yellow {Assets}
esi-assets                    post   /corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/locations/                yellow {Assets}

Some also disappear completely when they go down, not even show as “red”. Good luck using the OpenAPI spec to generate client stubs when they do that as they get removed from the spec we develop against. See my posts about that in this topic here Https://esi.evetech.net/latest/characters/{character_id}/assets/ returning 404 - #14 by Emotional_Support_Clown

Waiting for DT to finish be like

Anchorman crying


That’s the startup phase.

Shutting down takes so long as it says “Getting things ready…” for about 30 mins.

is it done yet?

Not yet. Things are looking good though, so hopefully, we will be done earlier (famous last words).



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Siege Green?


I’ve had 4 Peanut Butter and Jam Sandwiches already. I may go through the whole Loaf. Hopefully I don’t run out of Peanut Butter before this DT Ends.

Well, that should stop you rushing to the bathroom for a while. More online time.

If you have any long term problems from all that peanut butter, I suggest a strong cinnamon drink (or a vindaloo).

Burning sensation is unavoidable unfortunately. I suggest gaming in an upright standing position with a raisable table.

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