Faction destroyers

Kind of odd thing to say

didn’t ask you dirty minmatar

Dirty is as dirty does

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although many people said faction destroyers are bad idea, many people still liked it. I am happy to see that.


Citation required

I made a poll above in the thread, so far 83% out of 47 people said they liked the idea.

Which means only 17% thought it was a bad idea and 17% of 47 is not “many”

hey 17% of 47 is only 8 people, who disagrees, while the rest, 39 people, agrees. however I do admit that 47 people is a small sample space so it will be biased and not accurate.

Yes, thats what Ive been saying.

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I can confirm she lives there. She ganks miners in Eve to convert to real world currency to buy rice rations near Kaesong.

Faction destroyers could be a bad idea it just depends what they are like.
Typical Eve inclusion of new ships makes them ridiculously OP to begin and then slowly nerfed out of existence over the next year or two

but if we fear overpowered ships so much that we don’t even add them, we will never be getting new ships.

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And we just got lightning ships from EDENCOM.

They aren’t allowed to do damage and you can’t buy them but we have three new EDENCOM ships to screw up the ship balance.

Let me repeat myself. We have more than 300 ships to fly in New Eden. Unless you have flown them all and know by heart their perks and ins and outs to a science, I am pretty sure we do not need more ships.

8 high slots (7 nuts +1 nos) with bonuses…

“What about that Xbox we bought you last Christmas, you dont even play with it anymore!”

Faction ships are a good affordable ship for PVP and PVE usable without max skills but something a bit better than the cheap T1 stuff
They are great in every other ship category at being that yet still not able to match the function of T2 or T3 ships.
The only reservation I have about it is the destructive power of a fleet of destroyers is already quite high, if we increase that, what are we opening up ?
What can a destroyer deliver that another ship can’t ?
My first though is high DPS for low cost, well if navy destroyers are not especially low cost what else does a destroyer do that could potentially make it |OP ?
Fast locking speed for DPS / alpha maybe ?
Maybe some other things ?

The overall theme of police faction or navy ships is that they are tech one but you get a tad more ehp plus speed and agility.

The problem I see here would be that you would step on the toes of assault frigates and combat interceptors.

They may not have the assault damage control but high enough damage to vaporize them at point blank range with the mobility that would make the cynabel blush.

And all that for maybe 40-50m isk.

Then we get new forum threads that assault frigates and combat interceptors are useless and need balance again.

Then come the complaints that navy destroyers need some love and so forth.

I for one would love a Federation Navy Catalyst with 900dps that will make the triglavian one run for the hills but the niches are already tight at smaller ships.

OK so lets look at a thorax 5 turrets 5% damage bonus /level
Navy Exequror 5 Turrets 5% damage/level 5% rof/level
Deimos 5 turrets 7.5% damage/level 5% damage/HAC level
Vigilant 5 turrets 75% damage role bonus

Why would a navy catalyst have 900 dps ?

A proper Catalyst already does 800dps, so I am guessing the navy ones would do around 5%-ish more.

With 3 mag stabs and Neutron blasters with Void I get 600 dps
So what are you referring to polarised and overheated ?