Fabuleux has been kidnapped!

I apologize @Viktor_Revon, and to others as well for my temporary silence. I was the first one on site, and to retrieve the contents of the container. There were several living human biological signatures inside.

I deployed a small squad of marines to retrieve them all, but they were met with resistance in the form of a small group of cultists guarding the interior. Three of the marines were injured, and one of the cultists were killed, along with injuries sustained to two civilian baseliners from the cultists retaliating against my marines, and one death to what I can only assume to be a pilot of either the Schism or Valkyrie organization.

All civilians were rescued, Sri Desfan among them, along with the surviving seven pilots, and all injured individuals are being provided medical care and examinations. The surviving cultists were restrained, and are being held in a UNF facility for the time being, and the two deceased individuals were both recovered as well, and are being temporarily interred in a respectful manner pending final examination.

@Julianni_Avala, as with previously, I will cooperate with I-RED’s ongoing investigations into the matters at hand.

@Clance_Gogne, being affilliated with the Schism organization, you will be temporarily granted access to a UNF administrated structure, to come and verify the identities of some of the pilots currently in UNF care. You will not be permitted to remove them to return with you however for the foreseeable future, barring the body of the deceased pilot if it is a Schism affiliated individual.